The Mod Spot pt 2

Yo check my pro I made that screen yesterday lol

i'd put him on ignore if everybody did it cuz if he one keeps replying to him I will get curious and take him off ignore.... :eek:
He's not half as bad as you all make him out to be. Most of the time he debates in a genuine and mature manner. You can't ban him simply because you dislike his viewpoints.
Zero Cool said:
He's not half as bad as you all make him out to be. Most of the time he debates in a genuine and mature manner. You can't ban him simply because you dislike his viewpoints.
That's so bullshit...Half the time...Zero I dunno why you defend this guy...I know we didn't treat him very well b4..but when he returned it was kinda over but the man still posts he doesn;t debate at all and thats the fucking point...

You seen tha thread where he was bitchin about some liner notes..He didn't want to believe it...WTF is up with that he is 28!!!...

I can't say nething but this dude looks retarded....
K so maybe I won't be on an internet message board when I'm 28 and neither will you but if he wants to be fuck it it's his life not mine. All I'm saying is, I don't think he's as "retarded" or "ignorant" as most think. Once people start hating it's easy to jump on the bandwagon, if you don't like his views simply hit the ignore button.
Zero Cool said:
K so maybe I won't be on an internet message board when I'm 28 and neither will you but if he wants to be fuck it it's his life not mine. All I'm saying is, I don't think he's as "retarded" or "ignorant" as most think. Once people start hating it's easy to jump on the bandwagon, if you don't like his views simply hit the ignore button.
NO my point is he is retarded for a 28 year old...

Can u not expect from a 28 year old to be more mature than he is?

I think u know why I think he should be more mature...

Have u seen his sig his statements his posts his threads or his Pm's ??

Zero I wonder if you have ignored him all the time...cuz I dunno you obviously look at it from a whole different perspective...


Well-Known Member
lynch HIM! cut his head off and stick i on a pike!

personally i think jason is mentally challanged but thats just me.

back to topic. Salty dont let some morons discourage you you did a decent job.



Well-Known Member
Zero Cool said:
if you don't like his views simply hit the ignore button.
He's done nothing that's worth banning. I might think he's unreasonable and stupid but that's just an opinion and it's not his fault for pissing people off I guess.
All that don't like his posts should hit ignore cuz he's not going to change his posts.
Chronic said:
He's done nothing that's worth banning. I might think he's unreasonable and stupid but that's just an opinion and it's not his fault for pissing people off.
All that don't like his posts should hit ignore.
I will do this but I am curious as to the policy of the board when a member starts lying about comments another member made.

What I refer to is when Jason posted a 'quote', which he entitled with my name in the manner you do when quoting someone.

Now, while part of the quote was true, the other part had been fabricated completely. And he was using this to refute something I said!

Well, I checked back & proved that I, as I had always stated, had never posted such as what was 'quoted'.

The proof that I did not say what he makes out I did is clear as day - now that goes past us just disagreeing with one another.

I read the dispute you had with him Chronic &, as he does with everyone, he either genuinely misinterpreted your posts or just acted like he did so as to intentionally piss you off.

But when the guy starts fabricating 'quotes' then I think he's going a little too far.

I do agree though that, seeing as he hasn't broken any guidelines (to my knowledge or that we have proof of), then he shouldn't really be banned.

But probation might help him get his act together - it's worthwhile to note that he used to goad people by pointing out that they were on probation & that somehow that made their posts invalid. A taste of his own medicine may do him good.

Btw salty, I hope you don't give up your mod spot. While you've checked me before, you are a good moderator & without you & the other moderators the board would be full of BS like that which you gave examples of. As it is, you guys keep it marginal. And yes, I do realize this is the corniest shit I've ever posted, but it is true.
YOu know I can't view em cuz somehow I got logged back into my old account ( Hurts) and that one is banned...and I can't log out so if some 1 could copy em 4 me..thanks...


VIP Member
Staff member
I don't mind being a mod also in streethop actually. That's actually the one I've always wanted to be at.

I'll take Salty's spot if given. :thumb:
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