this statement is a fact til someone prooves to me in detail why im wrong



Benzino is better or as good as "the game".
i seriously cant see why benzino cops alot flack about being horrible but "the game" is hailed as a hero by many.
i think there as weak or as good as each other.

be fair,


New Member
How can someone "prove" to you in detail how one rapper is better then another? It is all about opinions, no solid proof.
one mc on dj said:
The reason why benzino catches all the hate is cuz he is not cool with eminem DUH!!!!!!!!
i knew that, i was kinda tryin to get at that. its just funny how people on this forum work, its horrible, i can quote people to
To be honest, I just don't feel Benzino's style. I don't really like the dude's voice. And your right, I would much rather listen to Eminem then Benzino, so I'm going to side with someone that I like rather then I don't like, that would be Eminem, so I'm not going to like Benzino taht much. It really makes sense, its all about opinion, who YOU like more, because their is no "better" person, its all on your taste.
the game is over-rated but once again he has bullet holes and the right association so he can get away with anything. in reality benzino is just as good or better. peace
its cause for some odd reason got more hype and rep under his belt..

People praise him cause he was a "blood" and a lot of ppl like that shit, part of g-unit and they were the shit for just about everyone, some like his style better and he is the new flavour so ppl tend to flip for him, and they find his beefs or at least "supposed beefs" intriguing so it adds extra spice to his rep...
ok, well what i said originaly was in defence of someone called 7snys, i think it was, who actualy stated how you shouldnt hate a rapper unless there totaly uncreative or wack, like benzino, but hey, he loves game For some Weird reason. tell me there aint a double standard, if benzino joined g-unit shouted out im gangsta and got dre' and others to produce his album it would be "eagarly anticipated" by "hip hop heads" .notice the punctuation usage.
Dude, it's all a matter of opinion. Because personally, I think that Benzino is wack as hell. I truthfully can say that I never heard a song from him that I liked. Game is nice, though. Personally, I thought the album was a classic. But then again, that's my opinion
Frank Grimes said:
ok, well what i said originaly was in defence of someone called 7snys, i think it was, who actualy stated how you shouldnt hate a rapper unless there totaly uncreative or wack, like benzino, but hey, he loves game For some Weird reason. tell me there aint a double standard, if benzino joined g-unit shouted out im gangsta and got dre' and others to produce his album it would be "eagarly anticipated" by "hip hop heads" .notice the punctuation usage.
nicely said. i agree with u 100%. the only thing that makes everyone eagarly anticipate the games album is the way he was shooved down america's throat. and these people that are called "hip hop heads" dont wanna hear came they want to hear something new and ORIGINAL. Games album is far from a classic and game should get no credit for the way the album sounds, because he had little to do with creating the beats if any. he brings nothing new with his lyrics and he is very repetative with his shit.

sucks how rappers get soooooo much respect for just being with the right people.

this is way i have great respect for Kanye. while his lyrics are not spectacular he raps with an ORIGINAL style. thats what the game is missing, originality, along with benzino.

but it is not possible to prove benzino is better then game or vice versa. i like this topic, it really makes u think of what state the rap game is in. a very reptative club banging, coat tail riding, unoriginal, state.

Personally I think this thread is pure Garbage... name 5 songs of benzino that u really feel or atlease like? Game might not be nothing special lyrically but he's made better songs that Benzino and eventhough I haven't heard none of benzino's albums, The Documentary shits on anything Bezino has ever put out. Bezino's flow is boring as hell.
come on is all production. Benzino has shitty people producing his tracks (in comparison to K-west and Dre) so that's why his singles and albums aren't that great. Of course there are rappers out there that don't need outstanding production to make great records, but we aren't comparing any of them. So for this reason I stated, they are the same. I liked some of Benzino's stuff (older stuff mainly) and I liked a couple of tracks off of the game's debut cd.

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
Frank Grimes said:
ok, well what i said originaly was in defence of someone called 7snys, i think it was, who actualy stated how you shouldnt hate a rapper unless there totaly uncreative or wack, like benzino, but hey, he loves game For some Weird reason.
Never heard of this 7snys character you speak of but I sure hope it ain't about me you're talking about (obviously it is). Just a couple of things to say.

1st, Ive never made a thread of the Game peroid that im aware of. Ive never even given the dude's props? So where you got this wacky "I think it was someone called 7snys" from sure beats me.

2nd, I don't hate any emcee's anymore. Ive grown to the point where I accept music as it's presented. Rather it's great or bad is simply a judgement of opinion and taste. To that I add that sure I do think Zno is a wack emcee but his got his moments. That doesn't mean I hate the dude and if ive ever mentioned that before (which im sure I have) my bad.

3rd, yes Benzino is just as good as The Game. But when it comes down to it in my opinion Zno has got nothing but skipable records next to his name with well below average performances. And The Game has got 1 solid record which in it's own right is listenable start to finish. In short, The Documentry > Zno's entire catalouge. But thats only how I see it.

4th, as a dude from V.A. once said to me a few years back. Read up on shit and get thoughtful before you place peoples names/character's in vein (sp?).

7 Syns said:
1st, Ive never made a thread of the Game peroid that im aware of. Ive never even given the dude's props? So where you got this wacky "I think it was someone called 7snys" from sure beats me.
yea, maybe not threads, that im aware of. just general post's around the forum, maybe i just pick up on these things, or maybe its cause dudes with avatars stick out to me
7 Syns said:
2nd, I don't hate any emcee's anymore. Ive grown to the point where I accept music as it's presented. Rather it's great or bad is simply a judgement of opinion and taste. To that I add that sure I do think Zno is a wack emcee but his got his moments. That doesn't mean I hate the dude and if ive ever mentioned that before (which im sure I have) my bad.
lol at "anymore", fill me in with more, still though, good to see your over that stage.
7 Syns said:
3rd, yes Benzino is just as good as The Game. .
well, lets all sip tea and biscuits to that.
forgive me for seeing ignorance in some on your posts

7 Syns said:
4th, as a dude from V.A. once said to me a few years back. Read up on shit and get thoughtful before you place peoples names/character's in vein (sp?).

i like how you to end your post's with a famous quote from some dude thinking it resembles our conversation, it does not, and it certainly doesn’t boost peoples opinion on your intelligence levels

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