This is my thread


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Are we the only two SH guys who smoke? I'm on that Newport 100 shit. Since December 12, it's the only vice I indulge. Still, it will kill me and I have to stop. Unfair.
I smoke Newps and Dunhill Switches. The other pussies at my school smoke Marl menthol lights. I also smoke Reds. It keeps the niggers away from me because non-menthols is their kryptonite. Like voting.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Are we the only two SH guys who smoke? I'm on that Newport 100 shit. Since December 12, it's the only vice I indulge. Still, it will kill me and I have to stop. Unfair.
I smoke Newps and Dunhill Switches. The other pussies at my school smoke Marl menthol lights. I also smoke Reds. It keeps the niggers away from me because non-menthols is their kryptonite. Like voting.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I'm loving this Stoli. I've had the unflavored one a few years ago. This time I bought the strawberry flavored one for shits and gigs. I could drink it straight.

Next on the list is the red berry Ciroc.


Well-Known Member
Facebook was buggy for me too, was it yesterday or something. Same thing happened, comments disappeared only to reappear later.

Those click&roll cigarettes are wack as shit.


Well-Known Member
I bought a carton of cigs when I came back home from Germany. I never ever did that ever when I smoked. And I've quit hash and cigarettes. I wanted to feel what it was like to have 200 cigarettes. That feeling where you can just smoke a 20-pack in a day and you don't even have to think about it. But I just ended up smoking a 20-pack a day. I'm gonna go cold turkey after the weekend (which is how long the last two packs will last me at this pace I'm going). I swear I'm not gonna buy more.

That girl in the gif masta posted in the pictures thread was fucking cute. I wanted to see more pictures. Keco is my favorite member atm.


Well-Known Member
Hypothesis: your shit smell is relative to the amount of time you've been brewing it. Even a non-smelly shit has the potential to do some damage if you just hold it in for a few hours. My most recent trip to the bathroom suggests this.



Staff member
there's no way i could go through a pack in one day. i'd feel awful. i think because to go through a pack in one day, i'd have to be drinking the whole day. but there's that treshold where one additional cig will make you throw up if you smoke it. hate being at that level. i don't think it's the same for nicotine addicts. the way to know a true addict is if they wake up in the morning with a killer hangover and light a cigarette. the thought of smoking a cig when i'm hungover is death.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I smoke a bit, like 2-3 cigarettes a day on average I suppose.
It might appear strange but I just found out that I had last smoked over a week ago and haven't smoked since then just because.. I somehow forgot about it. I've been occupied with other things and simply haven't been bored, drinking or stressed out (not nervous, stressed out) and these seem to be the only things that trigger my will to smoke in me. I've been smoking like that for.. I think over 8 years now (with a few breaks)? Strange.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I enjoy smoking. Before med school, I could make a pack last 2.5, almost 3 days. Now I smoke a pack within 36 hours. I can't say it's the stress, though. It's no more than what it was in college. Maybe a tad more, but not enough to warrant a jump in smoking almost two-fold.

I have histology as my first class in the morning, which is an absolute drag. So I brought some Stoli in a water bottle and chugged it at the security gate and threw the bottle away. Kinda overshot my range for staying buzzed. Went through three classes with my head against the wall.

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