Jon/Rukas holler asap pls


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
threatening my family, sending me their picture and address followed by "i see dead people" is a serious threat. believe me, i will see to it that this is ended one way or another. like i said, i have involved the feds already, and so if it continues serious consequences will ensue. this is not what i want, so i am warning you now. end this.
Dante said:
threatening my family, sending me their picture and address followed by "i see dead people" is a serious threat. believe me, i will see to it that this is ended one way or another. like i said, i have involved the feds already, and so if it continues serious consequences will ensue. this is not what i want, so i am warning you now. end this.
I cant end anything I havent started, where is Johnny from?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Seriously people this is the internet, making personal threats is very serious. It's not funny like you seem to think.
I suggest you don't post if you're going to post childish shit.
Even if you don't like Dante you can't think this is the way to act...
this is some sad shit
lets kill people thru the floppy drive lol
dante, for real if u get threats like that from kids on the net and believe them u a fool
and second of all, if u spam everybody like the way u spam me on AOL i can understand why peeps must get pissed at some point
i just keep blocking all of ur names
for real, lets try to get along as adults for a change around here
Thiz iz some wrong shit... niggaz need not 2 be threatenin people n they livez... itz a level of respect even in war... u dont threaten onez family... thatz appaulin... Dante u have all tha love n support from uz man... keep ur head up and 2 thoze doin thiz... yall need 2 stop... threatz aint a game...
Candyman 187 said:
Thiz iz some wrong shit... niggaz need not 2 be threatenin people n they livez... itz a level of respect even in war... u dont threaten onez family... thatz appaulin... Dante u have all tha love n support from uz man... keep ur head up and 2 thoze doin thiz... yall need 2 stop... threatz aint a game...
100% truth :thumb:
Ken theres consequencys for making alligations and accusing people too, I would appreciate if jon or rukas sends me kens details so i can report him to the FBI for making false alligations against me.

Rizla said:
ken, u r mad, dont believe everything u read

there is only a small element of truth in every statement.
:thumb: 100% truth also.

If its obvious its me, how comes you know nothing about me and where is the proof?

Why did dante contact the aol and then the FBI? wouldnt the AOL company contacted the FBI/police straight away. Kenneth, dont believe everything you read, didnt 2pac teach you that?

I feel like tupac! People accusing him of rape, like dante and kenneth accusing me! lol
thug_militant said:
Ken theres consequencys for making alligations and accusing people too, I would appreciate if jon or rukas sends me kens details so i can report him to the FBI for making false alligations against me.

:thumb: 100% truth also.

If its obvious its me, how comes you know nothing about me and where is the proof?

Why did dante contact the aol and then the FBI? wouldnt the AOL company contacted the FBI/police straight away. Kenneth, dont believe everything you read, didnt 2pac teach you that?

I feel like tupac! People accusing him of rape, like dante and kenneth accusing me! lol
the worst consequnce for my allegataion is libel, which would probably end with a fine, so sue me.
What do you mean didnt 2pac teach me anything. Ha, im dealing with a Stan here. And didnt 2pac beef with people to there faces. you seem to sit behind a computer and beef with Dante for some stupid reasons. pac wasn't a coward. and dont try to teach me what pac taught, im not a pac dickrider and dont give a fuck what he taught, he wasnt a prophet he was just an angry guy who ended up losing control of his life.and you need to live in the real word. i rememver you trying to tell me about the 'real world' when you yourself think you are 2pac over some net beef . ha ha that is skandolous

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