The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
Mavs traded Odom today, he's back in L.A

The Dallas Mavericks traded Odom to the Los Angeles Clippers as part of a four-team trade on Friday. The Clippers sent guard Mo Williams to the Utah Jazz. Utah will use the trade exception it created in the Mehmet Okur deal with New Jersey this past season to take on Williams' contract. The Mavericks also will create their own trade exception worth $8.9 million by shedding Odom's contract without taking any salary back.
Kevin Garnet will be staying with the Green Monster.

Garnett has decided to return to the Boston Celtics and is expected to sign a three-year, $34 million contract
The champs are hoping to get Ray Allen, but with KG getting a contract, I doubt he'll switch teams.

They intend to offer him their $3 million mini-mid-level exception, a chance to win another title and significant playing time as they continue with the plan to play LeBron James as a power forward in the future. Heat players, including James and Dwyane Wade, have been publicly and privately recruiting Allen over the last month.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. After 11 years, I'm officially done with this forum.

On 'Our Block', the upsurge of racist content, use of racial slurs, racial epithets and racist images has simply gotten out of control. I've complained twice to moderators and nothing has been done about it. The thing with the interwebs is if you don't like something, you don't use it. Being from Kenya, as a black person I can't associate myself with such a forum. I'd rather be part of a heavily moderated dictatorial forum, where mods and forum members have 0 tolerance for racism in this day and age.

After that rant: I'd like to say a sincere thanks to all of you Bryant haters. You've kept it racism free in the NBA thread. This was my favorite forum section after the 2pac section. I wish all of you the best in everything you do.

PS: ArtsyGirl, I'll leave it to you to represent the Lakers from here on and. With Kobe Bryant's contract sucking and killing all available cap space, I don't expect it to be an easy task :)

I'm out like the Lakers in the 2nd round.


New York's Ambassador
Hey guys. After 11 years, I'm officially done with this forum.

On 'Our Block', the upsurge of racist content, use of racial slurs, racial epithets and racist images has simply gotten out of control. I've complained twice to moderators and nothing has been done about it. The thing with the interwebs is if you don't like something, you don't use it. Being from Kenya, as a black person I can't associate myself with such a forum. I'd rather be part of a heavily moderated dictatorial forum, where mods and forum members have 0 tolerance for racism in this day and age.
You'll be missed. But I'd like you to understand something: in my view, this board operates in a kind of post-racist netherworld where we can say whatever we want to each other. Since we've been talking to each other for so long, things that would be wildly offensive in any other context simply aren't taken that way. I can say with some confidence that there are no true racists on this board. Also, let's let the coon outta the bag here: you're referring to one member. One member with a strange sense of humor but who has proven in his more serious posts that he is far from ignorant, far from racist. He's joking. Besides, can't you just hide his posts? Don't leave man, that'd be SO TYPICAL OF YOU PEOPLE. You know I'm kidding, right? Either way, be cool Kobe. I'll miss talking bball with you.

P.S. Even I'm a little racist (against soccer fags named Sandeep.)


Staff member
yeah, i mean, shit, i understand. farewell, cut of pricey beef from the black Tajima-ushi breed of Wagyu cattle, raised according to strict tradition in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. After 11 years, I'm officially done with this forum.

On 'Our Block', the upsurge of racist content, use of racial slurs, racial epithets and racist images has simply gotten out of control. I've complained twice to moderators and nothing has been done about it. The thing with the interwebs is if you don't like something, you don't use it. Being from Kenya, as a black person I can't associate myself with such a forum. I'd rather be part of a heavily moderated dictatorial forum, where mods and forum members have 0 tolerance for racism in this day and age.

After that rant: I'd like to say a sincere thanks to all of you Bryant haters. You've kept it racism free in the NBA thread. This was my favorite forum section after the 2pac section. I wish all of you the best in everything you do.

PS: ArtsyGirl, I'll leave it to you to represent the Lakers from here on and. With Kobe Bryant's contract sucking and killing all available cap space, I don't expect it to be an easy task :)

I'm out like the Lakers in the 2nd round.
Oh that's a shit. I understand though, you can't keep doing something if it pisses you off. Not sure if you are "officially" gone now, but it's been a nice discussion with you over the years and you always kept the debates here respectable. Hope you find a new home to represent the Lakers, I know I will have it tough lol...


Well-Known Member
During his introductory press conference as a member of the Miami Heat today, Ray Allen said that he'll always be a Celtic.

Noo. I know what he means but wrong thing to say today as a member of the Heat. So, Ray, when you play against the Celtics this coming season, will you still be a Celtic at heart? Sit down!


Well-Known Member
I just watched Real Training Camp on NBA TV and it was just a live practice sort of. It was cool to watch. Chris Paul and Kobe are some no bullshit type of guys, it's cool to see at practice. At one point Paul threw the ball in the chest of DeMarcus Cousins like don't ever foul me again on some bullshit. Hardly saw any smiles it was all business. I've constantly said it and Grant Hill touched on it a bit but this intensity started when mainly Kobe but also Jason Kidd came to the squad in 08. I remember footage of that first practice when Kobe jumped into people trying to save a ball like it was nothing, it really set the tone.Then the respect Kidd gets is legendary, he took CP3 and Deron Williams under his wing and it might be one of the best things to happen to their respective careers. Then LBJ saying his game wouldn't be the same if didn't see Kobe's work ethic until that summer. The impact the Olympics has had on these players is astounding and it's cool to finally get to see how it's done.


Well-Known Member
The thing is Melo puts in work! When he was in Denver I worked out with people in his same camp and even the crazy South African that is the trainer for the nuggets. You've seen him behind the bench with a pony tail of dead locks, he's since cut his hair but that's the guy. They've all said he is great in the weight room and with working out in general. Kobe sort of distilled that in him in 08, calls him his little brother even. I think Melo's main problem is the outside influence of the media and his media hungry wife LaLa. It' s like he's always playing for someone else or trying to prove something to people instead of just winning. Legends are told of Kobe and Mike doing that with people in the crowd but they're just good enough to do that. Melo needs to get super focused or something. He has the ability to be great but mentally it's just different. He is what LBJ was up until this playoff run, mental midget type shit. With that being said being around that type of talent is going to be good for your game no matter what. I really do hope the Knicks do better this year, NY needs it.

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