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Dante said:
dude, that's a fucked up and ignorant thing to say.

the puritan christian spine of america does not reward jihad with a place in heaven and a grip of virgins
I agree with that. Jihad isn't doing a good thing either by killing American's and the incident with the twin towers.

Dante said:
i'd rather snipe you and make it home for coffee and a donut than end my life so i can take out maybe 2 people and injure a couple others.
Well first tell me, what are you fighting for, and what is the reason to kill someone else if you were in the American Army? Bush going into war was the worst thing possible. For every soldier that snipe's a few muslims in Iraq, there will be a certain amount of soldiers blown to pieces. And that's Bush's fault for sending his army out and creating this war. I think if Bush really Loved America, he would go to war with his army.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
That's not true. But I can give you a better example of what your doing. America invading Iraq is a good example. You being the American Army, me being the people in Iraq. American soldiers are afraid to die because if they weren't, they would be the one doing all the suicidal bombings and taking everyone elses lives. Just like Bush is causing all these problems for Iraq, you are causing problems for me. So if you come too close you will get blown to pieces. And I mean that in the nicest way possible:hungry:
this has got to be the dumbest thing you have said yet. if i were an american vet, which there are some on this board mind you, i would take great offense to this statement. as a child of military vets, i take offense to that ignorant statement you made. plus your "example" makes no sense at all.

and you want people to be banned or put on probation based on nothing that calls for it to be done, but then you make threats on a persons life. that is the only thing out of the threads you linked to in your first post and the rest of this thread that call for a banning for probation. you have completely turned this thread around on yourself.

please, do not ever instant message me again.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
I agree with that. Jihad isn't doing a good thing either by killing American's and the incident with the twin towers.

Well first tell me, what are you fighting for, and what is the reason to kill someone else if you were in the American Army? Bush going into war was the worst thing possible. For every soldier that snipe's a few muslims in Iraq, there will be a certain amount of soldiers blown to pieces. And that's Bush's fault for sending his army out and creating this war. I think if Bush really Loved America, he would go to war with his army.
you seriously need a history lesson in radicals and terrorist from the past 30 years. you dont even have to go back that far, just get a history lesson from the 90s to modern day on the subject and you will see who really started the fight.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
Well first tell me, what are you fighting for, and what is the reason to kill someone else if you were in the American Army? Bush going into war was the worst thing possible. For every soldier that snipe's a few muslims in Iraq, there will be a certain amount of soldiers blown to pieces. And that's Bush's fault for sending his army out and creating this war. I think if Bush really Loved America, he would go to war with his army.
Dante's comment had nothing to do with politics or the war in Iraq, but with the Jihadist mind state and thinking that it's worth it to kill yourself if one or two people go down with you.


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PuffnScruff said:
this has got to be the dumbest thing you have said yet. if i were an american vet, which there are some on this board mind you, i would take great offense to this statement. as a child of military vets, i take offense to that ignorant statement you made. plus your "example" makes no sense at all.

and you want people to be banned or put on probation based on nothing that calls for it to be done, but then you make threats on a persons life. that is the only thing out of the threads you linked to in your first post and the rest of this thread that call for a banning for probation. you have completely turned this thread around on yourself.

please, do not ever instant message me again.
The dumbest thing I've said? So I have said dumb things before and you just went along with it and never said anything about it to me? I didn't mean to offend you or any other Soldier in anyway, but I do believe what I said. The way I said it might've offended people, so I will explain it.

When I did say that "American soldiers are afraid to die", that was wrong for me to say without any further explanation behind it. The soldiers and people of Iraq, aren't afraid to die and that's a fact. They do blow them selves up and people around them. And that is a bigger advantage over American Soldiers. Bush blindly sends them to war. But I think fighting for America (especially in the war that's going on right now, is pointless). I don't think they should be fighting at all because Bush doesn't care about them. They are wrong for fighting against Iraq. And this is a fact. Iraq, and muslims from Iraq aren't afraid to die. They blew up the twin towers, they started that sars scare, and the only thing Bush has done is kill innocent people. I don't agree with the blowing up with the twin towers, but I used that as an example. Now, who do you think is more lethal, America or the muslims in Iraq?

And when I made that reference to Diaz about the twin towers, it was a threat. But I have been threatened by other's before and no one like yourself did something about it. So why are you refering to what I said to Diaz, when people have threatend me on this forum, and no one did a thing about that? I think it was you, and/or someone else who said no one's going to do anything about my situation, so wtf is a threat, if so many people bug me, and no one's willing to do anything about it? I do have information on people who have threatened me. I don't have a right to threaten Diaz, but I will threaten him because I am angry.

If you don't want to talk to me because of something I said, then that's fine. If you believe what everyone else says about me on this forum, then you are no different then any of them either.


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PuffnScruff said:
you seriously need a history lesson in radicals and terrorist from the past 30 years. you dont even have to go back that far, just get a history lesson from the 90s to modern day on the subject and you will see who really started the fight.
I can't argue with myself on who started "the fight". Because in some cases it does matter who started "the fight", and in others, it doesn't. In the case of the war, I do think Bush started it. I do believe he went to war with Iraq to prove himself just like his father went into war. I also think he went into war because he wanted oil. And people dying didn't matter to him either.

I'm not talking about other wars, I'm talking about the war on Iraq to be specific.
lol I was about to argue with a point Rahim made, then I realized, this isn't fuckin Words Of Wisdom, this is a thread where he's trying to get me banned... how did it turn into a political debate?
Rahim said:
^^ Because I turned it into one by saying something that offended PuffnScruff.
Not only did it offend PuffnScruff, but it had nothing to do with this situation, I think it's just something you've been wanting to say so you say it in here when it can't even be applied to what were talking about.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:
The dumbest thing I've said? So I have said dumb things before and you just went along with it and never said anything about it to me? I didn't mean to offend you or any other Soldier in anyway, but I do believe what I said. The way I said it might've offended people, so I will explain it.

When I did say that "American soldiers are afraid to die", that was wrong for me to say without any further explanation behind it. The soldiers and people of Iraq, aren't afraid to die and that's a fact. They do blow them selves up and people around them. And that is a bigger advantage over American Soldiers. Bush blindly sends them to war. But I think fighting for America (especially in the war that's going on right now, is pointless). I don't think they should be fighting at all because Bush doesn't care about them. They are wrong for fighting against Iraq. And this is a fact. Iraq, and muslims from Iraq aren't afraid to die. They blew up the twin towers, they started that sars scare, and the only thing Bush has done is kill innocent people. I don't agree with the blowing up with the twin towers, but I used that as an example. Now, who do you think is more lethal, America or the muslims in Iraq?

And when I made that reference to Diaz about the twin towers, it was a threat. But I have been threatened by other's before and no one like yourself did something about it. So why are you refering to what I said to Diaz, when people have threatend me on this forum, and no one did a thing about that? I think it was you, and/or someone else who said no one's going to do anything about my situation, so wtf is a threat, if so many people bug me, and no one's willing to do anything about it? I do have information on people who have threatened me. I don't have a right to threaten Diaz, but I will threaten him because I am angry.

If you don't want to talk to me because of something I said, then that's fine. If you believe what everyone else says about me on this forum, then you are no different then any of them either.
it seems you do not understand the difference between a fact and an opinion.

when i that was the dumbest thing you have said yet, i was talking about this thread

and where in those other threads you posted has anyone threatend you the way you did towards diaz? i may have over looked them, not noticed them at all, or just not gave a damn, but please post an example of someone saying a threat towards you in the same manner you did towards diaz.

in all honesty you started this thread to make others look bad and get admins to do something about them, and in the end you are the one who turns out looking worse than anyone.

why in the world you keep trying to turn this thread about how you have been mistreaded by certain members of the board into a discussion of your ignorant and lack of knowledge of the war and politics is beyond anyone else.


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AmerikazMost said:
Take Dante's advice and lead by example. I'll stop commenting when you do. You can't just say, "This is over." You always have to add in a little last word about why you're right and your beliefs are strong. That's going to provoke replies.

I admit, ill-matic shouldn't have made that thread, or at least aimed it at you. But even if he didn't aim it at you, you would've been brough up in it very quickly.

Okay. Sorry if I did say anything that offended you, but that's what I believe.


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PuffnScruff said:
it seems you do not understand the difference between a fact and an opinion.

when i that was the dumbest thing you have said yet, i was talking about this thread

and where in those other threads you posted has anyone threatend you the way you did towards diaz? i may have over looked them, not noticed them at all, or just not gave a damn, but please post an example of someone saying a threat towards you in the same manner you did towards diaz.

in all honesty you started this thread to make others look bad and get admins to do something about them, and in the end you are the one who turns out looking worse than anyone.

why in the world you keep trying to turn this thread about how you have been mistreaded by certain members of the board into a discussion of your ignorant and lack of knowledge of the war and politics is beyond anyone else.

Search my block when you have time, a memeber named "SOFI" asked for my address and I took it as a threat because he said he comes to my area every so often. So I gave him my address, and if he wanted to fight, then I would fight back. If you read it, it will show you exactly what I mean.

I turn this thread about me and how I have been mistreated because that's what it is about in the first place.

If I do have a lack of knowledge and war I can always learn, that is not a problem. I believe what I said though. I think it's you who are making me look worse then the people who I have listed as bothering me because its not what I said that make's me look bad, it's what you say to me that make's me feel like I' am doing something wrong. I didn't mean to offend you, but this is what I believe.

This is what other people did to me on a different subject on this forum, and this is what your doing to me.

I didn't mean to offend you, but you are getting angry with me for nothing. Go ahead and be on there side then..
Rahim said:
Search my block when you have time, a memeber named "SOFI" asked for my address and I took it as a threat because he said he comes to my area every so often. So I gave him my address, and if he wanted to fight, then I would fight back. If you read it, it will show you exactly what I mean.
LMAO... dude, only an idiot would take what he said as a threat.


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Nor am I implying that it's okay to threaten other people, but Diaz I am not sorry I threatened you. I was angry, so I said it.
Rahim said:
^^ It doesn't matter, I took it as a threat.
You must suffer from an extreme case of paranoia if you think anyone on this board would cease their normal life and go out of their way just to find you and hurt you.

I bet when someone extends their arm to shake your hand you duck and put your hands over your head.


Well-Known Member
Rahim said:

Search my block when you have time, a memeber named "SOFI" asked for my address and I took it as a threat because he said he comes to my area every so often. So I gave him my address, and if he wanted to fight, then I would fight back. If you read it, it will show you exactly what I mean.

I turn this thread about me and how I have been mistreated because that's what it is about in the first place.

If I do have a lack of knowledge and war I can always learn, that is not a problem. I believe what I said though. I think it's you who are making me look worse then the people who I have listed as bothering me because its not what I said that make's me look bad, it's what you say to me that make's me feel like I' am doing something wrong. I didn't mean to offend you, but this is what I believe.

This is what other people did to me on a different subject on this forum, and this is what your doing to me.

I didn't mean to offend you, but you are getting angry with me for nothing. Go ahead and be on there side then..
i aske you to post examples, not to give me a scavenger hunt

it's not a matter of "if you do" it is a matter of fact that YOU DO have a lack of knowledge of the war and politics of which you are speaking of. you could believe 2+2=5 all day long for the rest of your life it wouldnt make it true or a fact.

i am in no way getting angry. i am however pointing out your ignorance in this thread.

this has nothing to do with getting behind one person or another in this thread. you were given the best advice in this thread on the first page by dante. you still choose to not pay any attention to his advice, if you did at all you would have dropped this by now.

what this whole thing is about, this thread and the ones you posted in post 1, that has got you so mad about, is all about how you really can not take criticism


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Diaz said:
You must suffer from an extreme case of paranoia if you think anyone on this board would cease their normal life and go out of their way just to find you and hurt you.
I think I do, in the slightest way. Children always treated me bad in elementry school so it stayed with me.


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PuffnScruff said:
i aske you to post examples, not to give me a scavenger hunt

it's not a matter of "if you do" it is a matter of fact that YOU DO have a lack of knowledge of the war and politics of which you are speaking of. you could believe 2+2=5 all day long for the rest of your life it wouldnt make it true or a fact.

i am in no way getting angry. i am however pointing out your ignorance in this thread.

this has nothing to do with getting behind one person or another in this thread. you were given the best advice in this thread on the first page by dante. you still choose to not pay any attention to his advice, if you did at all you would have dropped this by now.

what this whole thing is about, this thread and the ones you posted in post 1, that has got you so mad about, is all about how you really can not take criticism's+address

I don't know the full history of America, but from everything I've read and seen in the present with a lot of thinking as well, I do stand with what I believe. I also think you over reacted. I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else about this topic, but this is what I believe.

It's not about criticism. It's making fun. But who can take critisicm and not be the least bit angry right? If it was criticism, even if it was my fault and I was angry, I would try to improve myself so I don't do the same thing again because it does make me feel bad when people tell me things I don't like. But if it's something that's true, I'm not blind in awknowledging it and dealing with it, even though with my other situation, people claim I am.

Read the threads, people are making fun of my situation. But you are the one who is ignorant. Ignorant to see what I was trying to say. I didn't like it at all that you told me not to msg you again. When we talk on aim, we don't have any problems. We talk about things, music, school, etc..

So if your going to stop talking to me over a little thing like this, you are the one who is ignorant for not realizing that I am not trying to offend you or any other soldier, and that this is what I believe. I do know the difference between a fact and opinion. If you don't think so other wise, show me where this is untrue so I can clear this up with you.

And when you said "mind you, there are other vet's in this forum" or what something close to that, when I read that I took it as a threat because it's like your using other people to try and scare me, to try and make me feel bad for what I said. But that's what I believe. It is my fault for not having a full explanation behind it. But it did seem to me like you were getting angry at me over nothing. So don't come and tell me it's a bad thing I'm threatening Diaz beacuse I don't feel bad about it at all from the way he has treated me.
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