Proof Interview With XXL (Last Ever Interview), Him And Obie Were Cousins


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Proof interview with XXL [Last one he ever gave]..Him N Obie were Cousin

Proof interview with XXL To his final day, the Motor City “Mayor of Hip-Hop” remained loyal to friends and approachable on the street, repping his hometowns rap scene to the fullest. Herewith: the last interview Proof ever gave.

For more than a decade, up until his shooting death on April 11, Deshaun Dupree “Proof” Holton was a leading figure on the Detroit rap scene. In the mid-90s, as host and frequent participant at the famed open-mic night at Maurice Malones Hip-Hop Shop, Proof carved out a legacy as an unparalleled battle MC, and—as depicted by Mekhi Phifer in the 2002 movie 8 Mile—played an instrumental role in pushing his friend and rhyme partner Eminem to worldwide superstardom.

Proof was born in Detroit on Oct. 2, 1973, the son of record producer McKinley Jackson. He attended various Catholic schools as a child, and went on to Osborn High in his teens, but dropped out to pursue a career in rap before graduating. He formed a duo, Funky Cowboy, in 1996 with producer J Dilla—who also died earlier this year—and later, the multiplatinum sextet D12. While Phifers 8 Mile character, Future, was based on Proofs real-life persona, Proof himself appeared in the movie as Lil Tic—the MC who intimidates Eminems B-Rabbit into choking in the opening battle scene.

Always one of Motor Citys most approachable stars, Proof could regularly be found at clubs, restaurants, concerts and bowling alleys, and he continued in his support of local hip-hop. Last summer, he launched his own label, Iron Fist Records, with his solo debut, Searching for Jerry Garcia, and planned on releasing the work of his artists Purple Gang, Woof Pak and Supa MC.

A few weeks before his death, Proof sat at the Iron Fist offices in the Michigan Building, about two blocks from the Fox Theatre in downtown Detroit. He was in a good mood, happy with the 50,000 copies Searching for Jerry Garcia had sold, planning an overseas tour with Kid Rocks DJ, Paradime, and looking forward to starting work on the next D12 album. Shrugging off recent talk of problems within the group, he was quick to defend Eminem against attack, and recounted a recent run-in with one of his camps biggest detractors. He also touched on the strange highway shooting of his label mate Obie Trice, his new album, his position in the Motown hip-hop scene and a life that seemed nowhere near finished.

Youve always stood by your friendship with Eminem. Over the last couple years, hes taken a lot of heat from certain figures in the industry. In an interview with XXL, Suge Knight tore into him with some pretty venomous statements. He called Em a “racist,” and basically compared him to a slave master.
Well, I had the privilege of meeting Suge Knight. Im from Detroit, and I guess I dont understand the fear that some people strike in others. I mean, Suge is doing bad, everybody knows it. The industry banned him. I personally think he shot himself. Thats just me. I mean, what he says dont even count. When hes running the record label as a Black man and somebodys White running a record label, and its all the same shit across the board, wheres the slave-master mentality? That makes Suge a slave master if thats the case. He has a platform to speak from, but most of the things he be saying is bullshit.

Why do you think its so popular to rip Em?
High profile! Like I had told Em one time about Suge, if you shut up saying stuff about him, that makes him stronger. If you attack him, you take away the only credibility that hes got. And that is, the streets believe hes just some hard-assed muthafucka. But if you approach it like, Yo, hes not! Like Snoop did on that song “Pimpd Slappd 2 (Fuck Suge Knight),” that shit is hard. Cause theyre aint nobody saying nothing to Suge. Em had a couple of things they wouldnt let him say. You know, the labels and shit. If Suge really looks at himself, he destroyed himself. I mean, you had Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Tupac. You got all these big artists, and youre going to let the streets dictate how to run a record label? Its like, Okay…

Ive always been in the hood. But just cause I got love for rapping and people in general, I dont give a fuck what color nobody is. A persons a person. Thats just the way I operate. Ill get the “Uncle Toms” and all this kind of shit… But me and Em will be dawgs forever. Theres no doubt. Theres nothing that anyone can say to me about Eminem at all. Its like, just stop it, okay?

You said you met Suge. This was last year, right? You were in Vegas with Trick Trick? What went down that day?
Well, I was upstairs, and they said that Suge was downstairs. So I was like, Im going downstairs! Hes with like two or three big dudes. When I came down there, Trick was already there, and he said he told Suge hes gonna have to see me or something to that effect. Im like, I dont want to talk to that *****. Then I was just chillin with some friends, and one of the dudes that was with Suge said something to me. I was like, I aint messing with that shit. It wasnt nothing. So then Kid Rock was downstairs. I love Kid Rock to death. Me and Bob go way back, and this night he decides to be the peacemaker. So when I see Suge next to Kid Rock, I wanted to post up just to make sure that Suge wasnt trying no crazy shit, you know. But he wasnt. I guess they knew each other. Then Kid Rock says to Suge, “Hey, thats my childhood friend. Proof! Come here! Come here!” Im like, man, thats fuckin Suge Knight. Im not about to come talk to him. But I walk over there, and Suge sticks out his hand. And Im like, “I aint shakin your muthafuckin hand. Get out of my face with that shit.” He pointed like, “You, you, and you come outside.” I said, “Man, thats the last thing you told Tupac, and we aint seen him since.” Once I did that, the way his face looked was priceless. I dont try to tell that story too much, cause Im not trying to be that kind of person. But I know the kind of people Ive been around all my life. Most of the certain ones, I can put them in the same category, cause of this look that theyve got. When I looked at Suge and that shit wasnt nowhere there, I was like, I cant believe it. It was almost like a letdown. It was like, This aint the guy. This guy cant be one of them guys. Im not even one of those guys, but I know them guys, and hes not one of them dudes.

When youre in other cities, do you feel like you have to represent Detroit in a certain way—let others know that you dont take any shit?
If you can survive in Detroit, Ill be damned if Ill go anywhere and be hoed out. Cause this place is a muthafucka. They say theres like two or three murders a day in Detroit. They dont even make the news, thats how much murder happens here.

Just like all that beefin with Suge, I ran into Chris Gotti the other day at the Compuware thing. Kind of the same thing Suge tried to do to me. I know the owner of the Compuware building and his wife, so I wasnt about to tear up no shit. You know they tried to rush me down in Miami. Which they didnt do anything. Im like 165 pounds and five or six of yall cant get me. They was all just DJs and kittens. I walked out with scratches.

Obie Trice was shot this past New Years Eve while driving down the freeway. Do you think there was any connection to rap, or was it just an unlucky, wrong-place, wrong-time kind of thing?
I think its a Detroit thing, honestly. I was at a show in Toledo when that happened. I drove all the way back thinking the worst shit ever. But it was a good thing the bullet didnt really penetrate. Im glad hes hardheaded. People dont know that Obie is actually my cousin. But we didnt find that out til later, after being label mates. Thats some wild shit!

Youre known for being out on the scene here in Detroit, and for being approachable, down-to-earth. Has that become more difficult lately?
A lot of times when Im out and about, I get to hear a lot more shit. When it comes to preserving hip-hop, like there was about to be a big rumble at Northern Lights on Tuesday. I took it upon myself to personally get on the phone and call both sides of the party like, “Youre not going to Northern Lights to fight. This is like the only hip-hop shit we got going in Detroit thats real, and you guys are not going to fuck it up.” And they didnt. So with the bad, theres some good from me being on the scene and knowing a lot of rappers and stuff, so we can still preserve the scene. Cause I am the “Mayor of Hip-Hop.”

In that regard, you chose an interesting title for your album, Searching for Jerry Garcia. The Grateful Dead guitarist is not a name that carries a lot of currency in the hip-hop community.
You know what? Its like a catchphrase when you say it to a Black person. They say, Who? It goes to show how closed minded people can be. Me, Im open-minded, cause my father was a musician. He produced Tower of Power, Jones Girls, Marvin Gaye. Going to Catholic schools made me accepting of people of different cultures. I came across Jerry Garcia on a documentary on a whim. I had just watched Searching for Bobby Fischer, and were watching this documentary come on. It says that Jerry Garcias demise came from stress, drugs and poor diet. Mark was like, “Fuck Bobby Fischer, thats who they should be looking for.” And I was like, “Riiight!” He was the epitome of what an artist is. He did jazz, rock, whatever!

You had a lot of high-powered guests on the album. 50 Cent, Nate Dogg, Method Man and B-Real…
Method Man and B-Real! When people say Proof is down-to-earth, its because of those two people. I met Method Man in like 94, when he first came out. He shot me his phone number, and we used to kick it on the phone, talkin bout doing a song together. We did the song, and it just showed me that once you did get on, you didnt have to act a certain way. A lot of people tend to take that shit to their head. The things the fans say to you let you know how everybody else acts. When they say, What are you doing here? I live in Detroit for one, and I can come and see titties when I want to see titties! But that just shows you how distant others can be. I think some people just let it go to their heads. I know that people let it go to their head, cause I catch myself in certain situations doing some wild shit. Im like, Thats really not cool. I can be on the phone and just hang up. Im like, , You couldnt even say bye or anything? Like, where am I going? Maybe Im distracted? Whatever it is, I know that that wasnt right. Like, wow—what did I just do?!

Im sure you dont mind some of the public attention. But how do you deal with the overzealous fan who approaches you at an inopportune time? Like when youre eating with your kids or taking a piss in the mens room or something?
This is one thing I figured out about fans, its why I try to be gracious to them: The people at home dont see the work when theyre at home watching TV. You dont understand the work behind it. You just share the moment. Say Marilyn Mansons my man. Say Im watching Marilyn Manson on TV. Im just a fan, right? When I see Marilyn Manson, he doesnt know about my house, but I know my house and where I found my moment with Marilyn Manson at. So I gotta say something to you right? Now, I might say the dumbest shit in the world because I dont know what to say. I feel like I know you. I dont know you, but we had this moment at my home. At that moment that Im talking to Marilyn Manson, he cant feel what Im feeling. They dont share getting the beat, writing the rhyme, going in the studio, shooting the video. When the videos shot, then we share just this one moment. But you cant explain that to nobody thats drunk at the bar.

Back before you were famous, back when Em was crashing at your house way back when. Did you ever imagine how big it would eventually get?
Let me tell you the illest story about what I say when people ask why I didnt finish high school. I used to wake up, walk over to Ems house to go to school at lunch. I had this little scam on lunch cards. I stole a bunch of lunch cards and gave them to people, then I would collect money from them at the end of the week. Id go up there at lunch and stay for about three hours in a row. Id never go to class! Em said to me one day, “Man, why are you going to high school? Were gonna be rappers.” I was like, “Okay.” I go and talk to my mother. Say, “Mom, I want to drop out of high school and be a rapper.” She said, “Okay, you just got to get a job.” So I called Em, and I said, “Em, I cant drop out of high school unless I got a job.” He said, “Okay, Ill call you back.” He called back like three minutes later and had gotten me a job at Little Caesars. Just imagine if he had been wrong.

he's a very foolish guy, im not saying suge shot him , but you dont disrespect someone by not shaking there hand when they offer it to you, and making remarks about tupac like that.............
at the end of the day it gets dark so god bless his family

ps i never liked him anyway, i know its terrible but i cant stand the whole d12 dirt


New Member
^Proof had big skills, he was real good, sad he is gone i just started to like his music his solo album is real tight except few songs, he wasnt foolish he was speakin what he was thinkin in that interview i am glad he told that, suge is bitch, rip proof now u can rap with Pac in heaven


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Sandeep14 said:
Then Kid Rock says to Suge, “Hey, thats my childhood friend. Proof! Come here! Come here!” Im like, man, thats fuckin Suge Knight. Im not about to come talk to him. But I walk over there, and Suge sticks out his hand. And Im like, “I aint shakin your muthafuckin hand. Get out of my face with that shit.” He pointed like, “You, you, and you come outside.” I said, “Man, thats the last thing you told Tupac, and we aint seen him since.” Once I did that, the way his face looked was priceless. I dont try to tell that story too much, cause Im not trying to be that kind of person.

...and some people wonder why he got killed. I got love for Proof, but you can't just be popping shit to people like that. Especially fucking Suge Knight. Probably he said something similar to the bouncers that started the fight which got him killed.


New Member
WeStWooD said:
he's a very foolish guy, im not saying suge shot him , but you dont disrespect someone by not shaking there hand when they offer it to you
Oh, but if Proof did shake his hand, he'd be considered a bitch for shaking hands with someone Eminem had beef with just because the person is feared by people. Think about it.
Diaz said:
Oh, but if Proof did shake his hand, he'd be considered a bitch for shaking hands with someone Eminem had beef with just because the person is feared by people. Think about it.
true. the main problem though is that people need to quit worrying about their rep and what other people think about them. too many people die just trying to be "real" or "hard" and impressing others. life is too short to worry about people thinking you're fake or a bitch. there is much more important things to worry about. peace


Well-Known Member
Sandeep14 said:
fuk suge knight, he is a bitch, truth came out

Exactly :thumb:

I would have loved to been there when Proof put him in his place. That's too bad Eminem never destroyed Suge on a diss record.

(Thanks a lot Dre) :fury:

R.I.P. Proof , you always will be missed.


Well-Known Member
Snowman said:
Exactly :thumb:

I would have loved to been there when Proof put him in his place. That's too bad Eminem never destroyed Suge on a diss record.

(Thanks a lot Dre) :fury:

R.I.P. Proof , you always will be missed.
exactly, still would have loved 2 c eminem diss him! like a hail mary 2006, or sumthin!

RIP Proof, still catn believe it!
Sandeep14 said:
exactly, still would have loved 2 c eminem diss him! like a hail mary 2006, or sumthin!

RIP Proof, still catn believe it![/QUOTE

not addressing suge made eminem the bigger man in the public eye. i looked at all those too gangsta 4 radio disses as petty shit by sum no name rappers. Em had better thingz 2 do. Suge will never have what he used 2.
That's messed up. What was the point of him disrespecting Suge. At times I believe in being humble and respectful. If someone offers you their hand, just give that man that respect by offering your hand back.

Anyway Suge must've been like good for him when he heard that he died.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
Bombsquad said:
That's messed up. What was the point of him disrespecting Suge. At times I believe in being humble and respectful. If someone offers you their hand, just give that man that respect by offering your hand back.

Anyway Suge must've been like good for him when he heard that he died.
hahahahahahaha thats a funny line

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