it might be nice to expand a little bit, yeah? i mean you gotta look for it yourself... im not trying to advertise another board... but has no rules as to what is posted music-wise... so there are full album releases of both mainstream and underground rappers... it's a dl link heaven.... as for the members, they're straight, but there are alotta wiggers there... in an analogy comparable to reading playboy just for the articles, im only there for the links to new releases... they are almost always 0-scene, meaning as soon it's leaked it's there.... beats the hell outta Oink!
As far as OiNk, I got an invite.. but haven't fucked with it really. Honestly? I'll probably let my account expire and not fuck with it at all. It seems too complicated. It's probably not at all, but I never used any of that torrent shit. I'm good with getting music online and thru Slsk, so that's fine for me. Plus I keep it all organized and shit.