Please help me

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And dont even tell me that I'm trying to make myself look bad. Beacause it's all of you that are trying to make me look bad. I said before "That the blind have been leading the blind for a long time now". So why don't you be the smart one, if you know so much about history and politics, you should study what I have said, and realize that I'm not trying to say nothing bad or offend people man..


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You make me feel like I'm a worse person then I already am. But in the future I will try post a bigger explanation with my addressing points so stuff like this doesn't happen.


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Ofcourse not in tht post. If you show anyone just that post I wont look threatened. Look at that whole threat, how it started off, then you can tell I was feeling threatened when a random person wanted my house address. I gave it to him, and if he wanted to fight, we would fight. But I did feel threatened.
Rahim said:
Ofcourse not in tht post. If you show anyone just that post I wont look threatened. Look at that whole threat, how it started off, then you can tell I was feeling threatened.
You shouldn't have felt threatened, but, why did you send him your address anyway?


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Diaz said:
You shouldn't have felt threatened, but, why did you send him your address anyway?
Because I'm not afraid that's why. I was threatened, that when I read what he said, it made me feel like damn, if I don't give my address up either way he's going to get it from you, or Kfatal, or someone. So I wanted to give it to him. And if he wanted to fight, then I would fight back no matter what. Forget about myself getting hurt, because if he has personal information of mine, and for no reason want's to fight, this gives me reason to fight back.
Rahim said:
if I don't give my address up either way he's going to get it from you
Didn't I already tell you I don't have your address? I bet KFatal doesn't either, he's just doing his typical net-thugging.


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Diaz said:
Didn't I already tell you I don't have your address? I bet KFatal doesn't either, he's just doing his typical net-thugging.
Not true. KFatal has it.

Anyways, I would like this thread to remain on topic to what I said in my first post.
Rahim said:
Not true. KFatal has it.
Did he show proof that he had it or did he just say "I have it and I'm going to kill you zomg cr rebel jossy ghostoffagass"?
Rahim said:
Anyways, I would like this thread to remain on topic to what I said in my first post.
Not that easy, you're the one who changed the subject.


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Diaz said:
Did he show proof that he had it or did he just say "I have it and I'm going to kill you zomg cr rebel jossy ghostoffagass"?

Not that easy, you're the one who changed the subject.
Edit: I see what you said. You are right partly, but I am asking you to stop asking me questions and do it through pm if you have any.

I'm the one who gave him my address. It is a big situation. Ask him and if he feels like it, he will tell you.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
I don't know the full history of America, but from everything I've read and seen in the present with a lot of thinking as well, I do stand with what I believe..
as in, what you see and read in the media? the overly biased, full of lies and hate main stream media? if you believe what you see and read in the msm then...well talk about ignorance

and if people are making fun of you, who freaking cares. are you 5 years old? dwelling on the issue will solve nothing. move on.

Rahim said:
I do know the difference between a fact and opinion. If you don't think so other wise, show me where this is untrue so I can clear this up with you. .
"I don't think they should be fighting at all because Bush doesn't care about them. They are wrong for fighting against Iraq. And this is a fact. "
^^^that is an opinion. not a fact as you claim.

and when i said "mind you" , it was not a thread, "mind you" i.e. as in keep in mind. as in keep in mind that their are military vets on this board. if you really took that as a threat, then diaz is right you are noid and you need professional help


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
this is moronic.

rahim, stop wearing your heart on your vest if you can't handle it if someone doesn't like you. you do, however, adopt a religion based superiority in your posts (especially lately) that pisses people off. example: mark deez does not need you to play captain save a hoe. when everyone's laughing at someone it's not your job to ride in on a white horse and save the day. doing so makes you into a poindexter.

second, i suggest you seriously learn about world politics before making comments about people dying again. if you think those muslims in the middle east are your brothers because you worship the same god you are vastly mistaken. they'd fly a plane into your house just as easily as into mine.

stop. wipe your tears. man up. this is the internet. not everyone will like you. imagine how many people pray i will die tomorrow, yet somehow i keep going.

it's my thought that you need to experience real life more so your internet presence will be put into a better perspective.


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I know I said I wouldn't reply to these posts, but I still feel I need to explain my self in some ways because I want people to know what I'm saying.

PuffnScruff said:
as in, what you see and read in the media? the overly biased, full of lies and hate main stream media? if you believe what you see and read in the msm then...well talk about ignorance
Nope, what I said to you is not based on media as TV and Newspapers, but based on the situation itself.

PuffnScruff said:
and if people are making fun of you, who freaking cares. are you 5 years old? dwelling on the issue will solve nothing. move on.
Well I do care when I'm one of the few people that are being treated like this. I do care because I like being here, and I talk to people with respect. If you respect me then I will respect you and that's how it should be for everyone.

PuffnScruff said:
"I don't think they should be fighting at all because Bush doesn't care about them. They are wrong for fighting against Iraq. And this is a fact. "
^^^that is an opinion. not a fact as you claim.
That is true. What I said there is an opinion. But I have stated opinions and facts in that post. You have only showed me what I have addressed. I did say "I don't think", which is my opinion. But with the right proof, it can turn out to be a fact. One reason why it is wrong for America and Iraq to go into war is because no one will win in the end because everyone who took part in the war will be seriously hurt or dead.

PuffnScruff said:
and when i said "mind you" , it was not a thread, "mind you" i.e. as in keep in mind. as in keep in mind that their are military vets on this board. if you really took that as a threat, then diaz is right you are noid and you need professional help
I don't need help in that sense. But I do take everything people tell me seriously because that's how people treated me. That's just how I am now.


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PuffnScruff said:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you are the one who took it off topic in the first place
I wasn't implying on who took this thread off topic, you were :laugh: :laugh:

I said that because from that point on, I didn't want any other posts to be made by me or anyone else so the Admins can focous on just my situation instead of reading the other things on this tread. But it didn't end in happening like that, as I still have another post I feel I need to reply to..


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
I wasn't implying on who took this thread off topic tho you are :laugh: :laugh:
go back and read through this thread, you started to take this whole thing off topic with your threats toward diaz, dont be stupid now

"That is true. What I said there is an opinion. But I have stated opinions and facts in that post. You have only showed me what I have addressed. I did say "I don't think", which is my opinion. But with the right proof, it can turn out to be a fact. One reason why it is wrong for America and Iraq to go into war is because no one will win in the end because everyone who took part in the war will be seriously hurt or dead."

that post had no facts what so ever in it.

"Nope, what I said to you is not based on media as TV and Newspapers, but based on the situation itself."

you wouldnt know about the situation if it wasnt for the media. so your opinions are based on what you see in the media. you are a prime example of a person who has been influenced by the hypodermic needle theory, multi-step theory, and selective process theory


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Dante said:
this is moronic.

rahim, stop wearing your heart on your vest if you can't handle it if someone doesn't like you. you do, however, adopt a religion based superiority in your posts (especially lately) that pisses people off. example: mark deez does not need you to play captain save a hoe. when everyone's laughing at someone it's not your job to ride in on a white horse and save the day. doing so makes you into a poindexter.
It's not that I cant handle someone not liking me, that is fine to me. I don't see it as me "adopting a reigion based supiority". Sorry if I made it seem like that, but my intentions were not of doing so. There is one God, God created us all, we're all brothers and sisters, and that is one of many other things I believe.

As you can tell, making fun of other people is not acceptable to me. But I will be carefull in speaking on situations in the future. But if someone doesn't like the fact that I said something, then I can't be blamed or looked upon a bad way for that reason.

Dante said:
second, i suggest you seriously learn about world politics before making comments about people dying again. if you think those muslims in the middle east are your brothers because you worship the same god you are vastly mistaken. they'd fly a plane into your house just as easily as into mine.
I made comments on my opinions, beliefs, which can be put accordance with being facts if the right proof is available. I do believe everyone is my brother and my sister, but only spiritually. Ofcourse I know they aren't doing anything good either by what they did to the twin towers. But I use that situation as an example, and I will continue to do so in some cases. If it does offend you, I will try to keep it to a minimum.

Dante said:
it's my thought that you need to experience real life more so your internet presence will be put into a better perspective.
Yeah I do need to experience real life more. Thanks for your advice man, I read everything you said to me Dante and I will try and see my faults and maintain myself as best as I can.
Rahim said:
we're all brothers and sisters, and that is one of many other things I believe.

As you can tell, making fun of other people is not acceptable to me.
It's natural for brothers and sisters to make fun of eachother, it's called sibling rivalry.


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PuffnScruff said:
go back and read through this thread, you started to take this whole thing off topic with your threats toward diaz, dont be stupid now
I see. Thanks for noticing. But I never even said or immplied in that statement to which you quoated to, that someone other then me took this thread to a different topic. YOU DID. Stop defending your self. "You are making yourself look bad".

PuffnScruff said:
"That is true. What I said there is an opinion. But I have stated opinions and facts in that post. You have only showed me what I have addressed. I did say "I don't think", which is my opinion. But with the right proof, it can turn out to be a fact. One reason why it is wrong for America and Iraq to go into war is because no one will win in the end because everyone who took part in the war will be seriously hurt or dead."

that post had no facts what so ever in it.
Read what I addressed to Dante's post, and stop commenting and trying to nail me for minor things that I said. Now it clearly shows you are just looking for an arguement.

PuffnScruff said:
"Nope, what I said to you is not based on media as TV and Newspapers, but based on the situation itself."

you wouldnt know about the situation if it wasnt for the media. so your opinions are based on what you see in the media. you are a prime example of a person who has been influenced by the hypodermic needle theory, multi-step theory, and selective process theory
That is true. But it my opinion's arent based on what I see on the media. It's based what I don't see on the media, with a few other reasons along side.

But if you really believe I am an example of someone who has been influenced by a media, I am certainly not the only one. I am definetly not the only victom, and this is nothing for me to worry about, but to over come.

Well it was nice talking to you.

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