

Well-Known Member
I came in here hoping to get an answer to the thread starter's question. Years back, I had everyone telling me how good 'the black album' was. I listened to it intently but, everything about it just whooshed over my head. Having said that, I try so hard to listen to his music but, I just don't get it. I guess you either get it or you don't.

The only thing I'll come out of here with, after 4 pages of posts is 'reasonable doubt'. I'll go and give the LP a listen, not like I'll be in a rush to do it either.


Staff member
Yeah if you didn't like the Black Album or the first Blueprint then I guess he's just not for you. I've really gotten exhausted when trying to explain a rapper's dopeness over the years so I swore I won't do it anymore. So yeah, too bad so sad for you.


Well-Known Member
Well, most of this is what you already know. Music is a feeling more than anything else. Hence, you can explain the dopeness of someone's music. If they aren't feeling it, that's all it is to it. That's in my opinion what makes music so diverse. People will listen to e.g. reggae and absolutely love it, while others just don't get whats so good about it. The same applies for many other musical genres out there that we hardly even know about.

Someone may come in here and tell me Elvis is dope and that's why his legacy is so popular. If I don't feel Elvis, that doesn't mean he is not talented (that for another day to talk about), it just means the music doesn't strike the chord with me, the listener. A lot of people, myself included don't listen to Shania Twain but, damn!!!!! The woman sells records like diamond sales is her minimum target :)

Loads of people can't stand anything about 2pac or his music. I absolutely love his music, I could care less if others don't like what he puts out. I sure wish they would though :D Some people I've met will give 2pac's music a few listens and then they're like, "You know, this isn't as bad as I thought". In the case of Jay-Z all I'm seeing right here is (as his fans will call it) hating. I didn't hate, I just said I don't get his music.

In addition, I'm sorry if I offended any other Jay-Z fans on here.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
i just don't understand. how could you possibly..possibly..think that his rapping is below average? like i'm not tryna diss, i genuinely want to know how/why? like i could perhaps understand how you just don't feel his music.. but to actually say his rapping isn't good.. is just so strange to me? especially in reference to a track like "d'evils".

help me understand.
That's because I can spend some time listening to a decent amateur group or an average underground rapper and then bump Jay-Z (yes, I have 2 of his "greatest" albums. Not in mp3, I actually really bought them) and think that I find him weak in comparison.
I guess he's either liked or disliked.
Opinions in the middle are pretty rare.
First of all, I still hate tupac4life.

Next, Jay-Z is great. Every song off of The Blueprint is a classic with the exception of like 2 or 3. He's serious when he wants to be serious (Never Change, Dear Summer, Meet the Parents), he's emotional when he wants to be emotional (You Must Love Me, This Can't Be Life, Soon You'll Understand), he's lyrical or witty when he wants to be (PSA, U Don't Know, Can I Live), he has commercial appeal, and does all of the above better than almost anyone. How he isn't in everyone's top 5 DOA and/or have an album in everyone's top 10 is beyond me. That's almost as bad as saying you don't like Outkast.


Well-Known Member
^^^i wholeheartedly agree with everything you said (except for hating tupac4life!). however, everyone has their own opinions, so if they don't like jay-z, they don't like him. i'm cool with that.
1) You accused Jay-Z of being a Mason.
2) You don't know anything about Masons.
3) You spelled "you're" wrong.
See, now that is the kind of lame ass crap I expected from a fake ass lameo.

1) Boofuckinhoo, prove me wrong.
2) Thats pretty presumtious, you don't know what I know to be able to say that.
3) If you were going to quote me on a wrong word I typed, wouldn't you quote it on my fucked up word, not the correct one you are trying to correct me with ?
4) Little Skittle, with a name like that your throwin shit at me? lol, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

Bottom Line for me is, sure Jay may have some catchy tunes, but he's a damn sellout punk (with a girly laugh).

Even the fact that he appeared and tryed to teach Oprah of all people how to freestyle, just speaks volumes to me.
See, now that is the kind of lame ass crap I expected from a fake ass lameo.

1) Boofuckinhoo, prove me wrong.
2) Thats pretty presumtious, you don't know what I know to be able to say that.
3) If you were going to quote me on a wrong word I typed, wouldn't you quote it on my fucked up word, not the correct one you are trying to correct me with ?
4) Little Skittle, with a name like that your throwin shit at me? lol, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

Bottom Line for me is, sure Jay may have some catchy tunes, but he's a damn sellout punk (with a girly laugh).

Even the fact that he appeared and tryed to teach Oprah of all people how to freestyle, just speaks volumes to me.
1) There's virtually no evidence to support him being a Mason. Masons are outspoken about being Masons. He hasn't donated to any Mason organizations or charities, which virtually all Masons do, especially rich ones.
2) I think I've heard you refer to Masons as the Illuminatti before, which is borderline insane, and makes me think that you know virtually nothing about them. Also, since you say Mason like it's a bad thing, you clearly have a very, very elementary understanding of Masons that is probably based on various non-credible websites.
3) No, then I would have spelled it wrong also, as I told you that it was incorrect. I would have had to change my sentence structure and lower my rhetoric, which is something I didn't want to do.
4) I've had this name on this board since I was 14. It's ridiculous, I know. I tried to change it a year or two ago but didn't want to go through the whole process. I decided it wasn't worth it. You spelled "you're" incorrectly again.

I don't like Oprah either, but it's pretty hard to deny that she is one of the most powerful women in America. I don't understand why you're so upset that Jay-Z was on Oprah. What's wrong with making connections with someone like Oprah? Is she a Mason too?
You spelled "you're" incorrectly again.
bahahahaahaha... ETHER.. Little Skittle is my current forum hero

.. on a side note though, who the fuck cares, some people like jay-z, others dont. Thats hip hop for u. Shit would be redundant and lame if we all liked the exact same thing.

For people that don't like Jay-Z cuz he's a mason or part of the illuminati... Cuz of what? obscure accusations and theories? There's accusations and theories that ur hero Tupac was part of the illuminati. Does that mean you'll take everything you read or watch on the internet as fact and stop listening to pac?

Dont get caught up with all that shit b.

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