Will Smith Has Something For Eminem On New CD In March

I like Em's music, but after hearing Infinite, he's really fallen of for me. It's amazing how his lyrics were back in 1996. If you compare to his recent efforts, it's really dissapointing. He has some real good oldskool shit. I really liked Biteaphobia. As for the Fresh Prince, don't even try disrespecting that man. He's big. All his CD's have his royal freshness flavor all over it. He's an OG. Different styles. Further more, I don''t consider that curse line a real diss. If Em really wanted to diss Prince, than he would come up with something better. I mean he was saying he didn't want any grammy either. So I think there's no real beef, no real diss towards Prince and propably no diss worth mentioning directed to Em. It makes no sense. I mean I woul laugh about the comment Em made back then, it's humor.
xxsaraxx said:
Thats because Will and Eminem represent different styles of rap so obviously its gonna show in their lyrics. Its dumb to even compare them because their styles are so different.
I understand that, but just because you have different subjects doesn't mean the language has to be, in essence dumbed down.

I mean, look at a song like "The Real Slim Shady". That song is completely on Smith's level as far as sound goes. When the MMLP was out, for the first year, every fucking club I went to played that song at least two times a night. Yet that song is lyrically superior to most of the stuff Will has done his whole career.

I mean, I know I've already stated it a few times in this thread, but, I do have tons of love for The Fresh Prince. Not Will Smith, because Will Smith is the actor who dabbles in rap music. The Fresh Prince in my view is the emcee. The Fresh Prince is a fucking rap pioneer who along with several others built the proverbial house of rap and is a definite OG. He paved the way for the Eminem's and Snoop's and even the Nelly's. HOWEVER, even The Fresh Prince is not even close to Eminem's level lyrically.

Em, if he chose to, could kill Will Smith in 3 bars.
jasedwads said:
yeah man , thats fair enuff,

for me, i heard the slim shady lp, i thought this was some really good shit, cannot be denied, so then i heard then checked out Infinite, this album, is fucking amazing.

But for me, after marshall mathers lp I dont wanna even now. na mean, its just eminem for me was great at the start of his career, now i just dont give him the time.
See, for me, I prefer and like much better the grown up Eminem. His immature bullshit lyrics that he used at the start of his career made me hate him, and his voice didn't help either. I won't deny some of his best wordplay was in the beginning of his career, but clever wordplay aside, I just don't want to listen to songs about masterbating with WD-40 while watching your grandma molest a sheep.

I also like Eminem's voice a lot more now than pre-MMLP.
jason_g_718 said:
Lyrically, Just Lose It is better.

C'mon...I know you're a Slim hater Silleone but for real, look at those fuckin lyrics in "Switch". My fucking 12 year old cousin could have written better shit.

lol are you serious? just lose it, was probally one of the worst songs ever to be called rap music!


me, myself & us
i cant imagine will smith tough..

just lose it ans snitch are the same level. the lyrics of both of them are poor. but from will smith its kinda normal, his lyrics never been that good. but from eminem its disappointing after SSLP and MMLP.
one mc |one| dj

Em, if he chose to, could kill Will Smith in 3 bars.


Newayz I think so too it will be a small reference to Eminem or he might jus make fun of Eminem by dressin up as him or whatever man. He'll probably be talking about sumthin Eminem said and thats all nothing to be worried about and certainly not worth 4 pages of bullshit about how Eminem would/will lyrically beat the shit out of Will Smith. That's jokes people.
Exodus said:
lol are you serious? just lose it, was probally one of the worst songs ever to be called rap music!
I never said the song was good, did I? And the lyrics aren't the only thing that makes the song bad, ya know, the beat is there as well.

You're right, Just Lose It is/was a terrible fucking song but LYRICALLY it's still better than the posted lyrics for Smith's "Switch".

Just because a song is horrible doesn't mean other songs aren't worse.
_carmi said:
i cant imagine will smith tough..

just lose it ans snitch are the same level. the lyrics of both of them are poor. but from will smith its kinda normal, his lyrics never been that good. but from eminem its disappointing after SSLP and MMLP.
I completely agree here EXCEPT for the fact that you say those lyrics are typical from Smith. I disagree. Yes he is the epitome of party rap, but he usually has lyrics that are better than that.

No matter how bad Just Lose It is (and I admit it's fucking terrible) it's still lyrically better than "Switch" and Eminem would still kill Smith in 3 bars.
one mc |one| dj

jason_g_718 said:
What's funny about it? Will Smith is a party emcee....Eminem is a fucking battler. He'd dismantle Smith with no effort.

Tell me why that's funny or I'm wrong.
It is funny because you even cared to compare a party emcee with a battle rapper. Talk about Em could rip him apart. I mean cmon man!!
That is 12 year old boys and gurls talk\ magazine\ trash talk. I thought you would be a bit smarter than that man. I don't understand why you take this serious :confused:.
one mc on dj said:
It is funny because you even cared to compare a party emcee with a battle rapper. Talk about Em could rip him apart. I mean cmon man!!
That is 12 year old boys and gurls talk\ magazine\ trash talk. I thought you would be a bit smarter than that man. I don't understand why you take this serious :confused:.
More idiots to deal with around here.

Judging by my responses in this thread it should be clear that I'm scoffing at Smith for even saying anything about Eminem in his lyrics.

You don't get it...this IS funny to me.
one mc |one| dj

jason_g_718 said:
More idiots to deal with around here.

Judging by my responses in this thread it should be clear that I'm scoffing at Smith for even saying anything about Eminem in his lyrics.

You don't get it...this IS funny to me.
Yeah :eek: Your point? You still compare him to Eminem lmao...THAT IS FUNNY and please don't call me an idiot when you are all on Em's dick trying to tell everyone Will Smith can't touch him. Not in 1 post which would be very understandable but in many more!!! Will Smith cmon man you are analyzing both emcees like they are actually goin to battle and several times I have said that's jokes. :rolleyes:

Fuckin idiot. How the fuck is ne 1 going to take sumthin like that serious from Will Smith come online and talk about it like he is actually goin to battle Eminem. That is comedy!! Don't mistake me for some of your D12world friends yo! Fuckin dumbass and even tho this post might invite you to reply keep ur fuckin fingers the fuck away from your keyboard and don't even try to type another word towards me ! I'm not a net thug or ne thing I am just sick of replying to dumb ass comments like yours. Kids can't fucking leave shit alone.

Now get da fuck outta here and close this thread or get back on topic without making dumb ass comments about Will Smith or Eminem.
Yeah :eek: Your point? You still compare him to Eminem lmao...
Hurts, you keep proving why you're the stupidest person here.

Im not comparing them because THERE IS NO FUCKING COMPARISON.

If Smith "disses" Em on this song, Will is stepping into a category where he WILL NOT be able to handle his own.
one mc |one| dj

jason_g_718 said:
Hurts, you keep proving why you're the stupidest person here.

Im not comparing them because THERE IS NO FUCKING COMPARISON.

If Smith "disses" Em on this song, Will is stepping into a category where he WILL NOT be able to handle his own.
Man im not even goin to waste more time explaining why I think u should stop comparing Eminem to Will Smith. I choose to tell you again that I am sick of seeing your stupid posts about me you know what since you dedicated so many comments to me you should dedicate a whole page on ur corny website to me too! :thumb:. Or!! Why don't u make a website about Eminem's ''enemies'' n use ur website as a shoulder to cry on lmao...Talk about dumb. Kid(ima call u kid cuz u got the mind of a 12 yr old.) don't even reply to my posts just let it go...I come here to talk about hip hop and you kid come here to reply to everyone who has quoted you.Talk about hip hop man...or else just shut the fuck up. :eek: :thumb:

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