The Mod Spot pt 2


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I thought you was a good mod Salty.

All mods get shit.

Don't you remember all the threads about me from a while back, especially in FX. Ignore it.
No offence but you're a "mod" like it or not it's your job to deal with this sort of stuff, if you didn't want to deal with it you shouldn't have accepted the offer in the first place.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member

If you want, I'll help out more in streethop. Also Don't try and keep threads open, if someone constantly ruins it with bullshit, just close it. It's too much hassle to delete every third post. Then if the member ignores warnings and continues to bullshit, report them in Last Words.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Zero Cool said:
No offence but you're a "mod" like it or not it's your job to deal with this sort of stuff, if you didn't want to deal with it you shouldn't have accepted the offer in the first place.
I volunteered myself so I can ask to be taken off. It's easy for you to say that because you're on the sideline. Try talking to this guy in PMs, try dealing with him in threads. I've deleted countless posts but that doesn't do anything.

I've delt with it long enough and now I'm done.
saltynuts said:
I volunteered myself so I can ask to be taken off. It's easy for you to say that because you're on the sideline. Try talking to this guy in PMs, try dealing with him in threads. I've deleted countless posts but that doesn't do anything.

I've delt with it long enough and now I'm done.
Fair enough that's your perogative. I thought you were complaing/resigning because of the "shit" you get as a Mod while it obviously comes as a part of the territory. My misunderstanding.


Dying Breed
Staff member
saltynuts said:
I volunteered myself so I can ask to be taken off. It's easy for you to say that because you're on the sideline. Try talking to this guy in PMs, try dealing with him in threads. I've deleted countless posts but that doesn't do anything.

I've delt with it long enough and now I'm done.
why didnt u just pm me the bullshit so i could have banned him.???


S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
SicC said:
why didnt u just pm me the bullshit so i could have banned him.???

nah.. he wasn't insulting me or anything. The PMs were mostly about me telling him to change his ways and to ignore all the pointless stuff that people attack him for. Nothing changed.

I've talked to Chronic about this and he said the same thing. He just twists things so he can look good. I feel like it's pointless to deal with it because nothing is changing.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
jason_g really needs 2 be banned. I havent gone into streethop much until the past few weeks and all Ive seen is negativity surrounding this kid. Irrelevant posts, failure to believe anybody but himself, etc.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Has he broken guidelines.

Im making a Staff only forum in a second, please peep the thread I make in there. Only mods will gain access.


Well-Known Member
He's very unreasonable. Like Limn said "failure to believe anybody but himself".
I was arguing with him in a thread but the thread got closed. So I sent him a PM asking him to reply to the thread in a PM. He kept misunderstanding me, so I kept explaining. End result was him telling me to get a life. The purpose of it all was trying to find out if our discussion was simply miscommunication or if he really is just plain stupid.
I've got my answer though with shit like this:

Me: "But like you said, if you're not concerned just don't reply to this PM."
Him: "And you're like a fucking kid, man. "If you don't want to reply to that thread, don't send a Pm back". I'm not replying to the thread, I'm replying to your fucking PM's."

He twists a lot of things around. I'm not sure if I agree with saltynuts that he does it for the purpose of making himself look good. I think he honestly has comprehension problems.

His stupidity leads to a lot of arguments and annoyance on the board but he hasn't really broken any guidelines. People can just put him on ignore I guess, which is what I've done now.

I don't like him at all but I don't know if he should be banned.
lol, everyone put him on ignore, that would be hilarious :p
just go to his profile and click the 'add to ignore list' option

I know someone who has compehension problems. He really thinks he is right, but you just wanna scream at the guy that "you dont even understand the fucking point" but he just starts shouting what he thinks you are talking about and leaves you frustrated cos he's gone of the point. its quite funny at times but really frustrating because he genuinly thinks he is right . :mad:

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