Old skin gone?

forget it ,like he said get used to it
I was blinded by the anger
but I understand now
If u want something today u have 2 pay$$$ nothin is free its like that
rukas is surely doing is best
but would u put $200 from ur pocket on a website dont think so!

anyway Im starting to get used to it
but when I look at my white wall it look's damn fuc** bright lol !


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
jaypakavelya said:
but Im mad cuz they took out the 2pac picture on the banner
we only see streethope

You can still see Pac, and the old layout, in the 2Pac sections of the forum.

This is fucked up, the old skin was miles better.

Has anyone in this forum read books that have black pages with white writing? NO. And I assume there is a reason for that, and that's the way its meant to be.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Yeshua said:
This is fucked up, the old skin was miles better.
Sorry you feel that way, like I said, if you can provide me with $300 a month I will change the skin back to white.

Has anyone in this forum read books that have black pages with white writing? NO. And I assume there is a reason for that, and that's the way its meant to be.

The reason for that is it would cost a whole lot more to color the pages black and then put white text on them, thus book pages are their natural color, an off-white/really light brown and the ink is black, the cheapest and easiest ink to produce and print.

Why are movie credits white on black background? Because the huge white screen would KILL your eyes, black is neutral and easier on the eyes.
black is much easier on your eyes. looking at brighter colours is like looking at a light bulb. kill that rumour about black being shitter for your eyes, you are plain wrong.

And you get used to the black skin after a while, I forced myself to get used to it, becausei know it's better for your eyes.
Zero Cool said:
It already has, although both address can still be used. www.streethop.com/forum

wow we go from having Hitemup.com the #1 source for 2Pac info and having tha good old TB, now we lose Hitemup.com, lose tha 2Pac theme, and finally lose tha 2Pac name. now we just have a board about rap featuring a little bit of 2Pac?

i'm sure people will say, if you wanna pay for it then pay for it.


Well-Known Member
If you send Rukas $400 a month he'll consider changing it.

Rukas: "the server costs, roughly US$200 a month."

Ok, that's the server. Now how much extra was the old skin costing?

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