Not Feelin Yayo... Anyone agree.


Well-Known Member
From Fall Guy to Rapper, the Life and Times of Tony Yayo...
I don't see why everyone is expecting to see something so groundbreaking from the guy. We will get what we get with every CD released from that label, mediocore lyrics over some nice beats, something that sounds good. Am I right?
Yes he has his goods and bads but to me the bad outweighs the good drastically. Many little things that i look at in lyricists so i don't want to get into that, but his voice. "Cookie Monster", once related to Ja i can now relate this term to Yayo. I don't know what he is trying to do wit his voice. It's like he is trying to sound "hard" i guess, it totally throws me off.
To me rappers like Tony Yayo have nothing to offer me from a lyrical stand point, so in order for me to listen to it it needs to be listenable, you know something that sounds good. Since his voice is just, blah, i do not like listening to Tony Yayo and find he has nothing to offer me in this vast world of Rap.
so seductive is a banger(50;s verse really,plus da beat).other then that yayo isn't really my taste.i might dl the album or give it a listen if someone is bumping it.i mos def don't hate the guy cause i don't know him and he's getting money regardless..

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