Rappers who dont write down there lines,


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I heard Jay-Z spits rhymes on the spot. So whatever you hear on his album are from a 1 time try off his head.

I dunno how legit that is though.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that Biggie used to do it earlier in his career but then started writing down his lyrics.
it depends what you mean...there's a lot of rappers who just write down notes or just some of the words they want to say and fill in the spots in between on the fly. as for writing down none of their shit, jay-z and biggie are the only ones i know for sure personally


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^^^ Wouldn't claim it as being a freestyle. They think up their lines and keep them in their memory. Some ppl are blessed with incredible memory. So he's thinks up his verses and remembers them word for word.

That's it.
I feel rappers should write down their lines, it would probably make the end product better. And it kinda seems like they bein lazy.
7Datskat34 said:
Lil Wayne needs 2 start writing em down
lmao :thumb:. Thread should be "Rappers who say they don't write down their lines."
Aristotle said:
^^Not really. Have you ever memorized a verse, it really isn't hard.
You memorize shit by hearing/seeing it over and over. Get my point?
Jay-Z is the best to do it without writing anything down.

Heres proof,

9th Wonder Discusses Jay-Z
Friday - October 24, 2003
One of hip hop’s best new producers and anchor of this year’s indy breakout group Little Brother, 9th Wonder recently got in the studio to contribute to “The Black Album.” Want some details? Check what 9th had to say on the Okayplayer message board about getting in the studio with S dot.

“I played 29 beats.....he listened to every one.


Not an A&R, not an assistant, not his manager....

Jay-Z DID.

Every beat.

I went to several quote en quote "underground, keepin it real labels" and the A&R's was like, "yeah man, I'm gonna go through these and pick out some for(fill in your favorite "real emcee")

Not Jay....

Probably Rap's richest, most power figure to date took the time out to listen to a new producer who got a couple of shots in mags hear and there.

An hour.
29 beats.
At least 2 minutes to every beat.

After which, he asked me, "damn man, what's your story?"

I gave him a quick run down of where I was from and so forth and who my group was. Young Guru already had the Listening, had it the first day it came out, but never let Jay hear it. So did Kanye.

A couple of days later, we recorded. ONE SONG.

He took 4 takes on what some so called "skilled" cats take 4 days to do......



I have been in some studios with cats that cannot do that WITH PAPER.

That is some hard shit to do, to come up with a rhyme in your head, and spit it like you knew it for years...”

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