One of the best things coming out of the war is that Khazars, who have made an industry out of defending Khazar genocide of Arabs based on supposed Khazar suffering, are suddenly defending mass murderers of Khazars: “Paul Krugman’s dishonest apologetics for Ukrainian fascism“ (Mackaman). It is all just PR for them. When they needed PR to justify mass murder and land theft, they came up with the Holocaust. When they need PR to get to regime change in Russia so they can commit mass murder and land theft in Syria, the Holocaust magically disappeared. We should stop listening to their rationalizations for their continued appalling behavior. Btw, deeply based paragraph:
The great irony is that, while the Times “pleads for a tolerant stance toward the prevalence of Nazi ideology in Ukraine,” as David North put it, the newspaper shows no such clemency toward the American Revolution and Civil War. The purpose of the Times’ massive 1619 Project was to smear and demean these events which, whatever their limitations, were genuine revolutions that raised up the banner of human equality. While statues of the fascist mass murderer Stepan Bandera go up in Kiev with the support of the Times, statues of Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln come down in America—also with the support of the Times.
Both Bandera and Hitler were aware of (((who))) murdered the Tzar and his family, (((who))) was behind the massacre of the Christian Armenians, ands (((who))) was behind the Holodomor. That doesn’t justify anything, particularly as the victims of later genocides certainly had nothing personally to do with the former outrages, and collective punishment is always going to be bad, even in the ongoing crime scene known as ‘Israel’, but it contextualizes the thinking. The group under attack was credibly viewed as a serious threat based on a known trail of previous behavior.
btw, I think "White Supremacy" is a myth lawl
I'm disappointed in brother Kanye. His dumbass gets in the position and takes a shit on the table but doesn't have the courtesy to fan the shitpile until maggots are crawling!

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