LOKI(Ja Rule) - Why

i like the track...bite's jigga...i aint gonna bitch about it...i like ja rule 2...chill man, everything gets dramatised up in here, he said his new nickname is Loki, who give's a shit?n its still Jeff Atkins...
"u know how many people u could say was bitein pac with these statements?"

Nah you missed my point. What I meant was that I think the dude is fucking stupid, and likewise, he doesn't really know shit about Norse Mythology but just wanted to sound like he was intelligent and actually read books or something. I don't think Ja's quite on that level.

AND other rappers that change thier name to historic/mythological figures probably actually know what the fuck thier talking about.

Ja on the other hand was basically like "Well I need a new gimmick to try and sell records since 50 totally destroyed my career", so he probably just grabbed a name from the first person who thought of the shit.

Thats my theory. And if he could bite Pac while doing it, trying to change his name to a historic figure... why not? He loves biting Pac anyway.

SO, Just like you all like to call us dickriders for saying he bites Pac, FUCK YOU JA DICK RIDERS, cuz were all the same.


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DrugBa11ad said:
"u know how many people u could say was bitein pac with these statements?"

Nah you missed my point. What I meant was that I think the dude is fucking stupid, and likewise, he doesn't really know shit about Norse Mythology but just wanted to sound like he was intelligent and actually read books or something. I don't think Ja's quite on that level.

AND other rappers that change thier name to historic/mythological figures probably actually know what the fuck thier talking about.

Ja on the other hand was basically like "Well I need a new gimmick to try and sell records since 50 totally destroyed my career", so he probably just grabbed a name from the first person who thought of the shit.

Thats my theory. And if he could bite Pac while doing it, trying to change his name to a historic figure... why not? He loves biting Pac anyway.

SO, Just like you all like to call us dickriders for saying he bites Pac, FUCK YOU JA DICK RIDERS, cuz were all the same.
How would you know he knows nothing, or doesn't read a book, and how is making a nickname creating a gimmick for yourself when i doubt an album will be released for a while. I see he wants to tear the mixtape circuit up with this new Loki character, wtf. Gimmicks are like jay-z retiring and all this beef shit surrounding 50 those are gimmicks. Maybe you should try sounding intelligent instead of ja rule, and try to use facts instead of opinion when you try to discredit someone.
how the fuck is ja biting pac?And what rapper hasnt bit pac yet?And pac wasnt the 1st to go under different monikers....Wu tang clan was doing that way be4 him especially alotta other different rap acts on the eastcoast.Instead of people being like'Got damn look how strong pac influence is that he is still changing the game damn near 4 ten years after his death"Instead you guys are like"that fucking biter killhim,faggit gay etc..."Stop and think 4 a moment

You guys will get so mad if people start 4getting about pac then get madder when people try to emulate pac.Dont you people know everybody looks up to legends.Why dont yall talk about who pac bit

ice cube etc......
Well said
How would you know he knows nothing, or doesn't read a book, and how is making a nickname creating a gimmick for yourself when i doubt an album will be released for a while. I see he wants to tear the mixtape circuit up with this new Loki character, wtf. Gimmicks are like jay-z retiring and all this beef shit surrounding 50 those are gimmicks. Maybe you should try sounding intelligent instead of ja rule, and try to use facts instead of opinion when you try to discredit someone.
Oh I totally agree, The Jay-Z shit and 50 beef are gimmicks, I never said they wernt.

And I don't know that he doesn't read, BUT based on the shit I've heard from him, he sounds retarded.

Isn't this entire thread opinion anyway? What have you based your arguement on, what hard facts?

How do you know he isn't putting out an album for awhile, how the hell do you figure he just wants to "tear the mixtape circuit", how do you know that he doesn't just need a new idea to try to get him some money since hes failing miserably in comparison to other artists in his genre, how do you know any of the shit you just said?

So next time, base your fucking argument on facts too if you plan on preaching to someone else about it.

Let me assure you, you didn't sound any more intelligent then me Aristotle.

BTW, thats a cute name, are you trying to take after Pac too and pretend you know something about philosophy...? Fuckin prick.

Exodus said:
loki is god of mischeif
lol he must have gon to see The son of the Mask...
By the way Loki was played by a homosexual... So yea Ja would fit into that name perfect... fuckin homo! lol :D :thumb:

Sun_Tzu said:
he could be bitin Pac but i think he wanna have a fresh start cuz the name Ja Rule will always be looked at as a fake.
The person is a fake.. Dont matter what he calls himself he still a homo. :D :thumb:


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ThaJackal said:
lol how is hatin on him riddin his dick?
queer please... get off my nuts wont cha!
wtf are you stupid the term riding dick can have 2 meanings.. so continue to ride his dick with your hate.

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