Interesting Story about Suge

Jason G, please crawl back into whatever hole it was you emerged from. you are such an idiot that it's not even worth trying to debate your moronic "facts" you claim to have. you say "it's just my opinion, if people don't believe me i dont care", then you dispute anything anyone says that goes against you. so if you don't care if people believe you or not, then why are you attacking them when they don't? And Vegas is a war zone? well that must explain why it's one of the biggest tourist sites in America, cuz who wouldn't want to go on vacation in a war zone? are you really so dumb that you'd compare any city in the US, let alone Vegas, to an actual war zone like Afghanistan? wait, i already know the answer to that question.

When your personal hero/gay sexual fantasy Eminem started Shady Records, did he leave Aftermath? no, it became an umbrella company under Aftermth and Interscope. this is the same thing as Makaveli Records. he was never really intending to completely leave Tha Row. and if he was planning on leaving, he would have said so. you must not think much of Pac to think he'd become a coward and lie to Suge all of a sudden, if you knew Pac you know he would always speak his mind, no matter what the consequences. if he thought Suge was fucking him he would have said something.

Then there is the biggest point of all that you completely over look. do you really think Suge is dumb enough to plan all this, and then set it up to go down when he was in the car with Pac? if one bullet had gone astray during the shooting, Suge would be as dead as Pac is now. why would he risk going thru all that and then put himself in so much risk to pull it off? you must think he's really fuckin dumb. you keep telling people to stop and think about it. well i think you should think about this for a while, cuz it just makes no sense at all.
yeah but i said WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU POST IT. 'stands for... ALWAYS!" the fuck?
AGain... I don't even know what this sentence is supposed to be saying.

yall were talkin about Pac feelins with thug life pre prison prison and post prison,
No.... perhaps you're having a little trouble following the debate.

The reason it was brought up was because someone was saying how Pac was talking about DR East a few days before he was shot at the VMA's post interview. I brought up the Thug Life issue becuase Pac said it was "dead" when he was in prison... he said "I'm killin that shit"... then when he came out... he was all bout Thug Life again. My point? Pac was a very contradictory man.

Christ... your'e talking about a guy who in the same sentence said he and Big could never be friends again but yet, also said in the next breath "but he and I are always going to be brothers".

Actions speak louder than words is my point.

etc. wtf I mean deeez didnt even attempt to say what it 'stood for' shit IDK maybe, once or twice in interviews? its just one acronym said for use with the thug life idea.
Dude... I seriously don't understand hardly anything you type.
then you dispute anything anyone says that goes against you.
I dispute it because I don't agree. *shrugs* That's all there is to it. Nobody has brought an argument to me that is strong enough to change my mind.

so if you don't care if people believe you or not, then why are you attacking them when they don't?
I haven't attacked anyone. I haven't gotten personal with one person, haven't insulted anyone....

And Vegas is a war zone? well that must explain why it's one of the biggest tourist sites in America, cuz who wouldn't want to go on vacation in a war zone?
What does tourism have to do with it? Vegas is a warzone for people of Suge's stature. It was built by the mafia... gangs run rampant there... it is a warzone full of drugs and prostitution. Why do you think it's called Sin City? Mobsters go there to off people so they can bury them in the desert never to be found...mafia wars pop off there all the time over casino business... if that's not a warzone... I don't know what one is.

are you really so dumb that you'd compare any city in the US, let alone Vegas, to an actual war zone like Afghanistan? wait, i already know the answer to that question.
When did I compare it to Afghanistan? I said nothing of the sort. I said Pac going to... aww fuck it... if you can't understand what I'm trying to get across... that's you're problem.

When your personal hero/gay sexual fantasy Eminem started Shady Records, did he leave Aftermath?
Dude... seriously, get off the biased shit and bring something to the table... cuz all you're doing now is talking shit. Em has nothing to do with this...

[no, it became an umbrella company under Aftermth and Interscope. this is the same thing as Makaveli Records./QUOTE]

Actually, Em is still on Aftermath... he is not on Shady as a sole label... he's considered both an Aftermath and Shady artist.

he was never really intending to completely leave Tha Row.
Well, if you want to believe that fine.. I disagree, and I don't see what information you can present that makes your theory any stronger than mine.

you must not think much of Pac to think he'd become a coward and lie to Suge all of a sudden, if you knew Pac you know he would always speak his mind,
I didn't say Pac became a coward... you just did. When you are dealing with snakes and you know they're snakes... you play their game. You fight fire with fire.

no matter what the consequences. if he thought Suge was fucking him he would have said something.
Perhaps he hand't gotten the chance to.

Then there is the biggest point of all that you completely over look. do you really think Suge is dumb enough to plan all this, and then set it up to go down when he was in the car with Pac?
I don't think it was a dumb idea... it was genius because the move has people saying exactly what you're asking... and yes... Suge is dumb enough (or smart enough, depending on your view) to do that.

if one bullet had gone astray during the shooting,
But Suge claimed he was shot... even though medical exams proved was a shard of glass that was actually in his head.

Suge would be as dead as Pac is now. why would he risk going thru all that and then put himself in so much risk to pull it off?
Why do people join the mob when they know they could be easily dead if someone gets pissed off? Because some people get off on playing games of chance. Especially when they feel there could be millions of dollars in it for them.

you must think he's really fuckin dumb. you keep telling people to stop and think about it. well i think you should think about this for a while, cuz it just makes no sense at all.
Well, if yoiu want to think that.. fine. Don't matter to me. I'm done on this thread... I've said my piece and it's turning into a dead horse.. so y'all converse and trash me as much as you want.. this is my last post in this thread.
Jason said:
What does tourism have to do with it? Vegas is a warzone for people of Suge's stature. It was built by the mafia... gangs run rampant there... it is a warzone full of drugs and prostitution. Why do you think it's called Sin City? Mobsters go there to off people so they can bury them in the desert never to be found...mafia wars pop off there all the time over casino business... if that's not a warzone... I don't know what one is.
of all the other ignorant things you said this has to be the dumbest. "Mafia wars pop off there all the time" LOL. kid, put down your copy of the movie Casino and turn off The Sopranos, and tell me when was the last time you heard anything about a mafia war in Vegas? it was in the 70's and early 80's when the mob still owned most of the casinos. in case you hadn't noticed, the mafia barely has a presence there any more cuz corporations own all the casinos. so stop trying to kick knowledge that anyone can open a paper and see that its not true. Vegas is no more a war zone than any other city in the US. you want to see a war zone? go to Iraq. go to Afghanistan. those are real war zones, not Las fuckin' Vegas.

oh and yeah, mobsters live in a life where they could be killed. but no mobster or gang member is dumb enough to be riding in a car with a person you plan to have killed by spraying the car up. stray bullets can go anywhere and if one went in his head for real, he'd be dead. then the whole plan would be gone. what would be the point of going to all that trouble and end up getting yourself killed when you could have him killed damn near any time? don't come with that "no one would suspect him" bullshit, because you obviously suspected him didn't you? so there goes that theory.

and stop claiming facts that you don't have. just cuz someone told you something or you heard something, that doesn't make it a fact. one minute you say you have all these facts about it, then the next you say no one really has any proof one way or the other. well if you can't prove something, then it's not a fact now is it? the only fact is that if there was all this "evidence" you claim against Suge, he'd be in jail as we speak. the fact that the cops, who have been desperate to pin anything on him for years, haven't found anything to prove he had anything to do with it speaks volumes to me. too bad your brain is on mute.


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Staff member
Jason for fucks sake stop being so stubborn. The reason you catch so much flak on this board is because you have absolutely no idea how to participate in an intelligent debate, without stubbornly defending your original points. Now, if you didn't intend to incite a discussion with this points (which you obviously didn't, as you defend them to a ridiculous degree), why the hell did you post them in the first place? Listen, you don't have to be right all the time. In fact, the humble and intelligent man will admit when he is wrong or swayed by anothers valid opinion and reasoning.

A blind man could see that your arguments (I say argument and not debate as you clearly do not wish to give or take or even budge in the slightest) have been completely torn apart in this thread.

So you want proof that 'Pac wasn't leaving Death Row? I was in Johnny J's studio less than 3 weeks ago talking to him in depth for over 3 hours, only 1 hour of which was the actual interview, the rest was a very intense personal conversation and discussion I had with him of which I don't intend to speak much on, but the simple fact is, 'Pac was not leaving Death Row. Does Johnny know this for a fact? YES, he does. If you don't believe that, you are basically saying Johnny is a liar, and not only that, the day after I was at Johnny's place I headed on over to Gobi's new art gallery and base in LA, where I had another deep conversation with him, where he told me the same thing, as well as that, Gobi and 'Pac had started a film company together just before he passed called 24/7 Productions and had a 3-picture deal on the table. Where was 'Pac's contact number and office base for dealing with all of this? DEATH ROW.

and that's not even to mention Makaveli Records as a subsidiary of Death Row and Death Row East. Do you think 'Pac would have started to put all these things into operation if he was planning on leaving?

Whether you want to believe it or not, the truth is right here in front of your eyes. Anyone who believes Suge had a direct hand in 'Pac's death either has an agenda, or is looking for an easy person to blame. Your entire argument is based on Frank Alexander and some other DVD's? Hardly the world's most credible source - he's just trying not to get blamed for not doing job properly - as in, a bodyguard is not supposed to let his employer get attacked.

Certain people have an agenda and there's only a few that are sincere and trustworthy. Seek them and listen to what they have to say. Gobi said it best in my interview with him "Take everything you hear about 'Pac with a grain of salt" - or in some cases, a whole damn bag of it.


Will suck off black men for a dime
^the shit is almost the same as people sayin that Pac only recorded the amount he did on death row because he wanted to hurry and fulfil his contract to get out
EDouble said:
^the shit is almost the same as people sayin that Pac only recorded the amount he did on death row because he wanted to hurry and fulfil his contract to get out
Last thing I have to say on this Pac/Suge topic is... Double... peep the first line in your quote from Shock G... that says it all, even Shock knows...
LOL i don't see a damn thing in that quote that has anything to do with Shock thinking that Suge had Pac killed, but i suppose i'm not as delusional as you. i mean you're the same guy that says no one knows for sure what happened, but it seems like you think you do know. YOU DONT KNOW A DAMN THING MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE DOES. make up your mind Jason, either you know, or you think you know but you dont know for sure. it can't be both genius.
Devious187 said:
LOL i don't see a damn thing in that quote that has anything to do with Shock thinking that Suge had Pac killed, but i suppose i'm not as delusional as you. i mean you're the same guy that says no one knows for sure what happened, but it seems like you think you do know. YOU DONT KNOW A DAMN THING MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE DOES. make up your mind Jason, either you know, or you think you know but you dont know for sure. it can't be both genius.
Hey, genius... maybe you should learn how to follow.

Just because I'm not anymore right than you doesn't mean I can't believe my theory more than yours.

These are all our opinions... nobody knows afucking thing for sure other than Suge and a few others that will never talk. THAT SAID... it doesn't mean I can't believe my theory is more reasonable.

I'm NOT anymore right than you... how many fuckin' times do I have to say that?
first of all, try to post something once, not 5 times lol. second of all, i'm not the one throwing the word "facts" around. you are the one who mentioned things you saw and heard as facts, when they aren't. which is why i said what i said. and you contradict yourself so much it's not even funny. in this thread you went from knowing, to thinking you know but not knowing for sure, and now it's just your opinion? really, you need to make up your mind. you're not any more wrong than anyone else, but most intelligent people look at the theory and see that it doesn't make sense at all. if you want to continue believing it, go right ahead. but when you claim things you saw on a DVD and heard from so-and-so as facts, then you're going to get attacked.

You do realize that you don't always have to have the last word, right? you have said your piece about it, you could have walked away and this thread and the other one would be dead by now. but you keep coming back anytime someone says something, like you just have to try to have the last word. the logical thing for you to do would be to just walk away. if you're so sure your theory is right, then what do you care if we don't believe it? you say you don't care, but you keep proving you do by coming back. just let it go Jason, seriously.

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