Old skin gone?

yeah, $200 a month for the server, i know the forum software costs $160 a year, so thats a little more. the domain names (streethop.com, 2pacboard.com). all the little things add up.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
jaypakavelya said:
what the fuck!u said 200$ the first time
and now its 300$ per month whats the deal

lets go back to musicfantalk board (joke lol!!) :p :D

Sorry hit the wrong key, was late at night.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
mechman said:
yeah, $200 a month for the server, i know the forum software costs $160 a year, so thats a little more. the domain names (streethop.com, 2pacboard.com). all the little things add up.

Smart man.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
not really ken said:
black is much easier on your eyes. looking at brighter colours is like looking at a light bulb. kill that rumour about black being shitter for your eyes, you are plain wrong.

And you get used to the black skin after a while, I forced myself to get used to it, becausei know it's better for your eyes.

If ken can get used to it you all can too :D. Thanks kenny.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yall are some ignorant crybaby ass motherfuckers. This has been said millions of times be4 but Ima say it again since it still hasnt sunk in2 ur thick skulls. THIS ENTIRE SITE COSTS MONEY TO MAINTAIN AND KEEP RUNNING. They implemented the VIP program to help raise money, so that you guys could pitch in money and actually have somewhat of a reason 2 bitch about what goes on with the design and runnings of the board. Still, few took advantage of that option; but kept their "bitch" option open and running.

Im not sure why the old skin was removed - Im sure it had something 2 do w/ either the space or bandwidth [or both] but in the end the new one prolly won out because after people got adjusted to it they liked it better and IT IS EASIER ON THE EYES. How U gunna try and say that brighter colors are easier on the eyes? Do you guys even think before you bitch about shit or just speak out ur ass? And besides its a fucking forum color boohoo. The forums R still up and running for you to use FOR FREE.

It aint got shit 2 do with the money - when it all comes down 2 it its about keeping a great fansite open for people to gather and discuss music. HitEmUp.com was gone because of the hacking I believe, so go bitch 2 the hackers about that shit.

This is a free site, not run by any of you. Therefor, the decisions made regarding the layout, content, or whatever else do NOT need to be run by you, the visitor/guest, before they are implimented. The only person who decides what happens with the site are the admins that actually run this bitch. Like Rukas said, if ANYBODY should have input on what happens with this site, its the contributing VIP members.

Sorry if I went a bit "overboard" but the bitching about the colors of the forum have pissed me off from day one.

Limn said:
Yall are some ignorant crybaby ass motherfuckers.

Limn said:
This is a free site, not run by any of you. Therefor, the decisions made regarding the layout, content, or whatever else do NOT need to be run by you, the visitor/guest, before they are implimented. The only person who decides what happens with the site are the admins that actually run this bitch.
Yeah I agree. I think people should show a bit more respect. Rukas puts a lot of effort into this site, always trying to improve it, add new and interesting things, keeping it from stagnating - all at a cost to himself, personally more than anything, as it cuts into his time that could be used for study or work or whatever and with what in return - a whole lot of bitching from ungrateful posters. So rather than whinging, just remember this forum doesnt belong to you - show some gratitude for the person who is the reason this forum is as good as it is.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Amara said:
Yeah I agree. I think people should show a bit more respect. Rukas puts a lot of effort into this site, always trying to improve it, add new and interesting things, keeping it from stagnating - all at a cost to himself, personally more than anything, as it cuts into his time that could be used for study or work or whatever and with what in return - a whole lot of bitching from ungrateful posters. So rather than whinging, just remember this forum doesnt belong to you - show some gratitude for the person who is the reason this forum is as good as it is.

*Round of applause*

People like Amara, Rukas and the other mods and decent posters are the reason why I come here.

The whingers and moaners and constant haters of certain artists are the reason I don't post as often anymore. Until today that is. :D

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