Video: T-Pain: Jay-Z Is 59 Years Old, If AnyBody Should Be Dead It's Him

Little Skittle

Well-Known Member
This honestly makes me mad, and is a huge reason why I don't listen to rap anymore like I used to. People like T-Pain who have virtually no talent and rely on over-production to create their career for them taking shots at legends, because they call them out on their bullshit. Almost every single person related to hip-hop who has come up in the past five years is a faggot. I literally wish death upon T-Pain.


Active Member
To wish death upon someone..........

This honestly makes me mad, and is a huge reason why I don't listen to rap anymore like I used to. People like T-Pain who have virtually no talent and rely on over-production to create their career for them taking shots at legends, because they call them out on their bullshit. Almost every single person related to hip-hop who has come up in the past five years is a faggot. I literally wish death upon T-Pain.
To wish for death upon a person tells me you have to be pretty screwed up yourself ?

You want a guy dead over some words he said, that had jack to do with you ? I dunno, the rap game has totally changed, I wish pac was still mass producing, and got his movie and political party going, maybe he would of had a bigger voice for the people compared to any of these smug bribe taking corrupt puppets for politicians we call our leaders.

Jay Z is a rockafella sellout and he deserve all the crap this world can give him and more, anyone who likes Jay Z doesnt listen to his lyrics properly, that is obvious. Elitist black punk ! "we gonna run this town tonight" ? You gonna be running from my foot in your behind you sellout fake wannabe.

Barack is the worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days.

Mark my words, if you think Bush was bad, he was only a warmup for MR Black White Barack, full of crack Obama.

Good on the people of America for being so damn ignorant and blind, cos we are all being lead to the slaughter by our own free will, whoohoo !

Little Skittle

Well-Known Member
To wish for death upon a person tells me you have to be pretty screwed up yourself ?

You want a guy dead over some words he said, that had jack to do with you ? I dunno, the rap game has totally changed, I wish pac was still mass producing, and got his movie and political party going, maybe he would of had a bigger voice for the people compared to any of these smug bribe taking corrupt puppets for politicians we call our leaders.

Jay Z is a rockafella sellout and he deserve all the crap this world can give him and more, anyone who likes Jay Z doesnt listen to his lyrics properly, that is obvious. Elitist black punk ! "we gonna run this town tonight" ? You gonna be running from my foot in your behind you sellout fake wannabe.

Barack is the worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days.

Mark my words, if you think Bush was bad, he was only a warmup for MR Black White Barack, full of crack Obama.

Good on the people of America for being so damn ignorant and blind, cos we are all being lead to the slaughter by our own free will, whoohoo !
You are the most ignorant person on this board.

Maybe not, but this is one of the most ignorant posts I've EVER read.

I wish death on T-Pain for ruining our culture, not for dissing Jay-Z. Our generation can't even enjoy a genre of music that we created without it being pimped out? The genre that I loved when I was growing up has turned into such a fucking joke that I can't even listen to it anymore, and you tell me that it doesn't have anything to do with me? Jay-Z is one of the legends, produced 2 (maybe 3) classics(one of them being in the top 5 hip hop albums of all time), a half dozen above average albums, numerous hits, an unplugged album, and is valued at 9 figures. How the FUCK is Jay-Z a sell out? What, are you going to quote one of his singles and say that it's bullshit?

Secret societies and elitists? What the fuck are you even talking about? Can you explain why you think Obama is bad (in a different thread, please), or are you just going to refer to internet conspiracy theory bullshit? It's people like you that give me so little faith in humanity. I don't think that you're over 18, but if you are, you shouldn't be allowed to vote because of your massive ignorance.


Stank ass bitch
Staff member
Jay Z is a rockafella sellout and he deserve all the crap this world can give him and more, anyone who likes Jay Z doesnt listen to his lyrics properly, that is obvious. Elitist black punk ! "we gonna run this town tonight" ? You gonna be running from my foot in your behind you sellout fake wannabe.
sellout from what? or are you just jealous he made millions and you're still stuck working at McDonald's rapping about cheeseburgers?


Active Member
And you guys call me ignorant, seriously ARE YOU FOR REAL ?

Rockafella, being one of the biggest power figuresd in the world, whether you want to believe it or not, and you ask, HOW he has so many successes ?

JEEZ, its nothing to do with having the media under his belt, a backing of BILLIONS of dollars and unlimited power to get what he wants, and to pursuade people with his screwed up lyrics, like I said, anyonw that LIKES Jay Z and his music (sure he may have some pumping beats and what not, but theres more to music that beats)... obviously does not listen, I mean really listen to his muisic.

I'm not some crackpot that just believes anything I read, I have done countless hours of research into elitism and how our government has no real control. There are 13 bloodlines that have gone back thousands of years, they are all around the world and they rule the modern world, through their world banking, stockmarkets, property and business ownership and general power aand influence.

You say I'm ignorant, tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept, I am talking about Obama, how many you stupid little person. "when you were growing up" buddy you still need to cos you cant even open your eyes !

Jay-Z - Run This Town (Satanic, Feemasons, Illuminati) Crazy Stuff, page 1

Check that out, it points our some of the stuff in Jay Z / Rhianna's stuff.

It's not good ay, trust me once you start to learn about these elite guys pulling the strings at the top, you start to relaise they have thier tenticles in just about everything. And it's mind boggling.

Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to, and keep going to work and giving up your taxes without even really being asked your ok about it, keep fucnding our government to keep the rich, rich and the poor even poorer.

Your replies really speak volumes to me. I dont blame you, almost everyone has the wool pulled over thier eyes. Maybe one day you guys will start to realise what I say is true, until then, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hours of research? Well that's certainly enough to break it all down.
And I'm guessing all of the information was online? On sites like

There's also such a thing as removing the wool and replacing it with another piece.


"Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to, and keep going to work and giving up your taxes without even really being asked your ok about it, keep fucnding our government to keep the rich, rich and the poor even poorer."

has nothing to do with secret societies and Jay-Z.

Anti-consumerism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-globalization movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-corporate activism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this stuff you'll actually find outside of internet sites that break down Rihanna videos to find the ghost of Columbus.

If you really wanted to educate and had the knowledge to back it up, you would've put down something a little more than "tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept" about Obama. Wow, mind-blowing information. Reason why they're often called conspiracy theories? The information never really shows up. You've thrown out names and concepts but that's about it.

Put up or shut up.
If you do decide to write something worth reading on the subject please make a new thread.


Active Member
Another "chronic" wanker.......

Hours of research? Well that's certainly enough to break it all down.
And I'm guessing all of the information was online? On sites like

There's also such a thing as removing the wool and replacing it with another piece.


"Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to, and keep going to work and giving up your taxes without even really being asked your ok about it, keep fucnding our government to keep the rich, rich and the poor even poorer."

has nothing to do with secret societies and Jay-Z.

Anti-consumerism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-globalization movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-corporate activism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this stuff you'll actually find outside of internet sites that break down Rihanna videos to find the ghost of Columbus.

If you really wanted to educate and had the knowledge to back it up, you would've put down something a little more than "tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept" about Obama. Wow, mind-blowing information. Reason why they're often called conspiracy theories? The information never really shows up. You've thrown out names and concepts but that's about it.

Put up or shut up.
If you do decide to write something worth reading on the subject please make a new thread.
Chronic, may you need to lay off it a bit ay ? Even too much of a good thing is bad.

Another person with false hope in Obama I see ? Look at the history of American politics you silly fool. A bad president comes in, stuffs things up, then a good guy comes in, and stuffs it up even more, has been going on for 100's of years. The last awesome president which was Kennnedy knew of these secret societies, wanted to out them and got shot in the head for it. Lennon spread the word about peace n love and acceptance and got shot in the back for it, by some guy that doesnt really know what happened, sure there a theories that the CIA brainwashed that assasin with a trigger word to kill lennon, but there is no correlating evidence so I'm not about to go around and say thats what definately happened, but there is a common theme among the peace spreaders of our times, usually something bad happens to them. Bob Marley was getting huge back in the day, and died of a toe cancer or some suss crap like that, there are theories about his death and the US government too. I believe thoeries should be taken onboard, but not to heart until proven.

To discard any information is a bit arrogant and ignorant wouldnt you agree?

So you don't think there is any concern for the link between rockafella's power, Jay Z being under him, Jay Z even wrighting in his lyrics that he's basically above it all, the endless symbolism, Jay Z is another puppet for the masons or illuminati or who ever he's with, he's a fool and if you are trying to defend him, then in my opinion you are a fool too.

Why should I go into detail about all the various promises ? How long has he been in, and whats changed ? Are the troops back home, or are there more there now? Is the health or welfare system getting better ? Are the people really, any better off ?

Did you know George Bush is related to the Queen ? Oh probably, cos you seem to want to come across as a know it all don't you?

If you had any intelligence you would not be talking to me they way you are. My intention is not to attack people, and definately not to attack them just becuase they like an artist I may not like, that's just childish.

I am trying to spread the word that there IS WAY more going on in our society that most people care to think about.

So you don't think listening to the media, has anything to do with secret soceities or Jay Z huh ? Well how about when those media avenues are owned by these secret societies, that try and push Jay Z out there, give him huge amounts of money and publicity and so on and so fourth, oh no you moron, has nothing to do with it huh ?

I've thrown out names and concepts, thats about it is it ?

For anyone remotely interested about what is really going on go look up Alex Jones, Ron Paul or Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hey Chronic, when they tell you Swine flu vaccine is mandatory, I bet you're gonna be the first in line arn't you, first inline for the vaccine the government started stockpiling in 2006, two years before swine flu came out into general popluation mind you. All because you are probably to paranoid. Have you heard many cases of people that have taken Tamiflu and died, or the ones that have been confined to wheelchairs for the rest of their life, all becuase they did not want to take the chance of getting swine flu ? Nah, probably not, yo only hear what they want you to hear and that is all the deaths, to put fear into you.

Sure there are conspiricy theories, and then there are just plain coverups and corruption too, so do you homework people, listen to Jay if you want, just know theres some subliminal stuff going on with his music, thats all. If your one that is easily controlled, probably not a good thing, but it's still your right.

It's funny you put up wikipedia links, and then say oh I bet you get all your info off the net, like dah what a moron. So what if I get the info of the net or in books or through conversation. Truth us truth, and can be backed up by correlating various reliable sources. You would not go to one source of info and go, "wow thats the be all and end all" well, maybe you would?

Peace n love, even if ya gonna throw crap at me after this :)


Well-Known Member
You've given the exact repsonse I imagined you would and honestly it's tiring to even start this post.

I never said I had hope in Obama, I was challenging your opinion and your "facts". Instead of responding to that you go off on a rant about American politics, Lennon and Bob Marley. You should've used Peter Tosh as an example, the theory of him being a political target is more viable than Marley.

tupac4li4e: Barack is the worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days.

There's your statement. Here's you backing up your statement:

tupac4li4e: tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept?

That is what I was challenging. Maybe it wasn't your intention but you bust in here with "I have all the answers but you're all fools" and then fail to produce these so called answers. I'm not saying the answers aren't there, I'm questioning whether you know them.

But okay let's answer your questions and maybe they'll lead to Obama being a bad president, liar, hypocrite (whatever else you can put there). How does that prove he's the "worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days"?

That's what you failed to comprehend from my post. And that's why you went off about swine flu vaccines. Just because I'm not swallowing your pill you assume I must be controlled by the government. No, I wouldn't be first in line.

I'll reiterate my point. Statements required proper information to back them up.
I'm playing devil's advocate here. I'm not saying your theories are right or wrong. All I'm asking for is actual information to back up your theories.

This type of shit is not that:

"Did you know George Bush is related to the Queen"

No I didn't (I assumne you mean Elizabeth II) but what does that mean? Instead of just throwing this fact out there how about explaining how this is pertinent to your point? How about explaining how Bush has used these ties. Explain how this information became known (you know ... sources, to verify the validity). Anything.

"Well how about when those media avenues are owned by these secret societies, that try and push Jay Z out there, give him huge amounts of money and publicity and so on and so fourth, oh no you moron, has nothing to do with it huh"

Guess I'll just have to take your word for it. Because that's what intelligent people do right? Accept information without any questions.

"I am trying to spread the word that there IS WAY more going on in our society that most people care to think about."

Such as? If the answer is "secret societies" and "puppets and puppet masters" then no thank you. I can talk to any random conspiracy theorist and get the same vague information. Don't just say you have the answers, provide them.

"It's funny you put up wikipedia links, and then say oh I bet you get all your info off the net, like dah what a moron. So what if I get the info of the net or in books or through conversation. Truth us truth, and can be backed up by correlating various reliable sources."

Missed my point again. I was refering to conspiracy theory sites. Sites with no sources listed, just theories loosely tied together. Getting information from well-researched books or internet sites with proper sources listed I obviously don't have a problem with. The site you pasted I do.
I didn't post links to wikipedia as if they contained all the information, I was simply pointing out that there are plenty of movements that fight things you've labeled as tools of these secret societies. You say "Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to" and you fail to understand why I'd put a link to anti-consumerism?

But yes, because I'm questioning your ability to back up your statement I'm automatically a puppet of secret societies.


"My intention is not to attack people"

combined with

"If you had any intelligence you would not be talking to me they way you are"
"Another "chronic" wanker." (excellent pun!)
"Chronic, may you need to lay off it a bit ay ? Even too much of a good thing is bad." (weed joke?)
"you silly fool"

makes me smile :)

I can already guess at your next reply so telling you in advance, I'm probably not going to respond to you anymore. And in due fashion you'll most likely say it's because I can't handle the truth. Have at it.

Actually, this board is controlled by a secret society as well.

There is just no way to escape from it.
Well i wouldnt surprise me, they own just about everything there is worth owning, if not have enough influence to get what they want done in the areas they need to.

Funny that governments worldwide are trying to openly bring in internet censorship and people are still blinded to the fact that these societies are trying and succeeding to control us. All the information in the media is controlled and edited before it is shown to us.

LOL @ the fact they are trying to bring in an Obama worship song in schools, what a downright joke such obvious typical brainwashing.
Here we go again !

You've given the exact repsonse I imagined you would and honestly it's tiring to even start this post.

I will write in underlines, you can clearly see my responses, firstly if it's that tiring why did you bother writng a huge novel for a reply, anyways here we go....

I never said I had hope in Obama, I was challenging your opinion and your "facts". Instead of responding to that you go off on a rant about American politics, Lennon and Bob Marley. You should've used Peter Tosh as an example, the theory of him being a political target is more viable than Marley.

Thats fair enough I did go off topic a little, but you know what I said was true, don't you, what promises has he indeed kept, other than the one about withdrawing troops? oh no thats right he didnt keep that one he sent 30,000 more in (that the media knows about)......hmm?

tupac4li4e: Barack is the worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days.

There's your statement. Here's you backing up your statement:

tupac4li4e: tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept?

It's my opinion fool, its funny how you like to take my words and meaning out of context and then tell ME what I was trying to say, do or backup, what an idiot, plain and simple....

That is what I was challenging. Maybe it wasn't your intention but you bust in here with "I have all the answers but you're all fools" and then fail to produce these so called answers. I'm not saying the answers aren't there, I'm questioning whether you know them.

umm, hang on are you now putting words in quotes, and making them out to be mine? Seriously man, are you like totally baked right now? When did I ever say I have all the answers and your all fools, I said your a fool. Fool. Don't question whether I know them, question yourself as to wether YOU want to know them, and do your own research, oh but wait, i'm assuming you have a bit of intelligence, sorry my bad.

But okay let's answer your questions and maybe they'll lead to Obama being a bad president, liar, hypocrite (whatever else you can put there). How does that prove he's the "worst thing for america since the elistists and secret societies took over the reigns back in the early days"?

so you want proof that obama is the worst thing, thats a fair call, you will get it, just give it some time, but you can also look at his past and present actions to determine what he's all about look into who supports him behind the scenes. He is a fantastic speaker and no doubt he is highly intelligent, but that does not make him a good president. All of them promise us the world, and deliver wars.

That's what you failed to comprehend from my post. And that's why you went off about swine flu vaccines. Just because I'm not swallowing your pill you assume I must be controlled by the government. No, I wouldn't be first in line.

I'll reiterate my point. Statements required proper information to back them up.
I'm playing devil's advocate here. I'm not saying your theories are right or wrong. All I'm asking for is actual information to back up your theories.

fair enough, but dont try and do something crappy, then turn around and be nice about it, what are you two faced ? I have provided links for people one really good one again is. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This type of shit is not that:

"Did you know George Bush is related to the Queen"

No I didn't (I assumne you mean Elizabeth II) but what does that mean? Instead of just throwing this fact out there how about explaining how this is pertinent to your point? How about explaining how Bush has used these ties. Explain how this information became known (you know ... sources, to verify the validity). Anything.

It was just a question? I do it so people that may be interested will do their OWN research rather than me hand feeding them all the answers, get it?

"Well how about when those media avenues are owned by these secret societies, that try and push Jay Z out there, give him huge amounts of money and publicity and so on and so fourth, oh no you moron, has nothing to do with it huh"

Guess I'll just have to take your word for it. Because that's what intelligent people do right? Accept information without any questions.

Again, the info is out there to be sought, if you want to look for it, but hey thats too hard, so let just not believe me, and believe that Jay Z and Rockafella are two very honest and respectable individuals in the music biz, lets just use your methods and do that huh?

"I am trying to spread the word that there IS WAY more going on in our society that most people care to think about."

Such as? If the answer is "secret societies" and "puppets and puppet masters" then no thank you. I can talk to any random conspiracy theorist and get the same vague information. Don't just say you have the answers, provide them.

Thats your opinion as screwed as it is, but your putting "conspiricy theorists" all into the same pigeon hole now arnt you, trying to make out anything not well known is a conspricy theory and all those theorys are from crackpots. Why would you be doing this, why would you be trying to shut a brother down that is revealing truth? IF my words are just about secret societies and puppets and puppet masters (notice I did not put mine in quotations like you did, as if to try and say those things are crap or made up?) yeah I see through you, anyway....if they were, why would you not want to know, are you serious ? You wouldn't want to know about how you are basically being enslaved by your government, and going to work and smiling about it? Well if you don't want to know, then fine, get lost and don't read it, by why bother with all this brother? hmmmmm?

"It's funny you put up wikipedia links, and then say oh I bet you get all your info off the net, like dah what a moron. So what if I get the info of the net or in books or through conversation. Truth us truth, and can be backed up by correlating various reliable sources."

Missed my point again. I was refering to conspiracy theory sites. Sites with no sources listed, just theories loosely tied together. Getting information from well-researched books or internet sites with proper sources listed I obviously don't have a problem with. The site you pasted I do.
I didn't post links to wikipedia as if they contained all the information, I was simply pointing out that there are plenty of movements that fight things you've labeled as tools of these secret societies. You say "Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to" and you fail to understand why I'd put a link to anti-consumerism?

Fair enough, I cant say much there.

But yes, because I'm questioning your ability to back up your statement I'm automatically a puppet of secret societies.

are you ? umm ok then, your words not mine.


"My intention is not to attack people"

combined with

"If you had any intelligence you would not be talking to me they way you are"
"Another "chronic" wanker." (excellent pun!)
"Chronic, may you need to lay off it a bit ay ? Even too much of a good thing is bad." (weed joke?)
"you silly fool"

umm yeah, im attacking you now, fool, cos of your replies to me, seriously your trying to get people on your side or somthing by saying I'm attacking all of them by calling you all that stuff? Again dude, lay off for a day or two, and come back when your clear headed and make some sense

makes me smile :)

Well if nothing else i'm glad about that, hehehe

I can already guess at your next reply so telling you in advance, I'm probably not going to respond to you anymore. And in due fashion you'll most likely say it's because I can't handle the truth. Have at it.
Awesome, so I dont need to defend myself about trying to spread truth anymore, wow thanks bro, and no I just would of said that you don't seem to WANT to know the truth, seems its easier for you to try and disprove me and turn your head the other way. Each to his own Bro, peace.
Chronic, may you need to lay off it a bit ay ? Even too much of a good thing is bad.

Another person with false hope in Obama I see ? Look at the history of American politics you silly fool. A bad president comes in, stuffs things up, then a good guy comes in, and stuffs it up even more, has been going on for 100's of years. The last awesome president which was Kennnedy knew of these secret societies, wanted to out them and got shot in the head for it. Lennon spread the word about peace n love and acceptance and got shot in the back for it, by some guy that doesnt really know what happened, sure there a theories that the CIA brainwashed that assasin with a trigger word to kill lennon, but there is no correlating evidence so I'm not about to go around and say thats what definately happened, but there is a common theme among the peace spreaders of our times, usually something bad happens to them. Bob Marley was getting huge back in the day, and died of a toe cancer or some suss crap like that, there are theories about his death and the US government too. I believe thoeries should be taken onboard, but not to heart until proven.

To discard any information is a bit arrogant and ignorant wouldnt you agree?

So you don't think there is any concern for the link between rockafella's power, Jay Z being under him, Jay Z even wrighting in his lyrics that he's basically above it all, the endless symbolism, Jay Z is another puppet for the masons or illuminati or who ever he's with, he's a fool and if you are trying to defend him, then in my opinion you are a fool too.

Why should I go into detail about all the various promises ? How long has he been in, and whats changed ? Are the troops back home, or are there more there now? Is the health or welfare system getting better ? Are the people really, any better off ?

Did you know George Bush is related to the Queen ? Oh probably, cos you seem to want to come across as a know it all don't you?

If you had any intelligence you would not be talking to me they way you are. My intention is not to attack people, and definately not to attack them just becuase they like an artist I may not like, that's just childish.

I am trying to spread the word that there IS WAY more going on in our society that most people care to think about.

So you don't think listening to the media, has anything to do with secret soceities or Jay Z huh ? Well how about when those media avenues are owned by these secret societies, that try and push Jay Z out there, give him huge amounts of money and publicity and so on and so fourth, oh no you moron, has nothing to do with it huh ?

I've thrown out names and concepts, thats about it is it ?

For anyone remotely interested about what is really going on go look up Alex Jones, Ron Paul or Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hey Chronic, when they tell you Swine flu vaccine is mandatory, I bet you're gonna be the first in line arn't you, first inline for the vaccine the government started stockpiling in 2006, two years before swine flu came out into general popluation mind you. All because you are probably to paranoid. Have you heard many cases of people that have taken Tamiflu and died, or the ones that have been confined to wheelchairs for the rest of their life, all becuase they did not want to take the chance of getting swine flu ? Nah, probably not, yo only hear what they want you to hear and that is all the deaths, to put fear into you.

Sure there are conspiricy theories, and then there are just plain coverups and corruption too, so do you homework people, listen to Jay if you want, just know theres some subliminal stuff going on with his music, thats all. If your one that is easily controlled, probably not a good thing, but it's still your right.

It's funny you put up wikipedia links, and then say oh I bet you get all your info off the net, like dah what a moron. So what if I get the info of the net or in books or through conversation. Truth us truth, and can be backed up by correlating various reliable sources. You would not go to one source of info and go, "wow thats the be all and end all" well, maybe you would?

Peace n love, even if ya gonna throw crap at me after this :)
You are clearly an ignorant person with a narrow, inferior understanding of politics and government. It makes total sense, because people who can't understand how the world works usually make up conspiracy theories, so that they feel superior to people who don't know these conspiracy theories.

Your claim that Kennedy was a great president shows that, as does your belief that he got killed because he wanted to expose secret societies.

Your inability to spell, lack of coherent spelling, and clear misunderstanding of politics makes you a very unreliable source. It makes me sad that you keep responding, because I cannot argue with you. How am I to argue with someone who uses lies and unintelligent speculation as the basis for their argument? Please, get educated and THEN come back.
If there's anything the record labels have learned in the last 15 years, it's that Beef sells records. Pac & Big sold out big time through their beefy times, so who's to say all of these beefs between rappers since pac & big aren't all schemes to make money?

If jay & pain got beef, they should duke it out, or settle that shit out on the street. That's real beef.
The beef they have now is all words. The fans love it, they buy the records, and the artists make money.



Well-Known Member
And you guys call me ignorant, seriously ARE YOU FOR REAL ?

Rockafella, being one of the biggest power figuresd in the world, whether you want to believe it or not, and you ask, HOW he has so many successes ?

JEEZ, its nothing to do with having the media under his belt, a backing of BILLIONS of dollars and unlimited power to get what he wants, and to pursuade people with his screwed up lyrics, like I said, anyonw that LIKES Jay Z and his music (sure he may have some pumping beats and what not, but theres more to music that beats)... obviously does not listen, I mean really listen to his muisic.

I'm not some crackpot that just believes anything I read, I have done countless hours of research into elitism and how our government has no real control. There are 13 bloodlines that have gone back thousands of years, they are all around the world and they rule the modern world, through their world banking, stockmarkets, property and business ownership and general power aand influence.

You say I'm ignorant, tell me how many of the promises he made to us before election he has kept, I am talking about Obama, how many you stupid little person. "when you were growing up" buddy you still need to cos you cant even open your eyes !

Jay-Z - Run This Town (Satanic, Feemasons, Illuminati) Crazy Stuff, page 1

Check that out, it points our some of the stuff in Jay Z / Rhianna's stuff.

It's not good ay, trust me once you start to learn about these elite guys pulling the strings at the top, you start to relaise they have thier tenticles in just about everything. And it's mind boggling.

Don';t worry tho kiddies, keep buying your JAY Z crap cos the TV and radio tells you to, and keep going to work and giving up your taxes without even really being asked your ok about it, keep fucnding our government to keep the rich, rich and the poor even poorer.

Your replies really speak volumes to me. I dont blame you, almost everyone has the wool pulled over thier eyes. Maybe one day you guys will start to realise what I say is true, until then, good luck.
Are you stupid or something?

Everyone knows aliens secretly run this planet.

You are clearly an ignorant person with a narrow, inferior understanding of politics and government. It makes total sense, because people who can't understand how the world works usually make up conspiracy theories, so that they feel superior to people who don't know these conspiracy theories.

Your claim that Kennedy was a great president shows that, as does your belief that he got killed because he wanted to expose secret societies.

Your inability to spell, lack of coherent spelling, and clear misunderstanding of politics makes you a very unreliable source. It makes me sad that you keep responding, because I cannot argue with you. How am I to argue with someone who uses lies and unintelligent speculation as the basis for their argument? Please, get educated and THEN come back.
Hey, another one...sweet.

Why would I want to become well educated in politics and how this corrupt world works, when it's run by completely evil asswipes ?

You can call them consipiricy theories all you want my ignorant friend just becuase they arn't plastered all over your precious bible you call the media does not make them any less true, the facts and information are out there to be researched and studied, so I really don't give a crap if you take it in or not, actually someone as unintelligent and sheepish as yourself does probably really well in mainstream society, I bet.

I don't want to be anyones "source" lol, I'm just putting it our there so people start to realize all these things behind the curtains are going on.

Society is, and isnt what it seems at face value, depending on your knowledge and how you look at it, most will see blatent corruption is within most sectors of Government, and if YOU want to stand up for that, well that's up to you now isn't it?

But it really speak volumes to me. I am kind of wondering if you have some hidden agenda in regards to trying to discredit what I'm saying. And remember you did say it, not me. hmmmm.

Why do you WANT to argue with me, just seems like your fool the more you talk.

P.S, sorry I don't reread my posts to make sure every single word is spelt right, that must just mean I'm not educated and can't be taken seriously doesn't it? What an idiot nit picker. Be gone with you.

Are you stupid or something?

Everyone knows aliens secretly run this planet.
LOL, whatever bro, play it down ALL you like.

There is heaps of stuff the government does that the people have no idea about and certainly would not approve of if they knew about it, hence the scerecy.

But no lets just say, it's easier to put it down as crackpot theories, rather than to take some time out of your life, do some research and become well informed and knowledable about things. Sorry that may, make you a bit uneasy, becuase it threatens your current way of life, your lifestyle and so on, so yeah lets just laugh it off !

hahahahaha, everyone, the government is so great, we are all so well off becuase of Barrack being in power now, yup we are saved.

Seriously *shakes head*


Well-Known Member
LOL, whatever bro, play it down ALL you like.

There is heaps of stuff the government does that the people have no idea about and certainly would not approve of if they knew about it, hence the scerecy.

But no lets just say, it's easier to put it down as crackpot theories, rather than to take some time out of your life, do some research and become well informed and knowledable about things. Sorry that may, make you a bit uneasy, becuase it threatens your current way of life, your lifestyle and so on, so yeah lets just laugh it off !

hahahahaha, everyone, the government is so great, we are all so well off becuase of Barrack being in power now, yup we are saved.

Seriously *shakes head*
Shut the fuck up.

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