I don't mean to take anything away from them cus what they did was noble to say the least but I still can't wrap my head around why no one tried to stop him. There were people in the Navy in there that didn't do a thing. One guy said he felt shells land on top of him and then heard the guy reload and didn't do anything. It's just crazy to me. And I know I know who knows how someone would react in that situation blah blah blah, dudes in the Navy were trained for that shit... and then you hear the guy reloading right above you, it's like come on. With that being said I wish one of these guys gave up their lives trying to stop the guy not being a shield, a bit fucked up but that's just my thought on it.
Also, the conspiracy theorists are going crazy right now, a lot of it makes sens to be honest, but who knows. A friend of mine showed me this.
Pretty crazy
I can definitely see it from that point; why he didn't go after the gun man, but who knows the gunman's exact location? In the dark, with adrenaline going, you resort to your animal instincts. I think those instincts are to protect what's yours and fuck the rest, even if it's just temporarily. Your kid/wife over someone else's.
Feminists are crazy. I see a lot, if not most, as on-par with religious fanatics. If religion needs to die, some many atheists wish for, I think feminism needs to go first. I think an egalitarian movement will be more productive and will step on fewer toes in the process. When everyone feels included (men, women, transexuals, and any other gender identities out there) then I think we'll come together and and get closer to equality. There will always be radical feminists and masculinists (who are often labeled as misogynists the same way radfems are labeled as misandrists) but at least we'll get over the brick wall or stalemate we're at now because fewer people will be butting heads.
Just my thoughts. Many women want to eat the cake too, and as someone who truly sees males and females as different, but still equal, it rubs me the wrong way when I'm expected to be a floormat in numerous situations. Fortunately, a good number of females I know can identify these situations and I definitely respect them more for it.