Not Feelin Yayo... Anyone agree.

Little Miss Vixen said:

Yayo helped 50 get to where he's at & you think it's wrong he gets some comeback? H.A.T.E.R

i'm not a supporter of anything g-unit affiliated honestly.. but i do know that yayo had fuck all to do with 50's come up...
when yayo and 50 were on 106th and park yesterday... yayo said he's dropping his new video soon.. then he said this "2 videos out before my album is even out, i'm one of the only rappers to ever do that shit"... this man is way too fucking arrogant. It's pretty common nowdays to have to singles out in video before the album is released.. i mean fat joe JUST DID IT.. how the fuck yayo gonna say he's the only.
lol ^ at havin 2 singles out b4 the albums dropped........ thats how u can tell what a flop is ie cassidy he sold like 90 sumthin k he had imma hustler and then b boy stance..... is not a good sign.

back on topic im undecided until i hear thealbum i heard live by the gun and that was nice, but if the album is bad i wont lose sleep, because im not expectin alot, so yayo surprise me. :thumb:
Yayo is pure garbage. Everyone put on 'So Seductive' and go to the part where he goes "Let me fly you in my leer!" Don't you just want to hug that SOB and tell him that he can't rap for shit! That guy is straight up smurf garbage.
BizzleDizzle said:
i'm not a supporter of anything g-unit affiliated honestly.. but i do know that yayo had fuck all to do with 50's come up...
Well, that's great, don't support if you don't want to but don't blindly hate.

And what the fuck are you talking about? If he had nothing to do with 50's "come up" what was he doing all those years.......twiddling his thumbs?

And if he had nothing to do with his "come up" then why the fuck would 50 get the man a deal?


Well-Known Member
Yayo's a good rapper in my opinion the tracks I've heard from him in the past few weeks are better than any on Hunger for More and Straight Outta Cashville.

I mean how people can say he's the whackest rapper out is beyond me, do you actually check his lyrics?
I'm not a hater don't care what nobody says I never liked him & still don't but everyone has they own opinion so this is mine & I'm not trying to disagree with those who like him for whatever reason because to each is own


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yak pac fatal said:
yea buck is nice but his inconsistent
Saw him in concert when he came down here. Fucking guy knows how to give a show. He was half drunk and weeded out, people we're feeding off his intensity. It was insane. He kept saying, 'man, you people are fucking nuts compared to fucking Toronto' lol. He reminded me of Busta Rhymes in concert. So much energy into giving a great show.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
BizzleDizzle said:
nobody is blindly hating.. except me... there is nothing blind about seeing that dude on BET talking bout how amazing he is behind a mic. I have heard all the lead singles (which is only 1 thus far; So Seductive feat. 50 Cent), i've seen all the interviews, which obviously means I follow him as an artist. Because only an insecure fan would claim to dislike an artist yet listen to all that artists songs and interviews :rolleyes: (Oops, that happens to be what Im doing!). that's more then enough for me to make a "blind" statement about him.

And yes.. yayo had fuck all to do with 50's comeup (except the support he gave 50 Cent when 50 was in that hospital bed, oh and the street running he did with all them mixtapes of 50/G-Unit)... so he's 50's friend.. that's why he's got a deal.. (which means 50 is looking out for his friends) that's why 50's putting him on.. while 50 was making hits and making money... yeah i guess yayo was twiddling his thumbs.. in prison. (yet still doing more with his life then I am)

So basically by what you're saying is that.. yayo had to do with 50 becoming who he is... so i guess that d12 had to do with eminem being so famous... or the lunatics had to do with Nelly being so famous... wtf is wrong you moron. Or should I say wtf is wrong with me and my incredibly bad judgement?

7Syns says: I won't delete replies like this one here, but edited them like this if y'all keep dropping bullshit.



7Syns :thumb:

Advocate said:
yayo is terrible
Thanks for your incredible insight. Posts like this will get this thread closed.
I think yayo is trash. i really cant stand him or the gunit crew right now. And what i dont get is why hating them makes me some kinda outcast. I hate them i think there trash. why does everyone think that its dumb to hate a certain artist?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
calithugs913 said:
I think yayo is trash. i really cant stand him or the gunit crew right now. And what i dont get is why hating them makes me some kinda outcast. I hate them i think there trash. why does everyone think that its dumb to hate a certain artist?

Not feeling an artist is cool. That's your opinion.

Hating on an artist is pathetic. You may not like an act, like I dislike Jay-Z. But clowning on them is dumb. I respect Jay-Z's stature in rap, and I acknowledge his tight flow. But I just don't feel his music. However, you won't find 1 thread on this board where I clown him.

And having a credible argument is better than saying something like - "Yayo is wack" or "Yayo is a fag."

calithugs913 said:
why does everyone think that its dumb to hate a certain artist?

I think it's dumb to hate on any artist.
I really could give a shit about what Yayo did to "help" 50 Cent come up in the game.This is music.If you're wack, you're wack.He brings nothing new to the game, and his lyrics don't really blow anyone away.He could barely even make it in the mixtape scene.His voice is just horrible, he sounds like a Muppet Baby so its very hard to enjoy a track from him.The only positive thing to look at is the album's production, which from what I heard thus far, sounds pretty impressive.("Live By The Gun" reminds me of "Big Egos" on 2001)
I loved Yayo back in the day. I showed him love 24/7 by defending him and talking highly of him.

Then 2pacnbiggie posts "The Best of Tony Yayo." Because I never really heard an entire track of Yayo verses before, I was thinking "I must have this!" Well, after listening to it, I changed my opinion on him. I went from saying "Damn! That's sick" to his verse on Banks' Karma to saying "That's garbage" when I listened to the mixtape (The Best of Tony Yayo).

Before, I put his ego beside. I never really payed attention to it, but its getting to me now. He should calm himself down.

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