The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
It's a 5 on 5 game. Jordan averaged less than 50% in the playoffs. What exactly is your point?

Also, there are other forms of media than just television. How many national radio shows are there in Cleveland? Not near as many as New York. LeBron would get more exposure in New York. More jerseys would be purchased. New York would sell more tickets. David Stern would mold it into another New York dynasty. Cavs' would suck. Again. Like every other year they've been in the NBA.
Like I said. The cameras will follow Lebron. Maybe you have to move to New York if you want a great job in media. You don't have to move to New York to get noticed by the media.

NBA players make money from endorsements, and you reply with this, like it's an argument
If that's what you take from what I said, OK.

Here's what I meant:

* LBJ is obviously making bank off things he does besides those beautiful 48 minutes.
* That doesn't mean he's going to significantly lower the price he asks for his services as a professional basketball player.
* If he does take a (minor at best) pay cut, he'll do so for a team that can use the savings to help solidify a championship-contending roster.
* That team will NOT be Knicks, for reasons I explained in an earlier post.

So you go from "LeBron wants nothing more than a championship" to "LeBron is happy with Mo Williams, Jason Kapono, Shaq and 66 wins?" Wow, that's logical. LeBron wants a superstar to play with. All they've given him is Mo Williams, who is good, don't get me wrong, but no superstar. A deteriorating Shaq. Anderson Varejao. And Jason Kapono, who has never even seen the INSIDE of three point line.
A team that's good enough to win 60+ games is good enough to win a championship. They don't always do that, but they are good enough.

My point, though, was that if LBJ was unhappy with a management that gave him all that, why would he run into the arms of the Knicks, the worst-run team in the NBA (that actually tries to win anyway... high five Memphis and LAjr!)?

Anyway, if you actually cared about the substance of what I was saying and didn't have a hard-on for me for some reason, you'd know I had a brain fart and meant Jamario Moon. Or maybe you wouldn't, because I still don't believe, Mr. Rondo-Was-Worse-Last-Year-Than-The-Year-Before, that you actually watch basketball.
The Celtics team as a whole were worse, so of course Rondo "looked" better. Had he not been blocked by Rose, they could have won the series.
You are the most pretentious member of this website, you must know this already. Every time someone, or, I, disagree with you, then you think said person is below you as a whole. And that they have a hard-on for you. You are like Dilla, only not as funny. So you are like Bacho.

How do you mix up Moon and Kapono? A Slam-Dunk contestant and a Three-Point contestant? A 6'12" black swingman and a 6'7"ish white spot up shooter? That isn't a brain fart.
I didn't say now, I said when he was in his prime.

Every NBA player deserves to be criticized. It's how they got to where they are. I believe Jordan was the best player to ever touch a basketball, I believe Kobe is the best since then, but I believe AI had more heart than either of them.
Just because I think Jordan is better than anyone else, doesn't mean I can't see the flaws he had in his game. His arrogance in his early years. He didn't trust his teammates, either. Just like Kobe and Iverson.
Jordan was never an excellent three point shooter. Just because he is the best of all time, doesn't mean he was the best at *everything*
He would lose a three point shootout to damn Damon Jones, does that mean I think Damon Jones is a better player? Fuck no. Does it mean I think Damon Jones has a better three point shot? Yes.
Because I believe AI had more heart, does that mean I think he was a better player? Hell no.
Well said, but I still think MJ/KB have, or had, more heart than Iverson. Our opinions differ, of course, but in my book it's MJ, Kobe, and Iverson as the top 3 with most heart/passion. You speak to any NBA player/coach who played with MJ and they'll tell you he would really tear up the opponent until he was dead. When i say tear up, he would tear their heart out while it was still beating. I think i remember Phil Jackson saying something similar to that a few years back. He said it reminded him of how Kobe plays with all the heart/passion that he shows in defeating the enemy.

That's not to take anything away from Iverson. I'm not saying Iverson never ever shows heart. I was a huge fan of Iverson during his prime. I just don't think his heart/passion was as great as that of Kobe's and Jordan's.

EDIT: Now that i think about it, i would take Chauncey Billups' heart/passion over Iverson's anyday. Peace. lol!

rondo played very good last season, some of the best basketball of his career man bulls shouldve won that series, i was pist. rondo shouldve been suspended twice. one for throwing a punch at miller and the other on heinrich.

True. Hawks should have won the year before.

he still got game lol. he would be perfect player for the spurs. slow tempo, throw him the ball, and fadeaway=spurs dynasty lol.


Well-Known Member
The Celtics team as a whole were worse, so of course Rondo "looked" better.
So he "looked" better and improved by any quantifiable measure*... but that makes him worse compared to the year before. OK, boss.

Rajon Rondo NBA & ABA Basketball Statistics |

How do you mix up Moon and Kapono? A Slam-Dunk contestant and a Three-Point contestant? A 6'12" black swingman and a 6'7"ish white spot up shooter? That isn't a brain fart.
idk. Why do I accidentally call one girl by another's name? Why'd you just say Jamario is "6'12"?" Shit happens, bro. I don't post with a reference almanac open next to me.


"MSG Sports, a division of Madison Square Garden Inc., lost $32 million in the first half of this year, 64 percent more than in the same period in 2008, according to a regulatory filing last week by Cablevision, which owns the teams."

"The release said that the sports group took charges of $104.9 million over the past three and a half years “relating to players on our sports teams for career-ending injuries and for waivers and terminations of players and other team personnel, including team executives,” a reference to the Knicks’ former coach, Isiah Thomas, among others."

Yup, things are looking good for Lebron to the Knicks.


Well-Known Member
Of course he took advantage of the opportunity. What would you expect of a guy who beasted in college and won a FIBA under-21 gold medal, in his third year of professional play?
You can compete all day just for the love of competing, or hatred of losing. You can lose 5 games of chess but keep playing because you hate losing, that doesn't mean you put your heart into chess. Scissors-paper-rock, I've seen people play it all day to see who wins, that doesn't mean you play every game like it's your last because you're so passionate about it. There is a difference between competitiveness and heart.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, neither of those answers make sense to me.

Sounds like another meaningless adjective you can apply to players you like and deny to players you don't... ya know, like how old kockazoids writing columns or commenting on the sidelines praise middling-to-above-average white athletes are "scrappy", having "high (sport) IQ", and do "all the little things."
^Or maybe you just need to understand the difference between competing (and losing 'cause you suck) AND Competing (and winning 'cause you have the most heart, the most passion, and you leave it on the floor). Try playing some basketball pick up games, or go to the park with 1 single goal; to beat every single person out there 1 on 1. Or just compete, as we all do when we play a game of some sort, but don't have that drive and passion to win. Just compete. That's it.

Yeah, neither of those answers make sense to me.

Sounds like another meaningless adjective you can apply to players you like and deny to players you don't... ya know, like how old kockazoids writing columns or commenting on the sidelines praise middling-to-above-average white athletes are "scrappy", having "high (sport) IQ", and do "all the little things."
I agree, scrappy makes zero sense.

A high sport IQ is definitely a valid point. Kobe got better when he understood the game more. So a guy has a 44 inch vertical leap but doesn't know wtf to do with it, it won't help him much, will it?

Doing all the little things, see, Lamar Odom.

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