SiGh exposed. (w/photos)

SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

Dante said:
yes, it seems that i was the only person on tb to write to the guy, which i think is a damn shame - especially since his former net crew were pretty quick to do an about face on him when the convenience of the internet was subtracted from the equation. while flipp is out filtering water in uganda, bino is putting buffets out of business, and eric is sorting mail, it never crossed their minds to take the 5 minutes to write their former friend who's in a federal pen. i've never been locked up, but i think any person can imagine how significant just one letter could be to help bring some outside light into someone's cell. i wouldn't wish friends like you guys on anyone.

that being said, froggy has requested me to give out his address to those who would like to write him. pm me and i will give it to you. syn, pm me as well.
I've never met froggy or spoken to him, but I remember when he went to prison we were told to PM for his address if we wished to write to him.

I haven't been to prison either and, like you, can fully conceive and understand the positive difference that one letter could make, no matter who it's from.

I requested the address but never got it, perhaps because I'm not one of his 'mates' in his e-crew...who it seems never wrote to him anyway.


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

SiGh said:
Why? you're not friend enough to tell me?
I respect the fact that some ppl don't stoop that low and you'd rather not get involved...But what's the point of bringing it up if you're not going to tell...I'd like to have a laugh 2...


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

keco52 said:
Why? you're not friend enough to tell me?
I respect the fact that some ppl don't stoop that low and you'd rather not get involved...But what's the point of bringing it up if you're not going to tell...I'd like to have a laugh 2...



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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

I can't believe I just sat and read all of this.

1. I thought Froggie said he was Bengali (sp?) is he not?

2. If you're not that really sucks, not because of the race thing but because you clearly lied to me. What's the point, if you don't want people to know your race, that's fine and I respect that but just omit the information, why make up stories and lie about it?

3. Outside of Sigh possibly lying to me, I think he's a real stand up kid. He's a great guy and he's always there for people for the most part. We aren't really as "close" as we used to be but that's probably because my lack of internet access since i've moved but he's still a really great guy.

4. I've been trying to get Froggie's damn information forever, I've PM'd a few people about it but to no avail. I'd definately write him, me and Froggie were hella cool and i'm sure it'd cheer him up.


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

SiGh said:



Active Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

I know everything about Sigh :]
His age, real location, real name, I've even seen real pics
I've even had lunch with him once.
You all failed in trying to expose him...all fun though lol.

P.S. Eric why havent u IMed me since this thread?


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

If you've had lunch with him, that further proves the point of this thread. He's not in his said location. Stephanie, I don't doubt what he's said to you is true--because he's in love with you.

Let's talk about this for a second. Sigh claims to be 26. I want to know what he's doing having lunch with a 16 year old.

Stephanie, I have no reason to talk to you. You don't get my humor and mistake it for me making advances on you.

No one failed at exposing him. I made a point to prove he's not who he says he is online. You've further proved that. "I know his REAL location. I know his REAL name. Ive seen REAL pics".


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

eric, you failed...again. deal with it

here is a good question. what is a 23 year old doing in an online chat trying to get a 16 year old to say phrases and getting of on them, huh eric?

i have seen convos that you have had with steph where you say some pretty questionable things for a guy reaching his mid twenties to be saying to a teenager.

who cares if they had lunch. its not like they had sex. you ever think they could just be friends?

you are the one who is obvious in love with her and it is so damn obvious to myself and many people who have been in our yahoo chats and seen your convos with steph where you say said questionable pedo things.

stop while you are ahead before you end up on dateline nbc
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)'s like a soap opera....with words.....that's' kinda creepy having someone text u a pic of your front door...i would've went outside n' kicc'd some
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

isnt sigh like... 36 or something? i think i remember him telling me that cuz he was ashamed he was so old...

speaking of old, why did that cunt bring this thread back up????

and puffy, why does la russa look like a fag?? and why have all his players been convicted of steroids?? jeez...


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

WayCide-Ridah said:'s like a soap opera....with words.....that's' kinda creepy having someone text u a pic of your front door...i would've went outside n' kicc'd some
he sent the picture after he was miles away. typical gayness.


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

PuffnScruff said:
eric, you failed...again. deal with it

here is a good question. what is a 23 year old doing in an online chat trying to get a 16 year old to say phrases and getting of on them, huh eric?

i have seen convos that you have had with steph where you say some pretty questionable things for a guy reaching his mid twenties to be saying to a teenager.

who cares if they had lunch. its not like they had sex. you ever think they could just be friends?

you are the one who is obvious in love with her and it is so damn obvious to myself and many people who have been in our yahoo chats and seen your convos with steph where you say said questionable pedo things.

stop while you are ahead before you end up on dateline nbc
You're a poor judge of character. If you're rationalizing a 27 year old hanging out with a 16 year old, saying it's okay because perhaps they are friends, then you've lost it my friend.

Peter, I don't mind what you say because in your heart I know how you feel about Sigh. And you, sir, are a good judge of character. You can continue throwing disses at me, it is fine, because it humors me. I'm not going to be offended by what you say. Just know despite your actions and words, I know how you are.

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