Poster Guidelines
People who do not follow these guidelines may be warned, or may have their IP and/or user name banned. Discretion will be left to the administrators of this forum and will depend on the severity of the event.
There are other forums where this type of prohibited behavior is tolerated or even encouraged. If you can not follow these guidelines while on this forum we ask that you post elsewhere.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these guidelines. These guidelines are in place to ensure a productive community for everyone and will ensure the future of this forum.
- Beef will not be tolerated in any forum. Differences in opinion are expected, but please debate respectfully.
- Beef are comments made for the purpose of insulting somebody else with negative intent, looking for a negative reaction, or blatantly insulting somebody. The difference between beef and people who are "clowning" around is the negative intent.
- Racist remarks will not be permitted:
- Racism includes blatant racist remarks, stereotyping, or derogatory comments against race, creed, religion, culture or nationality.
- Please post in the appropriate forum.
- Help build a community that supports each other, supports tolerance and encourages involvement.
- We would like this forum to educate people on political aspects and cultural differences.
- Understand that your beliefs are opinions, and not everybody will agree with you. Do not shoot down others for having a difference in opinion.
- Posting porn or material of a sexual nature are not permitted
- Off-topic freeposts in multiple threads is very annoying (i.e. posting about how you pooped your pants in topic after topic). Doing this is not permitted.
- Posting links that lead to pages that open up many windows and can crash a users computer can result in loss of important data, computer problems, and so forth. Posting such links is not permitted.
- No posting of another member’s personal information without their consent. This includes, but is not limited to; real names, email addresses, telephone numbers, PMs, private IM conversations, IM screen names and home addresses. It does not matter if the member has posted this information themselves in the past. Member’s personal unseen photos are also not allowed to be posted without permission.
- If your posts lower the average IQ level of the board, you will be banned. Example: Free posting, lame repetitive jokes, bickering, constant obscenity, immature vendettas, general annoying immaturity, failure to contribute to a community feel, private Messenger like conversations etc.
- Banned members have chosen not to be a part of our community by breaking the guidelines; thus posting comments for banned members, or other information to do with banned members is against the best interest of the community. Not only does it promote a negative atmosphere but it leads to off topic discussion and beef, and is disrespectful to those members who have followed the guidelines and respected the forum community to ensure their place on the board. Banned members are banned for a reason.
Moderator Guidelines
Moderators are in a position of authority on this forum and are expected to set a good example for others to follow.
- Watch over their respective forum and ensure that people follow the poster guidelines.
- Move any posts that do not belong in the forum to the correct forum.
- Ensure the forum is free of beef and ensure that repeat beefers are reported in the Letter to the President forum with examples of beef.
Moderators are expected not to:
- Replace any text in someone's post.
- Use the power to carry out any personal issues with others.
Moving Threads:
Any threads that do not belong in the forum, and are better suited somewhere else, can and should be moved.
Deleting Threads:
Threads should rarely if ever be deleted. They should instead be closed.
Closing Threads:
If a thread is getting out of hand with beef and after warnings doesn't look like it will get back on track.
If a thread has become a giant freepost.
If the thread is inappropriate.
Editing Threads:
Threads should not be edited, except in the situation that a link directs users to a page, site, or graphic, against forum guidelines, or that can cause damage to the users computer. In such a case, the post should be left the same, with the URL removed and replaced with "LINK REMOVED." The thread and URL should then be reported in Letter to the President.
If you see people starting to lean towards beefing, give them a warning and remind them to follow the guidelines. If the person continues, close the topic if necessary, and report the posts to the admins in Letter to the President. If a person is blatantly dissing somebody, warn them, and report the post to the admins in Letter to the President.
Moderator Complaints
If people feel that they have been treated unjustly, or feel that a moderator is not doing his job or is abusing his power, they are encouraged to contact us in the forum Letter to the President.