The game in glasgow


Well-Known Member
I was there last night an it was alright, it was more of a come an watch game get pissed! an he''ll do a few songs, i think he only done about 10 songs! dissed g unit plenty times, stood with 15 bra's round his neck, downed a couple of bottles champagne, then kept saying glasgow's like compton! :confused:


Well-Known Member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
So stefan, how did he pronounce Glasgow? Wrong? :(

Same way as 50 did glasssgow!

He took this glasgow guy on stage an asked him where he was from, an the guy said "pollock" well i think thats what he said, an the crowd starting booing! but the guy was on the stage for the rest of the night, drinking champagne.
stefanwzyga said:
Same way as 50 did glasssgow!

He took this glasgow guy on stage an asked him where he was from, an the guy said "pollock" well i think thats what he said, an the crowd starting booing! but the guy was on the stage for the rest of the night, drinking champagne.
No wonder he got fucking booed, Pollock scraps with everyone lol

And you mean he said "Glas-gow" as opposed to "Glas-go"? :(


Well-Known Member
And you mean he said "Glas-gow" as opposed to "Glas-go"? :([/QUOTE]

Now your confusing me :D see i probally pronounce it different to you! the way i would say glasgow is glazgo, the way he said it was really pronouncing the s.
stefanwzyga said:
Now your confusing me :D see i probally pronounce it different to you! the way i would say glasgow is glazgo, the way he said it was really pronouncing the s.
Nah man, I don't care how he pronounced the start of it because it's hard to fuck that up, but how did the last syllable go? Was it "-gow" or "-go" becaue most Yankees say "-gow"? (as in, rhymes with "cow" lol)


Well-Known Member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nah man, I don't care how he pronounced the start of it because it's hard to fuck that up, but how did the last syllable go? Was it "-gow" or "-go" becaue most Yankees say "-gow"? (as in, rhymes with "cow" lol)
Yeah it sounded like glasgow.
im debating whether to go c Game in Milton Keynes on friday. When xzibit was in Milton keynes he kept on saying whats up london, at least game knew where he was even if he couldnt say it right.

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