the hottest upcoming star....the next nigga to blow up(FIRE!)

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To whom this may concern,

tThis is to the mods or who ever did this? Why is somebody else's thread mixed in with mine? His thread was asking other people to choose who they thought would be the next superstar out of a list of thread was just about one specific artist...and i can see that the two threads have similarities but the difference is my thread is focusing on just one artist...HellRazor's thread focus' on several different artist so merging the two takes the attention away from the real reason why i started my thread in the first place. Given that this was done intentionally i ask of you to change it back to the way it was...but given this was an accident which i highly doubt it was i still ask of you to change this back.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
^Yeah it was strange.

I like this guy he sounds good, seems to have a good message. But usually artists who are really good dont get the success they deserve. I doubt this guy will be real big unfortunately but he has the potential if the scene changes any.
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