why not the new nexus 7 that is supposed to be coming?
I dunno if you can get newspapers I read on Android like the WSJ and the Chicago Tribune. I always see ads for the iPad apps, but never for Android. Which segues me into my next issue and that is that iOS seems to have a more streamlined approach to delivering content. Forget games, I'm talking getting books and newspapers. My interests have changed, and no longer is it relevant to me that iOS usually gets the latest and greatest games first. It's that my OS is reliable that I can count on it to synchronize my subscriptions with me having to have any input. I can't even get my Android apps to update automatically, despite having the option checked in the Settings. And it's not those dumb manual updates, it's all of them.
Hardware performance is not that big of a deal. I already mentioned I knew the parts of the Mini were "old." I think the iPad 2? It's the OS that I like when using it somewhat like a PC when on the go. I like that I wouldn't have to suck dick to find accessories for it and said accessories would be bountiful when I searched for them on Amazon. I've just grown used to iOS for some things. I can't do the Android music app. I just don't like it. Like I said, I don't care about hardware performance. If I did, my TouchPad is fine for me, performance wise, and it eats the dick of both the Mini and the N7. I just don't like Android for productivity and media. Sure, Google services are nice and Drive is just getting better and better, but iOS has an app for that too. Office is due out for iOS too, right? Android will get that too.
Maybe my feelings will change later on, but more and more medical students are carrying tablets when learning in the hospital and if/when I get to that point I'm gonna need one too. Most of the students, from what it seems, use iPads. A friend of mine uses an N7, as per my recommendation, but he was looking for a cheap but solid option.
While both tablets are probably built well and to the same standards, I just like iOS better in this situation. For my phone, Android is much better, but for more serious use than playing Temple Run 2 on my phone, I think the iPad is more professional. It integrates well with my Mac too. While the price difference isn't big enough this time around, I said I would wait for the Mini 2 vs the next best Nexus tablet and hope for some better internals in the Mini and quite possibly the Retina Display as well.
Android tablets seem to always just tout their hardware specs. Aren't we at the same point with tablets that we are with phones? Who needs a desktop-caliber GPU in their tablets? When it comes to playing media, the Mini has better battery life by about an hour over the 7. Same with web browsing. That's huge for me too.
If not, I will always still have my ghetto-rigged Android TouchPad to throw around. This bitch has seen some abuse the last 18+ months being my video players and account hacker. Hijacked Facebook sessions of people over our WiFi on the island. It was great. Couldn't do that with iOS.