The anti-Hip Hop Movement

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AnarchistFunk said:
well i guess thats where our opinions are different


50 cent, nelly, eminem, snoop etc, to me thats not hip hop, thats pop music, its dance music, they might be rapping, but its NOT hip hop

i used to let motherfuckers like that bother me, and i agree with what youre saying to a certain extent, but they are more influencing mainstream suburbia then innercitys, some young kids yes love 50 and shit, but most people i know laugh at them motherfuckers cuz they aint hip hop, just gimmicks like britney spears, new kids on the block, justin timberlake etc, just mtv/corporate america money machines, they are products of the machine and system, and to me hip hop doesnt represent either, so to me they are not hip hop

like i said before turn that shit off and enjoy the REAL shit and dont let the fake shit infiltrate your vibes

What one rap group looks to you(hip hop or pop) might look different for another person. You are certainly well aware of the fake stuff or the real stuff. You probabely are an intelligent cat. But what does that matter when there are people in the world who are different from you? Some people may not have the smarts you have. They might have not gotten the education you have or do not live in a well situated area where violence and poverty is going to be a part of your daily life. These poeple are the most susceptible(easily influenced) to the negativity of rap music. It is also a LARGE group. You simply cannot ignore them. Even if these people dont live next to you or dont think like you.

Yes, rap music made them rich, but also made them broke and depressed. Glorification of material wealth is depicted to much in these videos. Your a man if you have a car, gold chains and ten women dancing around you.
Just amazes me how much music shapes our society. People would rather look up to a rapper then their own parents?

Some rap has a good message, but who really listens to it? They just listen to the beat.

There is a good and bad aspect to everything.
Upper-CUT said:
It doesn't? Are you telling me that this type of music does not affect younger black males who are living the life of crime and who have no father figures to tell them what to do? Stop being so ignorant.
no you're just trying to shift the blame onto music. music does not make you put a needle into your arm or hold up a bank. you're just like most fucking retarded parents after columbine "OMG ummmm DOOM AND GRAND THEFT AUTO MADE THOSE KIDS KILL THEIR CLASSMATES" no man its the parents fault not fucking music. goodbye.
MAKaveli_10 said:
I agree with you completely but there is some great hip hop out there. But most of it is shit. They make pimpin (making of women or men sold for sex) as a great thing. Also they make being a gangsta ( a person who does stuff on the street and does many illegal things) rappers make it sound great. Thats horrible.
Yes that is true that there are good music but they probabely make up just 10% percent of the total genre of hip hip music. Ninety percent of it is music that is totally detrimental to the black community. Rappers brag about making money through hustling which consists of gambling, pimping, robbing, gang banging, etc. And some dumbass here on this thread claimed that this will not affect him just because he lived in his mommas basement for the last 20 years and was being fed by the silver spoon.

Honestly, if I was part of a minority, lets say for argument purposes, I was Mongolian. In this world, the majority of the Mongolian image was perpetuated by music and images of Mongolians holding guns on their album covers, promoting a gansta lifestyle, and pimping Mongolian women. I see our Mongolian youth idolizing these images and aspiring to be those artists. I think as an intelligent human being I would (1) realize that this is probably one of the worst things that could EVER happen to our community, (2) be outraged, and (3) not point fingers at others and God forbid defend that shit.
no you're just trying to shift the blame onto music. music does not make you put a needle into your arm or hold up a bank. you're just like most fucking retarded parents after columbine "OMG ummmm DOOM AND GRAND THEFT AUTO MADE THOSE KIDS KILL THEIR CLASSMATES" no man its the parents fault not fucking music. goodbye.
That is where you are WRONG. Havent you ever studied psychology?? You actually thing that some forms music will not make certain people do crazy things in their life?

Suicide, murder, crime. You think rap music doesn't have anything to do with this at all??

Are you fucken kidding me? I have been here long enough to know that there was this one very young black kid who got a gun and killed a cop after a robbery because he claimed that he listens to bone thugs and harmony. This is just one example of how gangsta rap can fuck up the mind of ghetto teenagers. You might not be affected because you have a damn internet account. Open your mind man. Take your head out of your ass. You need to be put in their shoes for you to understand.

And you say it is their parents fault. What if they dont have parents or what is they have a single parent who lives in poverty and could not control their child once they reach a certain age.
Upper-CUT said:
What one rap group looks to you(hip hop or pop) might look different for another person. You are certainly well aware of the fake stuff or the real stuff. You probabely are an intelligent cat. But what does that matter when there are people in the world who are different from you? Some people may not have the smarts you have. They might have not gotten the education you have or do not live in a well situated area where violence and poverty is going to be a part of your daily life. These poeple are the most susceptible(easily influenced) to the negativity of rap music. It is also a LARGE group. You simply cannot ignore them. Even if these people dont live next to you or dont think like you.

Yes, rap music made them rich, but also made them broke and depressed. Glorification of material wealth is depicted to much in these videos. Your a man if you have a car, gold chains and ten women dancing around you.
Just amazes me how much music shapes our society. People would rather look up to a rapper then their own parents?

Some rap has a good message, but who really listens to it? They just listen to the beat.

There is a good and bad aspect to everything.
Yea I know what you mean, its hard to ignore, I mean I see this lil knucklehead kids who love 50 and shit all the time, and I know and they give me props cuz im older and shit but its funny, cuz when i break it down to them about the government and rap music and shit they listen and nod their heads but go back to listening to the same shit. But ya know, I was the same way growing up, NWA, Bone, Death Row, Geto Boys, listening to all kinds of shit, doing all kinds of knucklehead shit, but its part of growing up, you live and learn....

I use to think heights of materialism was considered "makin it" but I grew out of it, and so did some people my age, some peeps I grew up are still into fucked up shit, but they realize who the enemy is at the end of the day and that's all that matters.

You can't blame rap music, you can't single out Curtis Jackson, you have to single out Jimmy Iovine, Russel Simmons, Interscope, Universal, Vivendi Entertainment, radio stations etc, these rappers are just pawns and puppets, its the people that control these puppets that are to blame, for not pumping Immortal Technique out there, for not putting PE back on the forfront, for not giving young cats like Saigon , J-Live, dead prez, etc the chance to shine.

It is sad the way women are betrayed nowdays as objects and strippers and golddiggers, and its sad to see lil 13 year old girls showing cleavage and slutting it up, but you gotta change yourself before you change the world, feel me?

This is just the sell out period, people will get tired of it once the next fad comes along and hip hop will be rebirthed, dont blame hip hop or rap music, blame the machine, media outlets, school teachers, parents etc

I do agree though that the music does subliminaly make you agree with this shit and it has to be changed


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AnarchistFunk said:
It is sad the way women are betrayed nowdays as objects and strippers and golddiggers, and its sad to see lil 13 year old girls showing cleavage and slutting it up.

Feel you on that. You see 12 year olds that dress and act like 22 year old trying out for 'Girls Gone Wild'

Shit is pathetic. I read an article saying that 1 in 10 girls has sex at the age of 12-13.

Now that's really fucked.
FlipMo said:
Feel you on that. You see 12 year olds that dress and act like 22 year old trying out for 'Girls Gone Wild'

Shit is pathetic. I read an article saying that 1 in 10 girls has sex at the age of 12-13.

Now that's really fucked.
very fucked, i dont agree with the written law, but i do believe in morals, and its sad to see

women are a thing of beauty , not objects of pleasure

and its fucked how parents can complain about a 14 year old gettin banged by a 30 year old, but the parents wont complain when the girl leaves the house like that, i dont agree with it but people gotta check themselves and stop being victims

offtopic , i aint check sage francis flipmo , never really got into him
thugzlife78 said:
yo upper-cut heres an idea SHUt the FUCccccck UP
and take that idea of urs and shove it up ur ass

HIP HOP 4 LIFE u FUckin pussy
You can't respecfully reply to me with decency so you resort to name calling and ignorance. You are one of the many kids who's brain has been trashed and brainwashed with this hip hop/thuglife mentality. Are you a keyboard warrior?
THA WILD said:
Thank you for proving his point.
Thuglife78 cant respond intelligently so whenever he disagrees with somebody he will start to cuss and swear.

I wonder if he is like that in real life. He's going nowhere.
S O F I S T I K said:
To threadmaker: You are out of your mind.
How am I out of my mind? Is my idea THAT far-fetched??

I am not talking about UFOs here. This is a real life dilemna. If you can't handle the truth than don't bother posting. Ca nyou even debunk my argument??? Listen up...

Right when 1992 rolled around, there was an obvious sharp rise in drive-by shootings and black on black crime. What a shock! No ONE was doing drive by shootings while bumping 'billie jean'. NO ONE. But gangster rap comes along and look at all the fucking problems.
Menace to society and boyz in the hood- remember those movies from the early 90's?

Remember how the blacks were PULLING GUNS IN THE MOVIE THEATRE AND SHOOTING EACH OTHER?? Yes there are well documented accounts of blacks pulling guns and shooting the screen and shooting at each other. There were shoot outs IN THE PARKING LOT of the movie theatre after the freakin movie ended.

If you'll also recall, chris rock did a skit about "ninjaz shootin' at the screen"? He is referencing the boyz in the hood movie incidentS.

Black rap culture directly influences young black (and some white) kids. For every brotha that makes it, 10,000 more will easily see prison bars.

The reality is, the only people that can fix this are people buying the rap music. Unfortunately, America has no shortage of idiots, (of every race) so rap will probably be around for a while.

I'd like to see a successful black athlete, celebrity , or rapper step up and tell these young kids that it is cool to seek out knowledge- because no one can take knowledge away from them. Bill cosby tried, but was quickly shouted down by the black community. How fucking sad. Bill cosby paid for three black students educations, and actually cares unlike these "entertainers" and "rappers".

Where is Pdiddy? WHERE IS the Game? WHere is 50 cent? still singing about the same bullshit, bentley's, bitches, and bling bling...while their people are statistically suffering and being lead down the wrong path.
AnarchistFunk said:
I use to think heights of materialism was considered "makin it" but I grew out of it, and so did some people my age, some peeps I grew up are still into fucked up shit, but they realize who the enemy is at the end of the day and that's all that matters.

You can't blame rap music, you can't single out Curtis Jackson, you have to single out Jimmy Iovine, Russel Simmons, Interscope, Universal, Vivendi Entertainment, radio stations etc, these rappers are just pawns and puppets, its the people that control these puppets that are to blame, for not pumping Immortal Technique out there, for not putting PE back on the forfront, for not giving young cats like Saigon , J-Live, dead prez, etc the chance to shine.

It is sad the way women are betrayed nowdays as objects and strippers and golddiggers, and its sad to see lil 13 year old girls showing cleavage and slutting it up, but you gotta change yourself before you change the world, feel me?

This is just the sell out period, people will get tired of it once the next fad comes along and hip hop will be rebirthed, dont blame hip hop or rap music, blame the machine, media outlets, school teachers, parents etc

I do agree though that the music does subliminaly make you agree with this shit and it has to be changed
Great post.

I am blaming the majority of hip hop music though. Sure the beastie boys or mc hammer may be under the hip hop category and their music might not be all about violence and drugs and whatnot but the majority of the hip hop music nowadays is. I am starting to really hate this progression. Every fucken video or music has something to do about violence, murder, money, and drugs. I am old enough to also grow out of it but for the young people sometimes it would be too late. I just mostly listen to Nas and Tupac and even now I dont agree with most of the things that 2pac rapped about. His lifestyle was not something to glorify and wasn't a good role model for the young black males. With that said, he has ultimately made me a better person and that is because I CHOSE to listen to his positive stuff instead of the negative. Blacks need to get back into jazz and blues and leave rap and hiphop for the fuckin birds.
Uppercut is right.... to a certain extent. rap is influencing these kids, but it's not the main reason our communtiy is falling. and one of the reasons kids seem to think of only the material stuff is cause it's proven truth out here. it's not the music, but the enviroment, the lack of a better way, and the constant battery of "i can't get a break".

personally, pimping, selling drugs, i've never knocked the shit. niggaz do what they have to when uncle sam ganks him on taxes. or the local store owner is the high priest of the klan, who's got an uncle thats the school principle and his son's dating the sheriff's daughter. but hell, it's to the point where even living the straight life is a no win situation. we're not outcasted cause of the music, it's cause of who we are. cause of our race. cause we are poor. shit, we can make it better. we have made it better. but truth is we are held back, not just because of rap. because of the color of our skin.

the stats, facts, and whatever else thats been brought up represents a far bigger, complex, and screwed up picture. with rap only a small percentage of the problem. rap didn't bring the troubles, they were here long before hip hop. long before bling and long before sell outs. if your so concerned for us how about "anti-poverty movement"? how about "anti-racism movement"? how bout finding out why kids have to think this way. anti that, don't anti rap cause you don't like it what you hear. flagging every strike here and there just to show off your point. basing your shit off some fucking survey.... nigga, please. have you even lived in poverty or even a ghetto before? if you haven't do that for 30 years if you haven't. then give an opinion.

there's a bigger issue here than rap is "bad". and really, what makes you think this will get rid of rap? this is us, it's what we got, and in some cases all we got. we've gone to jail for worst things, so banning music ain't shit. we'll still do it. we'll make it. shit, it didn't stop our ancestors from doing it when most of yall ancestors raped and enslaved us for it then.

hell, where are the fuckin "anti-movie threads" or the "anti-cartoons"? Pulp fiction had slurs, hannible ate people, arnold kids middle easterns, family guy insults everyone, and you don't say shit. at least hit them up if you're gonna hit us with rap.

for god's sake just turn off the rap. listen to country, listen to rock, jazz, blues, whatever. go some where else, but don't give us hell cause y'all don't see our heaven. you people just need to get off of raps dick, period. it's not like it needs you. it's not like we need you. hell, the music has always been there. but don't put our society out there for target practice cause you don't like what you hear on the damn radio.
Upper-CUT said:
Is that the only song I am talking about? How about the commercialized violent songs? Are you the target demographic I am talking about? ie the people who are going to be most affected by this type of music?

You are probabely one rich ass spoiled kid that has a naive view that the world is what you see on TV.
I don't have a tv.. go away ur thread sucks n u r just mad, and yes i am still in 5th grade but somehow I've managed to master the typing skills of a computer and the english language.. im a super baby genuis

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
saltynuts said:
2) Hip Hop is not a parent figure.
As far as music goes, there is nothing wrong with hip hop (and hip pop, if you want to seperate the two).

Why don't we make a pro-parenting thread instead?


Our prisons are FULL of young black men who were just "trying to survive" and no doubt got that from listening to rap music. 78% of black households do not have a father; So it is no surprise that their youth look up to these male images as father figures on HOW to live your life. VEry very sad.
I grew up without a father figure and I didn't look up to rappers.

I say this because in recent surveys, 90% of black high school students said they were going to be rappers or pro athetes after high school, in contrast to the majority of white students saying they were going to college.
I'm white/asian and I wanted to go to Hollywood and make movies. That never happened and never will.

Do you think that in general, white youth and black youth view hip hop differently? Specifically, because hip hop is predominantly created by black artists, black youth aspire "to be" those artists, whereas white youth are more prone to just enjoy the music.
I think everyone of every race views hip hop differently.

I have a white friend who loves hip hop and dreamed, for a long time, of becoming a rapper. He dropped out of college and went to go fight in Iraq.

I knew a black guy in high school who loved hip hop (and I assume he still does). He graduated and became a graphic designer.

So back to the parenting thing. I don't like it when people say hip hop is destroying the youth because it's not. People use it as a scapegoat. Just like they do with movies and TV. I understand that some people need to do certain things just to get by but don't try to blame hip hop for it. Hip hop is not at fault when somebody decides to shoot somebody. Hip hop is not at fault when somebody decides to sell drugs. People blamed all that shit on other things when hip hop wasn't around, they'll blame it on hip hop now and they'll find something else to blame in the future.


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"They say music can alter moods and talk to you
Well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?
Well if it can, and the next time you assault a dude
Just tell the judge it was my fault, and I'll get sued
See what these kids do is hear about us totin pistols
and they want to get one cause, they think the shit's cool
Not knowin we really just protectin ourselves
We entertainers, of course the shit's affectin our sales
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