Kanye CD's Pulled From Stores?


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Okay, I don't know how true this is, but on my way driving to work this morning, all the major radio stations were all talking about the same things, the banishment of Kanye's new CD, Late Registration. I don't know if that's true or not, it seems kind of likely.

They said that the Conservatives and members of the Republican party were outraged about the comments he made, and were trying to have his CD's pulled from the stores, as well as trying to organize a boycott of his new CD.

I was just wondering if anyone else had heard this and if there was any truth to this situation or not.

If it is true, I think it's real immature of them. His CD has nothing to do with the statements he made. It's not like his songs are discussing this current situation. It's a petty attack at his livelihood, and it should be obvious how personal the attack on him is.

I don't know, talk to me people, what's up? What have you heard?


Active Member
if its true, than them assholes are immature. the guy was voicing his opinions and he gets punished for it. havent they heard about freedom of speech


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This is something Republicans would do. Their bitches like that.

In truth though, the Republican party gets all of its power through the media and propaganda. If people with as much influence as Kanye West start using the media against them, they're not just going to sit there and take it.

My guess is that Kanye will start getting a lot of bad press, and there will be a lot of things from his past that will be exaggerated and misconstrued to taint his image and destroy his popularity. Definitely expect less guest appearances and more criticism towards him on television.


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Yeah, I know they haven't pulled it yet, I just heard that they're trying to boycott the stores that are selling his CD so that it'll eventually be pulled from the shelves.
it was stupid of him to make a statement like he did (given the fact that he is making the sitution worst by making it poltical) but thats too harsh...


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AmerikazMost said:
^ Republican party or Repbulican asshole citizens? If the latter, forget what I said then :D
I guess both, because they said Conservatives separate from Republicans, and I'm guessing that Conservatives represents the citizens who are outraged about the statements Kanye made.


Active Member
this will benefit kanye alot. anytime theres contreversy(Kidspell) albums fly off the shelves because people that wouldnt buy will to see what the fuss is

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
jbrolax said:
this will benefit kanye alot. anytime theres contreversy(Kidspell) albums fly off the shelves because people that wouldnt buy will to see what the fuss is
now that the albums out this wont benefit him all too much, people will just burn the CD instead of waiting to buy it

if this happened before the album came out it would be different
the fact is this he said something that any logical person would know is not factual (if Bush hates black people why have two blacks even that close to him like he did, and what bout the poor white people in NO?) so of course pulling his CD which doenst have anything to do bout politics (mentions Bush once on it bout Anthrax, and AIDS by the government), but really he needs to STFU, I like Kanye and have both his lps I think he is a great artist however if he gogin talk like a leader, a BLACK leader then act like one, donate a good portion of you new CD sales to the relif effort, fly planes/buses to the victims take the steps a MLK Jr or X would take just dont talk out your ass and point fingers from the sideline. Thats the shit I hate, if you cared bout your people that much you do what you claim Bush isnt doing and help your people more then you are I'm sorry, theres no excuse for a multi millionaire to even talk shit unless they putting it down, pawn some them gems/stones/clothes you got Im sure theres shit in his closet he's only wore once thats worth 25,000 (the number of a decent home down south), oh yea I am from Baton Rouge orginally so this shit really hits close to home


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Maybe Bush has two Black ppl close to him for show? That is possible you know. I don't think Bush has it in for Black ppl, I think Bush is too dumb to strategically plan to hate an entire minority group.

However, i do think that the "puppeteers" who are behind the scenes telling Bush what to do don't give two cents about Black people or any other minority group for that matter. I'm almost certain if the situation was with the majority of any other minority racial group, the progress would be just as slow.
Synful*Luv said:
Maybe Bush has two Black ppl close to him for show? That is possible you know. I don't think Bush has it in for Black ppl, I think Bush is too dumb to strategically plan to hate an entire minority group.

However, i do think that the "puppeteers" who are behind the scenes telling Bush what to do don't give two cents about Black people or any other minority group for that matter. I'm almost certain if the situation was with the majority of any other minority racial group, the progress would be just as slow.

that was Rice and Powell I meant.


Well-Known Member
Synful*Luv said:
Maybe Bush has two Black ppl close to him for show? That is possible you know. I don't think Bush has it in for Black ppl, I think Bush is too dumb to strategically plan to hate an entire minority group.

However, i do think that the "puppeteers" who are behind the scenes telling Bush what to do don't give two cents about Black people or any other minority group for that matter. I'm almost certain if the situation was with the majority of any other minority racial group, the progress would be just as slow.
Bush appointed Powell because he was Daddy's friend.

As for Rice, probably because someone told him to. I doubt he had any idea of who was qualified for any of the positions.

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