Will Smith about to diss Eminem?

"jackd from another board..

lol some people just cant let shit go, whats its been like 6-7 years since Em dissed Will on "The Real Slim Shady"...anyway i just heard on the Chio in the Morning Show (Q102 Philly). Will Smith said he has a song on his new cd responding to all the negativity in his life. "I have a little something for Eminem" he said. He said he always keeps it classy, lol so dont expect nothin too much, but its Will Smith so I wasnt expecting too much anyway.

who's side are you on?

for those who dont remember eminem said.."will smith dont have to curse in his raps to sell records but i do so fuck him and fuck you too"

Jacked again....who's side you on?
whos side? why a side? its not gonna be a battle or nothin, im sure it will just be a comment, and i dnt think Em's line was a real diss... jus somthing funny

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Didnt Will Smith already respond to it

"All you rappers talkin bout who you put in a hearse/ do me a favor write one verse without a curse"
Young Souljah said:
"jackd from another board..

lol some people just cant let shit go, whats its been like 6-7 years since Em dissed Will on "The Real Slim Shady"...anyway i just heard on the Chio in the Morning Show (Q102 Philly). Will Smith said he has a song on his new cd responding to all the negativity in his life. "I have a little something for Eminem" he said. He said he always keeps it classy, lol so dont expect nothin too much, but its Will Smith so I wasnt expecting too much anyway.

who's side are you on?

for those who dont remember eminem said.."will smith dont have to curse in his raps to sell records but i do so fuck him and fuck you too"

Jacked again....who's side you on?
LOL at "who's side you on".

Man...post some real shit. LMAO@ the person stupid enough to call any Smith/Em friction "beef". C'mon now.

Eminem had more beef with Christina than anything he could have with Will.
jason_g_718 said:
LOL at "who's side you on".

Man...post some real shit. LMAO@ the person stupid enough to call any Smith/Em friction "beef". C'mon now.

Eminem had more beef with Christina than anything he could have with Will.
maaaan, em's not even gonna reply to Will...i dont know why he keeps making music...I like Will Smith as an actor, his movies are tight (except for hitched) but his rap game aint right (old school he was, but after big willie style...i cant remember him puttin anything good out).
HellRazor05 said:
that is ridiculous but its kinda funny. especially since em said he dont wanna beef no more.....now everyones just lookin at it as an opportunity to diss him and not get a response.
Do you honestly think Em is going to quit beefing? I mean, look at the lyrics good in "Like Toy Soldiers". He doesn't say anywhere in that song that he's GOING TO QUIT beefing, he said he PREFERS not to. Here:

Like Toy Soldiers
I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I ain't never supposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it
Even if it means goin' toe to toe with a Benzino it don't matter
I'd never drag 'em in battles that I can handle 'less I absolutely have to
I'm supposed to set an example
I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide 'em
If some shit ever just pop off, I'm 'posed to be beside 'em
Now Ja said "I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it"
There's a certain line you just don't cross and he crossed it
I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it
It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shit
And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it
I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
And I'm so caught in it I almost feel I'm the one who caused it
This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it
It was never my object for someone to get killed
Why would I wanna destroy something I help build
It wasn't my intentions, my intentions was good
I went through my whole career without ever mentionin' Suge
Now it's just out of respect for not runnin' my mouth
And talkin' about something that I knew nothing about
Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn't my beef
So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth
While he's all over t.v. down talkin' a man who literally saved my life
Like fuck it i understand this is business
And this shit just isn't none of my business
But still knowin' this shit could pop off at any minute cuz

There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme
And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dyin'
But now it's elevated cuz once you put someone's kids in it
The shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?
It's a different ball game, callin' names and you ain't just rappin'
We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin'
Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him
And asked him not to start it he wasn't gonna go after him
Until Ja started yappin' in magazines how we stabbed him
Fuck it 50 smash 'em, mash 'em and let him have it
Meanwhile my attention is pullin' in other directions
Some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk
Has an erection for me and thinks that I'll be his ressurection
Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record
But now he's fucked the game up cuz one of the ways I came up
Was through that publication the same one that made me famous
Now the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin'
Well fuck it, that motherfucker can get it too, fuck him then
But I'm so busy being pissed off I don't stop to think
That we just inherited 50's beef with Murder Inc.
And he's inherited mine which is fine ain't like either of us mind
We still have soldiers that's on the front line
That's willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders
Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us
We'll maybe shout 'em out in a rap or up in a chorus
To show them we love 'em back and let 'em know how important it is
To have Runyan Avenue, soldiers up in our corners
Their loyalty to us is worth more than any award is
But I ain't tryna have none of my people hurt or murdered
It ain't worth it, I can't think of a perfecter way to word it
Then to just say that I love ya'll too much to see the verdict
I'll walk away from it all before I let it go any further
But don't get it twisted, it's not a plea that I'm coppin'
I'm just willin' to be the bigger man
If ya'll can quit poppin' off at your jaws with the knockin'
Cuz frankly I'm sick of talkin'
I'm not gonna let someone elses coffin rest on my conscience cuz
What I get from that is that he understands he started his career off by pretty much making fun of or going after several artists in music period but he's saying now that he is laying back, just wants to do his own thing and as long as you don't start shit, he won't.

The way I see it is that he'll PROBABLY try to let as much stuff as he possibly can go, but if he feels someone has gone too far or someone is pretty much questioning his career, he will respond.

I personally hope that one of two things happens. Either A. 50/Ja, Joe, Jada gets so fucking bad that Eminem HAS to do something to get involved or Game/Jay will carry over and affect Eminem.

Bottom line is that I agree completely with 50, actually. Eminem I believe is not being realistic about not beef with people. I mean, beefing IN SOME ASPECT OR TO SOME EXTENT has ALWAYS been an aspect of rapping. I mean, Jesus Christ, Eminem's roots is that of a pure fucking battler. I mean, he built his career off the fact taht he's one of the best battlers that people have ever seen. Certainly the best Michigan has ever produced.
maaaan, em's not even gonna reply to Will...i dont know why he keeps making music...I like Will Smith as an actor, his movies are tight (except for hitched) but his rap game aint right (old school he was, but after big willie style...i cant remember him puttin anything good out).
:thumb: Will Smith hasn't been a decent rapper since his Rock The House EP came out. The Fresh Prince was one of the best rappers in the 80's. He is definately classic old school and one of the guys that helped pave the way and helped bring rap music more mainstream, but as someone else said, he made the conversion from rapper to actor over a decade ago, he needs to stick with acting (I personally don't like him as an actor either) and forget about rap.
jason_g_718 said:
Hey Hurts. I see you're working at getting banned again.

How long you think it'll take this time?
Ha funny something tells me not too long cuz sum ppl say i make racists post i do admit the post was a bit too much but it was intended as a racist comment ( so for ne 1 who knows what im talking about )
newayz...bout my post

Cmon man u didnt have to analyze the toysoldiers song ur acting like no 1 knows what eminem is talking about and in case u didnt notice no 1 really gives a fuck..You are only gonna catch hate damn and I thought u figured that out by now :confused:

Instead of just saying what u think ur writing paragraphs about eminem i mean cmon man doesnt that bother u one bit?
Well except for horrible choice of singles, Will's last two albums weren't half bad. It's not like Eminem's albums are considered classics either...once the pop stations rotate the songs enough, they're forgotten...esp this last album. You can argue and laugh at Prince saying he's soft and all that, but as I always say, in the world where Nelly and Chingy rule, how is Will "soft"? He's just himself, unlike Em who wishes he was black and gets attention by makin people say "did he JUST SAY THAT?!"

But he did go to far by dissing Will before cuz Will did more for hip hop than Eminem ever did. He helped made it hip hop big and won the first award for it. Eminem is just giving the culture to whites more and more. That lil bitch didnt have a right to say shit at someone who's waay above his level.

Even though it's a lil late to reply, I hope Will makes the cracker crumble (and Prince beat Daddy Kane back in the day...he can do it)
Well except for horrible choice of singles, Will's last two albums weren't half bad. It's not like Eminem's albums are considered classics either..
LMAO @ "Eminem's albums aren't classic either". Man...Will Smith has NOTHING on Eminem. I mean, I give Smith the credit he deserves as an OG of rap music and he definately was a road paver, but he's nowhere near Eminem's league. Will was good as The Fresh Prince. But he cannot even see people like 2pac, Eminem, Jay Z, Nas, etc... let alone compete with them. Em and Will are in two completely different leagues.

.once the pop stations rotate the songs enough, they're forgotten...esp this last album. You can argue and laugh at Prince saying he's soft and all that, but as I always say, in the world where Nelly and Chingy rule, how is Will "soft"? He's just himself, unlike Em who wishes he was black and gets attention by makin people say "did he JUST SAY THAT?!"
:rolleyes: @ "Em wishes he was black" Jesus fucking Christ people, I thought that shit was over with?

If a black guy listens to mostly rock music, which is a predominantly white genre, and dresses in that kind of clothing, is that black guy "trying to be white? Actually, perfect point...was Jimi Hendrix "trying to be white" because he played rock music?

I have NEVER ONCE ever heard anyone say Elvis was "Trying to be black" even though he not only sang music that was called "black music", but he also "danced like a black man".

Dude...you are just an ignorant fuck, that's all there is to it.
^^^Well rock is black music originally dumbass, so it's okay....all Elvis did to rock exactly what Eminem is doing to rap...he just isnt as big. Prince is on a waay high level than faggot ass Feminem...he dropped Just Lose It for crying out loud. His credibility is gone now....and now that he's an exposed racist, only the loyal white people still defend him. Dont give me that shit about him being 16...cuz 16 aint that young....he hides it from Dre and the rest of them cuz they make him money....but when that girl dumped him, his true feelings came out

When Will disses him, he better stay quiet and shut up...I doubt he'll get any support from anyone outside his circle. But yeah, you know Im speaking real talk, but go ahead and label me a 'dumbass' and leave as that, cuz you know this shuts you up without nuthin to say :rolleyes:

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