Yeah, but these days CM is not always the best option for some devices, or people just prefer other ones. I use CM almost exclusively, so I guess this will work. I remember about a month ago, CM had a video that was teasing something. I think I posted it here. Not sure if this announcement was what it was.
So now it the rumors have shifted back to LG and the G2 being the next Nexus device. I guess we just won't know until Q4 when more info. is out.
Sidenote, I'm starting to back pedal on getting another tablet entirely now. I've made some more money selling some stuff, including a 3.5 year old BlackBerry 9630 (the one with the trackball) for $75. Not bad, considering brand new ones (surprised they're still out there) are going for about $64 on eBay. I am cooning coons right now with these sales. Selling my HD428s for $50 when I got them for under $40, shipped. So I'm kinda excited now, because I can tack on my $90 Amazon credit and really go wild. $250+75+50+20+$10 (hot plate which was for 15 before I abused it for a semester)+$90 Amazon credit is a fuck ton of money.
So now I'm getting real careful about even spending $70 to get an upgraded set of cans, like the Sony MDR70s, or whatever.