SiGh exposed. (w/photos)

SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

RIP2pac&kadafi said:

If you’re not going to say anything useful I suggest you STFU!
No need to fucking insult me.....asswipe.

(p.s. yeah i suck at quoting stuff...stfu!)
im just gonna let that slide because you were the victim of a stalker.... i dont think anything you can say can take away the pity i feel for you...
Hey everybody, havent been in here for a year or so I think, so I doubt anybody will remember me.

However its nice to see NOTHING has changed, hehe. First page of MyBlock (wasnt it called Our Block?) "Dante vs E".

Also, Froggy, hmmm wasnt he the middle/upper class guy who was so desperate to become a gangsta so he left school and shit?? If hes now in jail I feel sorry, sort of.

As for Easy and that 16yo claiming "16yo cant have friendship with older people": How stupid can one be? Ever heard of the term "little homies"? Ever thought of good neighboorship? Or just common interests?
I have no problem to chill with the younger ones at my gym. Why would I?

As for Easy, if thats true mackin on that young girl (as its probably illegal in your country):

Oh, if you intend to insult me or something, dont expect me to read this, my life is busy and I dont think Ill remember posting here by tomorrow. :D

As for the staff: good to see pacboard is still doing well!

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
My 2 cents. A 26 year old going out with a 16 year old is ridiculous, if your 26 and chilling with 16 year olds on a regular basis your a loser. It's like 20 year old guys who date 16 year old chicks. This is coming from a 17 year old, I mean what the fuck do a 26 yr old and 16 yr old have in common?
Being able to associate with people outside of your age group (young and old) shows you have good social skills. If you think you should stick to chilling with people your own age, you're the one lacking social skills. My people range from the age of 15-50, and we all chill with each other.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^^^ I honestly kid of agree with Da_Funk... I think being REAL friends with 16 year olds is weird....

I'm 20, and I'm coaching soccer to some teens (14 year olds)... I honestly can't imagine myself going to their house to play X-Box with them.... It's just...creepy lol....

My people range from the age of 15-50, and we all chill with each other.
Well I don't but that doesn,t mean i have no social skills lol... I have a bunch of friends, but they are in my age range (18-24) My youngest friend is 18. and my oldest one is 23-24...

It may be the difference of cultures or something...

as for this thread.

Eric got fucking robbed of his self-esteem.

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