TB awards

I've heard in a few threads that ther was one in the past. People seem to be up for another one. Think this could happen in the near future?

PS- id be willing to help out in ne way possible to organize this :thumb:
A few months ago when the idea was raised for another round heaps of OGs opposed it because they dont think the board is as good as it was back then.. some shit like that.

I think it'd be kinda cool, we need some more stuff happening. Would need everyone to get into the spirit of it though.
Rukas said:
Congradulations, you two are in charge.

Click them banners! LOL.
would this cost ne additional money? If it did last time, im sur thers a way to do it without it this time. And like i said i em willin to help out. Mabe we should start a commitee or sumin lol


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Rukas said:
Congradulations, you two are in charge.

It's official.

So set up an introduction thread in Our Block, Then request nominees, then setup public or private polls.

Also... Click the banners.
Rukas said:
^^^ No it wont cost you additonal money, just click the damn google banner once a day!
o lol, i thought u sed start clickin the banners cuz it wud cost money. My bad

its jus me and Amara? No one else wants to help. Cuz i don no rilly wut im doin LMAO

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think we should do it again...was a cool thing to do and got some activity flowin in2 the board whether it needed it or not. Fuck the OGs and their "better than u" mentality. Why shouldn't newer generations of the board be allowed to have an awards thing? Just cuz they aint been here as long. Fact of the matter is theyre here now and a lot of the OGs arent.
I looove the idea, if you need some help I'm here! :) I think Femme Fateles should organize the sexiest male category, the whole thing'd be preety cool now we have all the crews and that stuff.

and yeah Rukas, we'll click those google ads!
i say we put a commity together to get this sorted out and get all the details in order. We can hav like a meating or sumin on msn. If neone is up for joinin the commitee jus tell me and post ur email adress.
Saint33 said:
i say we put a commity together to get this sorted out and get all the details in order. We can hav like a meating or sumin on msn. If neone is up for joinin the commitee jus tell me and post ur email adress.
I didn't know you were going to provide us with food. Even better!


SicC's Love
Missy "C" said:
I looove the idea, if you need some help I'm here! :) I think Femme Fateles should organize the sexiest male category, the whole thing'd be preety cool now we have all the crews and that stuff.

and yeah Rukas, we'll click those google ads!
yeah that would be well cool, i know who i am voting for! :D

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