NBA bans Hip-Hop fashion

i dont know about u guys but i would wear a suit if i played in the NBA and for the following reasons.

1.NBA players are Role Models, whether or not they want to be. Kids watch basketball, then walk outside of their door and immitate.

2.NBA players are there to play BASKETBALL, not for a fucking fashion show damnit. They are being paid incredible sums of money to play basketball and they can not simply wear a suit to and from games????

3.If you take pride in your work, basketball in this case, and the boss says we have a new dress code, YOU WONT GIVE A FUCK. because u dont give a shit how u arrive or exit the arena its what u do on the court.

4.if a player truly loves the game of basketball then he will no care because he wants to play basketball, and hif he does not obide by the dress code then he wont play, and who wants to give up a career just to wear a fucking tshirt or a gold chain.

5.This would be different if they did not play in front of millions everynight, the league makes the decisions, if you dont like em, go play in europe u stingy fuckers.

this shit pisses me off sooooooo much how they complain that they cant wear what they want to and from games. big fucking woop you arent on the sidelines to show me what the fuck ur chain says or anyother fake bullshit along those lines. you are there to play basketball.

you can still dress flashy in suits and show everyone else how much money u have and rest asured you will be able to show the rest of america how much richer you are then us.

fuck all u complaining pansys, boo hooing about wardrobe, isnt there more important problems in the league than what a man wears to a fucking game
The best league in sports at the moment as far as loyal fanbase? The NFL. Oh yeah, and they have a dress code as well, you just don't hear them bitching about it all the time like these spoiled babies. People say athletes are overpaid, and this kind of bitching makes me agree. Dress like you're worth a million bucks, not a gangster off the street.


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AmerikazMost, you don't get it. I'm surprised, really. It shows how much hip-hop has an influence on you. Too much, to the point where you can't even comprehend this.


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greezi, you are obviously a child or somebody that wasn't taught by his parents. You're the reason hip-hop gets labeled badly. NO BRAIN.
2.NBA players are there to play BASKETBALL, not for a fucking fashion show damnit. They are being paid incredible sums of money to play basketball and they can not simply wear a suit to and from games????
This is the entertainment business. Players are there to entertain as well as play! Most fans wannna see these players G'up! Not in some gay ass suite! C'mon now!
I don't see how they are being judged by their clothes, Tru Principle, the league just wants its players to dress like professionals before and after a game. Nobody is saying that these guys are bad people because of the clothes they wear.
Playing good basketball is how they entertain, nobody watches a game to see what the players wore coming into the building, except maybe you judging by that comment
They are playing professional basketball. It's their JOB. It is WORK. If you are working in an office, and the boss tells you to dress a certain way, you DO IT. You don't even think about saying anything, cause it's your job and you do what your told to fucking do. These spoiled losers have lost all sense of reality and forget that what they are doing is a priveledge, not a right.
I wouldn't call the dress code racist, but they very close to pushing the line. It discriminates hip-hop fashion & my only problem with the whole thing is what they are told to wear when arriving/leaving the arena.
How is it discriminating against hip hop fashion, when nothing but a sport coat, dress shirt and pants can be worn? It is discriminating against all fashion except for what they (the NBA) deem acceptable.
What i'm sick of, is black/African American players/people always thinking everything has to do with race. I hate to go this way, but do you see any white players complaining about the dress code? No you dont, you know they probally dont like wearing suits much either, but they dont bitch and moan about it, claiming how its racist.

You know last time it was Jermaine O'Neal saying a draft age limit was racist, now this, really get over it, its not racist, half the league is black for christs sakes, if the NBA board were racist do you really think they would want to be in charge? No they wouldnt even want to be associated with the league. Stop playing the race card everytime somthing happens that you dont like, I'm sure David Stern wasnt sitting in his office thinking "I'll bring in a new law that will stop players wearing that horrid "rap" clothing, that'll teach those niggas!!11!" :rolleyes:.

All they want is the league to look a bit more professional, I dont blame them.


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Man, you people don't get it. It's all about appearances, they want the players to dress respectably, not like drug dealers straight out of the hood.


And i'm tired of black ppl always pulling the race card, it's getting old and me racist all you want, i am not one, and if you still dont get it, fuck the hell off
thanks, i'm no racist either, its just im sick of African Americans always thinking everything has to do about race, this is 2005, not the 1800's.

You know the whole NBA has to obide by this dress code too, not just the African American players, that means the European, Australian, Chinese, Canadian, Green & Purple Polka Dot players have to follow it, its not racist, it has nothing to do with race what so ever, stop thinking it does.

The NBA is a professional sports league, NBA players are professional sports players, they should dress like it, and like it was mentioned, its only too and from their car's and in press conferences, out of that environment, you can wear what ever you like, its not big deal. They get paid enough money just for playing sport, they shouldnt be complaining.
Why is it bullshit? Why do people have such a problem with athletes looking professional? Almost every other pro sport has a dress code, but no one complains about that. And like I said about Principle's post, nobody is judging them by their clothes. I said it in my first post, and I'll say it again now. It's all about appearances. Athletes should look like athletes, not like drug dealers.


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jesus christ this is stupid.... the dress code never said "hip hop clothing is banned" it just says that you have to wear a suit...
This dress code is only considered to be racist because the NBA players are predominantly black. If most of the players in the league were white, nobody would have a problem with it. It's almost like some people believe there is some rule that if you are black you have to wear hip hop clothing, and if you wear a suit, you're somehow betraying the code or some stupid shit.

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