This is my thread


Well-Known Member
Man... I have many friends who fell into the trap of oxy and other opiates, some passed away, some in jail, some still using, even after I had to do cpr on them while od'n. I really want to see that doc. I've personally never used anything like that but I research the shit out of it. It's a bullshit way to make me feel better about my friends throwing their lives away. I've tried so much shit to try to get them stop, jobs, free place to live etc, nothing works. He's so damn right saying no one understands addiction unless you experience it yourself. No one is going to quit unless they truly want to. It's cool someone with any type of celebrity is tackling the issue with so much passion

And that Peter Hitches guy is in so much denial


Well-Known Member
^Word. As a former full-blown coke head, I can't stand to talk addiction with people who've never used. They just don't get it. That's one of the things that used to really piss me off about Coonie a few years back.


Well-Known Member
And to be fair I'm sure Coon knows much on the subject. But experience is the greatest teacher. I've always been like why can't you just stop with my friends, thinking its not that difficult. Then I try to stop drinking soda and am miserable cause of me not having any caffeine. Then I'm thinking I couldn't imagine being dope sick where your whole body shuts down and you feel miserable for over a month. Then the mental battle of I can't do this feed me those drugs vs staying clean, fuck that. I'm just glad I never got into that.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Yep. Russell Brand is coming from an ex-user position. He isn't claiming to have the answers, but he proposes that criminalisation isn't working. Hitchens is too opinionated on a subject he has very little life experience of.

The video is pretty old, but I was having a youtube moment.


Staff member
describe full-blown coke head.

I could never be a cokehead simply because after two nights of solid use, my boogers turn bloody and I start wiping blood out of my nose. that's more than enough to put the shit on hold for an extended period of time.


Staff member
For you Chrome users, I seriously recommend this extension

Ridiculous how many sites are out there tracking shit. Never imagined it to be this bad.

Ghostery is better from my experience although I've been using both Disconnect and Ghostery for probably like a year now. I get to block like 45 trackers on one website at a time. You just gotta make sure you don't block shit that will prevent you from using the site.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, here's the conundrum: I have never used anything illegal. I use alcohol, but certainly don't abuse it. I may abuse nicotine and for sure, I am addicted. But I can not relate to hard drug use, like cocaine, heroin, whatever. So, yeah, my comments in the Amy Winehouse thread were definitely out of ignorance, but still, to this day, I can not honestly say that I can relate to drug addicts. Feel sorry, sure. It sucks flushing your life down the toilet, whether it be through drugs or any other means. But how can you expect me to still see the problem from their perspective?

Funk said it, people that haven't used that still speak on the subject ignorantly piss him off. And that one can not know the feeling of addiction unless they themselves have been a user. So in any other situation where you do not know the person is going through, you can not put yourself in their shoes (accurately, at least), what do you do? Keep your opinions to yourself? Fine. But then isn't this documentary not solely about people misunderstanding the "true" problem at hand, but also not really talking about it to begin with?

So that puts an inexperienced person, such as myself, in a real bad position. If I say nothing, I am still (by definition of many people sympathizing with addicts) part of the problem. But then I can't say anything either because I have no experience, and what I say WILL be shunned as being from someone that doesn't understand what an addict is going through.

What do I say, "oh, that's a real bad situation to be in." No shit, Sherlock. "I can't imagine the pain they're going through. I can't imagine myself in their situation." Ok....

That's small talk. Bullshit banter that is, and should be, insulting to the addicts. I care about the problem enough to have an opinion on it, but at the same time people are telling me that I can't understand what it means to be an addict/abuser without actually having been one, and if I say nothing people mistake it for apathy. It's a lose-lose.

So maybe this is some unique issue that can only really be solved for addicts, by addicts. Because they're truly the only ones that know what's going on with the system and where it's failing. Doctors and scientists can sit there and tell you the physiological and pharmacological pathways at play here, but they haven't experienced addiction for themselves, right? So who steps up and fixes this issue? The doctors that are already prescribing methadone as a means of "treatment" or the ex-addicts that don't have the science (probably) but do have the experience?


Well-Known Member
^This woulda been 3-4 years ago. Where you would come across the same way the dickhead in the video Pittsey posted did.

describe full-blown coke head.

I could never be a cokehead simply because after two nights of solid use, my boogers turn bloody and I start wiping blood out of my nose. that's more than enough to put the shit on hold for an extended period of time.
4-5 nights a week, staying up entire weekends. That kinda thing.. maybe not a full blown low bottom fiend but definitely had a problem.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Nice post, Coonie.

There is no easy answer. Russell Brand doesn't have the answer, he just proposes we try a new way, a way that worked for him. But as we all know, we are all different, so the same size won't fit all...!

I've done hard drugs. All of them. But... I have never been an addict, or even had a little problem. I guess I am not wired that way and the high was never better than the comedown or the financial and emotional cost of long term drug use.

I have 2 friends who have been using Heroin for 15 years now. They are not your typical drug users, they look healthy and for the main part hold down decent jobs. Although one of them has been through 5 jobs in that period. But... He is still employed. They don't inject, which does seem to be a large step into shit.

I have to admit that my sympathy and support for them died a long time ago. I tried to be supportive but now I am of the opinion that they are addicts. They've made their choice, I have no power over them and I don't even try to talk to them about drugs. I pretend it doesn't go on and talk about sport, current affairs or the weather instead. If they're on drugs, (as often they will have an implant that means they can't get high from them, so stop), I avoid them completely.


Well-Known Member
something might be wrong with me. I woke up in the middle on the night and i noticed my left arm and leg were tingly and numb. I thought i was just laying in a weird position for too long so i moved and it didn't go away. i got up moved around and nothing, sometimes got worse and i would feel it in my face and head area, only on my left side though. it's been like this for about 20 minutes now, i dont have a headache or blurred vision and i can talk and do things normal. i dont think i'm having a stroke, just like a pinched nerve or something. It's kind of scary though, coon, jokerman, any words of wisdom


Well-Known Member
Did some stretching, got a massage, numbness and tingling was still persistent for over an hour. Called this nurse medical advice line and they said call 911 immediately because i was exhibiting symptoms of a heart attack, which I didn't think was happening. Regardless I took to her word and had my friend drive me to the emergency room. Tell them my symptoms and right away 5 people rush in to "get ahead of this thing" like they thought I was about to have a full on stroke. Luckily I did not. There is really no way to tell but they believe I had a seizure because of tests they did and I had a really bad bloody lip, i bit a good part of it, which I had no idea was there until they told me. I said it could be because it feels like i went to the dentist my face was so numb so I may have accidentally bit it but they're pretty adamant about me having a seizure. They do some blood tests and everything looks good, he said my sed rate was 4 which is pretty good, but sort of scares me cus too low of a score means you could have problems with your liver, but I digress. My ct scan was good so no problems their. This shit is just weird. I didn't get any real good answers to anything so they basically rest up for a couple days if it gets worse call us or come back in.


Well-Known Member
What symptoms did she have? And how'd they find that. I told them I had a root canal on my top left molar about 3 months back but they said the ct scan would show anything like that. I called the doc with more questions and also voicing my displeasure but he was really busy and I was understandable. He then told me they did more blood work and an enzyme level was high and they now think a had a tia. He legit told me they did what they thought they could and then pushed me out so they can get someone else in my room. I guess it didn't help that I don't have insurance at the moment. I'm feeling alright at the moment, very woozy and my balance feels uneven but he said I'd have similar symptoms for approx 24 hours


Well-Known Member
TIA is serious and says you're at a high risk of eventually having a stroke. Is your blood pressure or cholesterol high? Time for you to make some health changes. Lower the amount of fat you take in daily for a start. Eat blue fruits: grapes, plums, blueberries. They contain a pigment that has been shown to help prevent strokes. Tomatoes too. Also, take a B-complex supplement. If you feel numbness again take a couple of aspirin and get to a hospital. Most importantly, support the Heat because winning is healthy.


Well-Known Member
I hate you. My cholesterol is good I think its my blood pressure that's high for whatever reason. I eat pretty healthy, can cut out some sugary foods for sure. Yeah they told me 1 out of 3 people will have a stroke within a year. The doctor said I'm in really good shape and to clean up my diet a little bit and I should be fine. He said since I play some high impact sports it was most likely from some random contusion that could be the cause. My body still feels pretty weird, tiny bits of numbness feeling but im taking a couple aspirin. I was told the symptoms would likely last for 24 to 48 hours now


Well-Known Member
My uncle, who had a stroke, was telling me he did acupuncture after to get rid of tingling sensation he was feeling. Anyone know anything about acupuncture and its benefits

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