It started off as protests against Charest's decision to rise tuition substantially in the next 4-6 years. People hated it and took to the streets. While many people have been split on the issue (in universities at the time, it's almost become violent), a lot of the strikes and protests have been infiltrated by Anarchists, also known here as The Black Block. We were having protests daily, many which had been violent, so the Charest Government introduced Bill 78. A bill that targets protests and the way they're formed. The problems is, even for myself, I find the bill somewhat draconian. Even a few human rights associations have looked at the bill with a weary eye.
That said, we're probably going to the polls soon, the problem is - Quebec politics is fucked. I usually vote Liberal, but there is scandal after scandal after scandal. What does that leave me with? Parti Quebecois, ADQ and the CAQ, all which are Quebec nationalists, PQ has that retarded bitch Marois. ADQ has the psychopath Amir Kadir and CAQ are a bit too right for my liking, and the right will never do anything here in Quebec. I'm left with the Green Party really which is a wasted vote.