The Game (Uncle Otis) - new diss song


Staff member
haha I just hit you up on FB about this and then deleted it after seeing this thread.

It's only a slight coincidence that his album is coming out in August...hmm.


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Yeah, he always pulls this shit. It's getting lame. Plus, I swear HE was the one trying to act as the peacemaker between Tyler and Chris Brown before. You can't play that role and then turn around and diss a bunch of dudes for no reason.

Plus, he's dissing Kreayshawn for saying nigga when she barely says it, it's her girl V-Nasty from White Girl Mob that's always saying it and uppity folks are getting mad about it. But I don't see any real hood dudes getting mad about it because they know there's all kinds of races in the hood and they all say it, these days it's purely just ebonics more than anything else so there's nothing to trip on.

It's like he's just finding excuses to cuss anyone with a buzz. "I created Tyler the Creator" - ummmmm... OK? Plx explain? If Eminem said that I'd get it, but I don't really say anything in common between what Game does and Tyler, at all.


Staff member
^the nigga thing comes from this time when she quoted DMX on twitter and it had nigga in it. something like that. completely overblown situation.


Well-Known Member
Plus, he's dissing Kreayshawn for saying nigga when she barely says it, it's her girl V-Nasty from White Girl Mob that's always saying it and uppity folks are getting mad about it. But I don't see any real hood dudes getting mad about it because they know there's all kinds of races in the hood and they all say it, these days it's purely just ebonics more than anything else so there's nothing to trip on.
How much time do you spend in the hood again?


Well-Known Member
^i dunno how much time he spends in the hood, but he's right.

Latino's use it all the time.

Never heard no whites say it though.

...and im not bothering listening to that shit, only bc, like u said, he does it everytime he's coming out with an album. smh.

he only stopped the chris brown and tyler beef bc chris brown has more power over a beef than him and he wouldn't be able to pull that shit off if chris brown took his shine.


Well-Known Member
It's different from region to region but I don't really give a shit about that or the Game, either. I just think it's funny to imagine a British scenester strutting into a "real hood" to investigate what "real hood dudes" think about pop culture issues of the day and reporting back via mobile social media. I can picture it as a Chappelle's Show-meets-Sacha-Baron-Cohen skit, but more HBOey. Maybe the Casey character brings a friend who's like extra extra Jewish and the hood guys try to intimidate him into giving them record deals (Jews love when you joke about them being benignly powerful so it won't be racist).


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
It's different from region to region but I don't really give a shit about that or the Game, either. I just think it's funny to imagine a British scenester strutting into a "real hood" to investigate what "real hood dudes" think about pop culture issues of the day and reporting back via mobile social media. I can picture it as a Chappelle's Show-meets-Sacha-Baron-Cohen skit, but more HBOey. Maybe the Casey character brings a friend who's like extra extra Jewish and the hood guys try to intimidate him into giving them record deals (Jews love when you joke about them being benignly powerful so it won't be racist).
Because Britain doesn't do poverty? Or Black people?


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Because Britain doesn't do poverty? Or Black people?
Ignore him, he's ignorant of the fact that we have serious poverty in England and that global Americanization means a lot of them are indistinguishable from US ghettos, especially when it comes to gang, drug and racial relation issues.

For your information, roaches, I live in Handsworth, one of the worst hoods in the country, it's almost completely populated by Jamaicans and Indians, and we have one of the highest gang and crime rates in the country. I also lived in a pretty rough area of North Portland for a while with my wife, so I don't "strut into real hoods and report about them on social media", I fucking live in them, you ignoramus.

I don't know what the fuck you think England is like.. actually most Americans don't in my experience. Go watch Kidulthood, or Bullet Boy, or something before you spout such complete nonsense.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
What does that have to do with anything? I'm talking about American cultural issues.
You were mocking him. That somehow he can't relate or understand social aspects of American poverty. Every country in the world has poor people who live in forgotten shit holes. Compared to most countries American ghettos are a holiday camp.

In America "you" (not you personally) stick your poor in areas away from the majority of middle road citizens. In London, for example, you can have a multi million pound house less than a 15 minute walk from the shittest of areas.

And what Casey has said above is true. Birmingham has a problem with Yardies opening up automatic weapons on the street both day and night. The violence isn't kept to within the "ghettos" though. It's anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Other countries have marginalized minorities and poverty, too? You don't say.

Race and the word "nigger" (which these days is not purely just ebonics more than anything else so yes there is something to trip on) in particular occupy a different (not 100%, but still) place in American society and history compared to the rest of the world. Get over yourselves.


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(which these days is not purely just ebonics more than anything else so yes there is something to trip on).
I'm speaking specifically about the hood. Nobody in Oakland, where she lives, trips on VNasty saying nigga. Because she ain't the only white girl saying it, and the latinos say it too, and the asians..... I've been in Compton, same shit there. I've been in the roughest parts of Toronto, same shit there. Same shit where I live, same shit in London. If you actually read the original post, I stated that pretty clearly.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Other countries have marginalized minorities and poverty, too? You don't say.

Race and the word "nigger" (which these days is not purely just ebonics more than anything else so yes there is something to trip on) in particular occupy a different (not 100%, but still) place in American society and history compared to the rest of the world. Get over yourselves.
I thought I should point out the obvious as you seemed to have overlooked it.

I don't think I need to get over myself, I am not the one with the self righteous attitude. I think you have a deluded self importance, not unlike most Americans.

Racism in America is standard. People of different creeds and colour having issues with each other based on historical wrongs. It's like a blueprint of racism. Not any different to any other country. If you want to look at where racism has a different cultural impact, it is in countries within Africa. Rwanda, for example. Areas which have resulted in mass genocide caused by nothing more than words.


Staff member
The word "nigga" is largely an American sociological and cultural issue. It's not about poverty. It's about Black people IN America where a white girl FROM America said nigga IN America. You get the point. The notion that Black people use the N word in London is irrelevant to what roaches is pointing out.

Also, saying that the word "nigga" is largely a matter of ebonics is a huge disrespect to a significant amount of Black people (not just impoverished in the hoods) who are against the word's usage and hate its ubiquity in rap culture. Many Black people have given me a "pass" for dropping the n word here and there (in a joking way), but that doesn't make it OK for me to do so. I still felt bad (when I sobered up).

Also, again, it's blown out of proportion. Kreayshawn doesn't readily use the N word. I haven't even HEARD her say it. It's only she posted it on twitter, quoting a lyric. V Nasty says it, but she's not White, she's like half Black. But let's not get into the whole thing about who has the right to say the n word. Personally, I think no one should be saying it.


Well-Known Member
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The word "nigga" is largely an American sociological and cultural issue. It's not about poverty. It's about Black people IN America where a white girl FROM America said nigga IN America. You get the point. The notion that Black people use the N word in London is irrelevant to what roaches is pointing out.
It's not largely an American cultural issue. There were a great deal of slaves in England too. Just as much white supremacism in the 20th century, etc.

Culturally, hip-hop spread to England even before many other places in the US outside of NYC. Urban youth here have been using the word for just as long. This issue with V-Nasty could just as easily have happened here and offended/not offended the same groups of people.

Also, saying that the word "nigga" is largely a matter of ebonics is a huge disrespect to a significant amount of Black people (not just impoverished in the hoods) who are against the word's usage and hate its ubiquity in rap culture. Many Black people have given me a "pass" for dropping the n word here and there (in a joking way), but that doesn't make it OK for me to do so. I still felt bad (when I sobered up).
Again, I established in the original post that I was solely referring to hoods. Clearly, it's not just a matter of ebonics outside of the streets, but why does anyone expect V-Nasty to change who she is and always has been, simply because there's a spotlight that's not even really on HER, because her friend has a couple of hot songs on the radio and signed a record deal?

Also, again, it's blown out of proportion. Kreayshawn doesn't readily use the N word. I haven't even HEARD her say it. It's only she posted it on twitter, quoting a lyric. V Nasty says it, but she's not White, she's like half Black. But let's not get into the whole thing about who has the right to say the n word. Personally, I think no one should be saying it.
Yeah, I feel ya.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
The word "nigga" is largely an American sociological and cultural issue. It's not about poverty. It's about Black people IN America where a white girl FROM America said nigga IN America. You get the point. The notion that Black people use the N word in London is irrelevant to what roaches is pointing out.

Also, saying that the word "nigga" is largely a matter of ebonics is a huge disrespect to a significant amount of Black people (not just impoverished in the hoods) who are against the word's usage and hate its ubiquity in rap culture. Many Black people have given me a "pass" for dropping the n word here and there (in a joking way), but that doesn't make it OK for me to do so. I still felt bad (when I sobered up).

Also, again, it's blown out of proportion. Kreayshawn doesn't readily use the N word. I haven't even HEARD her say it. It's only she posted it on twitter, quoting a lyric. V Nasty says it, but she's not White, she's like half Black. But let's not get into the whole thing about who has the right to say the n word. Personally, I think no one should be saying it.
I wasn't arguing those points. I was just pointing out that racism and poverty exists in England. From his posts it appeared that he was of the believe we are all pretty countrysides and bowler hats. I agree with the use of the word "Nigger/Nigga" and I don't think it should be used by anyone, white or black.

But... We have the same cultural and racial issues worldwide. American problems aren't unique. And to believe that is closeminded.

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