Technology Android


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but these days CM is not always the best option for some devices, or people just prefer other ones. I use CM almost exclusively, so I guess this will work. I remember about a month ago, CM had a video that was teasing something. I think I posted it here. Not sure if this announcement was what it was.

So now it the rumors have shifted back to LG and the G2 being the next Nexus device. I guess we just won't know until Q4 when more info. is out.

Sidenote, I'm starting to back pedal on getting another tablet entirely now. I've made some more money selling some stuff, including a 3.5 year old BlackBerry 9630 (the one with the trackball) for $75. Not bad, considering brand new ones (surprised they're still out there) are going for about $64 on eBay. I am cooning coons right now with these sales. Selling my HD428s for $50 when I got them for under $40, shipped. So I'm kinda excited now, because I can tack on my $90 Amazon credit and really go wild. $250+75+50+20+$10 (hot plate which was for 15 before I abused it for a semester)+$90 Amazon credit is a fuck ton of money.

So now I'm getting real careful about even spending $70 to get an upgraded set of cans, like the Sony MDR70s, or whatever.

Seems like a lot less when you consider it as being the equivalent to £258.36.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, stuff is cheaper in States, so it would buy me an iPad Mini and the 2013 Nexus 7. Or a solid Windows laptop. Or an SSD, 8GB or RAM, and a new HDD for my MBP.

Or, it would pay you Brittons' phone bills for a year.

Edit: Oh wait, I forgot to mention I struck up a deal with a teacher at a vet school here on the island to put Logic Pro X, Office 2011, and Mavericks on her MacBook Pro along with Aperture for $50. Not bad for less than two hours of work, most of which is just waiting for shit to install or download.

I'll let her download the main updates at home.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm thinking about getting a MBA in Hong Kong. It's cheaper than in the US because of no taxes and it's actually shipped to the US from there, and I can always sell it for twice its price back in Europe.

I'm also thinking about some Windows laptop, but they all come with shitty Win8 now, and Win7 slowly becomes dated.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
For a second there I thought you were talking about the MBA degree. And it just sounded so wrong.

If a PC come with Win8, can you not downgrade to 7?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
For a second there I thought you were talking about the MBA degree. And it just sounded so wrong.

If a PC come with Win8, can you not downgrade to 7?

hahah, I re-read my post and it looks awesome that way.

Well, I can downgrade to 7, and can upgrade to 9 later on. But.. I'm not satisfied where Microsoft is taking Windows. And I like MBA's design, Haswells and battery life and at this point I will need a personal laptop mostly for casual stuff I think. I have another Windows laptop.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
hahah, I re-read my post and it looks awesome that way.

Well, I can downgrade to 7, and can upgrade to 9 later on. But.. I'm not satisfied where Microsoft is taking Windows. And I like MBA's design, Haswells and battery life and at this point I will need a personal laptop mostly for casual stuff I think. I have another Windows laptop.

Is Haswell and its battery life not available on a Windows machine? Given your history of shying away from Macs in favor of a comparable PC that was also cheaper, I'm sure you could handle downgrading to Win7 and living off of that for another five years or so. XP lasted about as long and under similar circumstances with Vista being a huge flop, like Win8.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Pretty much the same thing. My Mac's battery life has saved my ass plenty of times, though. Some classrooms in both colleges I've been in, are not properly equipped to handle 200+ people each needing a charger. Most people I know live and die by the power outlet and all they do is view PowerPoints. Their laptops just don't last more than three hours, and that's with the screen brightness down to "1".

Even three years later, my Mac allows me to skip the charger entirely and can last me about a good 4 or 5 hours of internet browsing, PowerPoints open, and maybe even downloading a torrent all at the same time. Others are fiending for a power outlet.

That's why whatever Apple does to its OS or hardware (undervolting or clocking or whatever the terminology is, I don't have Masta's knowledge) and it works for me.

So it's what you do, but more of an endurance thing. Even if there were 200 outlets in a classroom, it would be annoying to have to remain plugged in or constantly getting on and off the charger.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member

I get 6 hours out of my Lenovo X220. Although I have an extended battery.

Although I really would like a slim laptop for work, even a Mac. I'd take anything. I have this fucking HP monstrosity that weighs about 5 Kg. I carry it around all day. It's fucking cumbersome.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, I'm not sure what it is that gives my notebook its battery life, but I run moderately intensive stuff on it to get my benchmarks. I use Chrome, which has always been a memory hog. I use Flash EVERYWHERE, which also takes a bit into battery life. In addition to Chrome in the background, I will have Word and/PowerPoint open as well (I'm in class, remember, supposed to be following along). And I still get about six hours. And that's on my three year old battery. Which is at 86% of its original capacity, according to iStat and Coconut Battery.

Anyway, this was nice to read.

It may sound silly, but I hope soon Google can release new phones at a $199 price point. There would be absolutely no reason to go through a carrier, if the phone, outright, was the same as a "subsidized" one on a carrier.

$249 isn't bad, but $50 can definitely let a couple of more thousand people in to the Nexus realm, if money is an issue for them.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
The comments section is great. Full of puns. Seems uncharacteristic of Google to do something like this, though.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
The comments section is great. Full of puns. Seems uncharacteristic of Google to do something like this, though.

Why do iOS fans go into the android news story and then post about the android limitations though?

People are morons. It's the same when it comes to everything. Sport, movies, TV, music. I don't read comments sections. Full of jealous morons who feel the whole world has to agree with them to validate their opinions.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, the rest of the comments are wondering why Google is doing something like this. While one can understand that this partnership might be about the money, does Google really need to have a partnership with Nestle? I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like they're getting a whole lot out of it and Nestle is just enjoying some extra publicity. To make your OS name after a trademarked candy bar? This reminds me of NASCAR and the stickers slapped on the cars going around and around a track. The OS seems to be like a billboard for advertising.

I know Google makes a business out of selling information, but seems like a new frontier for them and something that might be the beginning of them partnering with companies to get their products plugged in in exchange for a fee.

This is like the whole Nexus thing, except with software now. People will wonder with company will get the rights to naming and possibly theming the next Android OS, and then who will have the honors of the hardware.

This is just such a weird thing for Google to do, it doesn't make sense. I love Kit Kats. But I don't want Kit Kat shit in my phone software. There's no word on if that's happening or not, but it's something worth considering. Why was the partnership made when it doesn't really help Google (seemingly)? Has there always been a segment of the Kit Kat demography that had an aversion to Android so Google is trying to sway them over?

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