Immortal Technique is boring


Well-Known Member
AnarchistFunk said:
Your crazy.... Yea all people that listen to Immortal Technique don't listen to other political rap :rolleyes:
I didn't say that. "People are on his dick because he raps about politics"

Are you on his dick?

My post (rant) was directed at the people it was directed at. If my post applies to you, I'm talking about you. If my post doesn't apply to you then I'm not talking about you.

AnarchistFunk said:
But you can't say I'm fuckin wrong for choosing rapper B, because that's my opinion and thats my preference.

Chronic said:
If you don't find guntalk interesting that's cool, that's your personal preference but don't start bitching about it being 'bad content'.
Chronic said:
Finding a topic interesting is purely subjective while rating a rapper is based on objective measurements
That's what I'm saying!

Chronic said:
Whose a better rapper?
My question was whose a better rapper, not "which rapper would you rather listen to". You're not wrong if you prefer to listen to rapper B but you are wrong if you say he's a better rapper because you prefer that content.

"Rapper A with a great flow/delivery, amazing lyrical skills and talks only about guns or rapper B with a shitty flow/delivery, alright lyrical skills and talks about politics?"

Rapper A has a better flow, delivery and better lyrical skills than rapper B so how could rapper B be better? Keyword: better.

Your post shows me you don't get my point at all. You could read my post again and see if you get it but I'll just explain it again, summarized.
Content itself (as in the subject) can't make a rapper good because you can't rate content in terms of good or bad, only in terms of interesting or uninteresting. And finding a topic interesting/uninteresting is completely subjective. The way content is brought is what makes a rapper good. Leak Bros (Tame One and Cage) made an entire album (Waterworld) about PCP. Despite the album revolving around one single topic they managed to create a dope album. If someone is uninterested in the topic of drugs they may not like the album but does that mean it's a bad album? CONTENT doesn't make quality, the way content is BROUGHT makes quality.

You like Immortal Technique because he appeals to you. Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. You listen to what appeals to you, you'd be retarded to listen to something you hate. But don't say Immortal Technique is good because he appeals to you.

"I don't give a fuck about money, cars, or whos got the biggest ass in the club"
That doesn't appeal to you. Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. But don't say it's bad because it doesn't appeal to you.

Talk about guns, cars, hoes etc. doesn't appeal to me either but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the way the rapper brings it.

Like what you like but don't confuse preference with skills. (Not saying that applies to you, I'm talking in general.)

You see, there is no official guidelines on what makes a rapper better. As for you rapper a rapper b thing, I do understand what you are trying to get across, but at the same time I'll still take rapper b, and you telling me I shouldn't listen to rap music because of this is bullshit.

It all comes down to opinions, some people will say Krs has a better flow, delivery, content etc then Eminem, while others will say Eminem blows Krs out the water.

What I'm saying is that picking rapper b doesnt mean somebody knows nothing about rap music or shouldnt be allowed to listen to it. Not everybody judges rappers the same way and there are no official bible of hip hop guidelines on how to judge a rapper.
Sun_Tzu said:
why you keeping mentioning dancing with the devil that song is pretty badass.
are u talking to me? cuz if you are then i'm only mentioning dance with the devil because that happens to be like his most famous song... and it seems that people just judge him based on that one song. some people might consider him good cuz of it but most people thinks he sucks cuz of that one song. The flow comes off very weak, and he can't ride the beat to well. But his other songs like Obnoxious and Point Of No Return are pretty good and you can see the improvement. And yea like someone else said... he is pretty overrated, especially because we have some hiphop heads who thinks hes one of the greatest... but in truth he does not deserve to be in the same breath as any of them, I mean I like him and all but he is no way near being a favorite or greatest in my view, but I don't find him to be a boring mc.


Well-Known Member
AnarchistFunk said:
What I'm saying is that picking rapper b doesnt mean somebody knows nothing about rap music or shouldnt be allowed to listen to it.
You think I was actually being serious with that? Come on man...

"I do understand what you are trying to get across"

If you do then why doesn't it sound like you do? Why are you now focusing on how to judge a rapper when my point was purely about the content? You barely replied to my main point.

"but at the same time I'll still take rapper b"

If by that you mean that you'd prefer rapper B then that's fine. But if you're saying rapper b is better because he raps about politics while his flow, delivery and lyrical skills are worse than rapper A then you're just wrong.

Here's an analogy:

Two writers decide to write a book. Writer A writes about why he likes pencils and one writes about racism. IF (note I say 'IF') you say rapper B is better because he raps about politics then by your reasoning writer B's book is automatically better. And that's complete and utter bullshit. Writer B's book could be poorly written, full of lies and falsehoods etc. and writer's A book could explore the human psyche and be excellently written etc. (I'm just making up some bullshit). It's how the subject is brought what makes it good, not the subject itself. If having "good" (whatever that is) subject matter means you're a good rapper then Stephen Hawking could be one of the greatest MCs.

And there are certain universal standards by which you can rate rappers. It might be somewhat based on opinions but there's also a certain level of objectivity while there is absolutely no objectivity when it comes to content (remember that I'm speaking purely about the subject itself, not HOW the subject is brought).

PS: How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
i agree he gets boring afterwhile, his voice annoys me at times and his flow is poor.

Good lyrics, but not someone i could listen to all the time.
Chronic said:
You think I was actually being serious with that? Come on man...
in your first post/rant you did seem pretty serious/infuriated?

Chronic said:
If you do then why doesn't it sound like you do? Why are you now focusing on how to judge a rapper when my point was purely about the content? You barely replied to my main point
well you said content but you said this too
Chronic said:
My question was whose a better rapper
and i can understand what you mean about how content is brought and quality, but if a activist has a speach impediment and is boring when he speaks however is speaking about the most important aspects of social change does that not make his speaking quality?

Chronic said:
"but at the same time I'll still take rapper b"

If by that you mean that you'd prefer rapper B then that's fine. But if you're saying rapper b is better because he raps about politics while his flow, delivery and lyrical skills are worse than rapper A then you're just wrong
so i guess call me wrong paris > eminem, busta rhymes, 50 cent etc

Chronic said:
Here's an analogy:

Two writers decide to write a book. Writer A writes about why he likes pencils and one writes about racism. IF (note I say 'IF') you say rapper B is better because he raps about politics then by your reasoning writer B's book is automatically better. And that's complete and utter bullshit. Writer B's book could be poorly written, full of lies and falsehoods etc. and writer's A book could explore the human psyche and be excellently written etc. (I'm just making up some bullshit). It's how the subject is brought what makes it good, not the subject itself.
i dont agree with that, because the rapper b i would be choosing isn't writing about lies, falsehoods, and utter bullshit, im not saying a rapper is better because hes rapping about politics, he could be doing the same as writter 2 and using his music to change peoples thinking and sway them to his side, but IT, PE, Paris, Coup, etc arent writing bullshit or lies

english is my main language now, but third growing up so maybe i am confused at some of your points

Chronic said:
PS: How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
one mc on dj said:
You should shut don't seem to realise I have the right to quote and reply to anyone...Second If I correct you I do it 4 a reason..

Fuck I shared my opinion and you are turning this shit into a personal thing...

...Ah I didn't wanna use this but ur the same guy that made a thread in LIFE about pac haters LOL......That's comedy but allright...that says enough about you....haha get da fuck outta here man... :thumb: I am not looking for a new net buddy...ha
No, you didnt share your opinion. You hopped on my dick like you been doing for the past week or whatever because you a dude who clearly likes to start shit for the sake of starting shit.

And you are trying to judge ME based on one thread I made?? Man, FUCK YOU and all you stand for, mothafucka.

Dont reply to my posts anymore bitch. Just fuck off already. :mad:
Hellrazor1978 said:
No, you didnt share your opinion. You hopped on my dick like you been doing for the past week or whatever because you a dude who clearly likes to start shit for the sake of starting shit.

And you are trying to judge ME based on one thread I made?? Man, FUCK YOU and all you stand for, mothafucka.

Dont reply to my posts anymore bitch. Just fuck off already. :mad:
As I tried to say in my 1st post it was never about YOU it was about your comment that's why I replied only YOU turned this into ''beef''....<<Tonio this time it wasn't me..dude thought I was dissin him...I just shared my opinion...If you don't like the way i have posted it QUOTE ME AND EDIT MY POST....

Oh and I have already judged you...ur results: RETARD.... :rolleyes:

Look i got mad comebacks just stop allright YOU_CANT_WIN....






Well-Known Member
AnarchistFunk said:
in your first post/rant you did seem pretty serious/infuriated?
Yea I was being serious (not angry at all) but I thought people would catch on that I was just exaggerating at that part.

AnarchistFunk said:
well you said content but you said this too and i can understand what you mean about how content is brought and quality, but if a activist has a speach impediment and is boring when he speaks however is speaking about the most important aspects of social change does that not make his speaking quality?
You still don't understand my point. No the fact that he's speaking about the most important aspects of social changes does not make his speaking quality. WHAT he says about those important aspects of social changes is what makes his speaking quality. Not the fact that he's speaking OF them.

AnarchistFunk said:
so i guess call me wrong paris > eminem, busta rhymes, 50 cent etc
Again you don't understand my point.
"If by that you mean that you'd prefer rapper B then that's fine. But if you're saying rapper b is better because he raps about politics while his flow, delivery and lyrical skills are worse than rapper A then you're just wrong."

You're not supposed to bring actual rappers into this. My point is simply, rapper B cannot be better because he's NOT better. His flow, delivery and lyrics are WORSE so he's CAN'T be better. You're saying that he IS better because he chooses to rap about politics (right?). My point: it's not the actual subject that makes a rapper good, it's HOW he brings that subject. If rapper A raps about guns and does this tremendously well, while rapper B raps about politics but does it incredibly shitty, then rapper A is better. Even if what rapper B says is incredibly intelligent etc. that doesn't make him the better rapper, it makes him a better activist or whatever. (We're still talking about MCing here) The subject iself doesn't produce quality.
I say you're not supposed to bring actual rappers into it because I'm using an example to show my point. Paris can't be rapper B because he's not a shitty rapper. You understand? Paris does have a good flow, delivery and lyrics.
If you have two rappers that have exactly the same quality flow, delivery, lyrics etc. but one raps about whores and one raps about politics, then they're just as good. You may LIKE the one who raps about politics better but that doesn't mean he's better.

AnarchistFunk said:
but IT, PE, Paris, Coup, etc arent writing bullshit or lies
When did I say they do? I'm the one who brought Paris and The Coup into this and said they were good. Do you think I don't like political rap or something?

AnarchistFunk said:
i dont agree with that, because the rapper b i would be choosing isn't writing about lies, falsehoods, and utter bullshit
But why are you choosing someone for rapper B? Like I said above, you're not supposed to bring actual rappers into this.

We've really been discussing in circles. I hope you understand it this time around because I don't think I can explain myself any better. (You don't get my point, that's a fact, but it might be because I'm not explaining myself right. English is my second language so I may think I'm getting my point across but that might not be the case at all.)


Well-Known Member
hmmm maybe overated by some...but thats an opinion....IMO theres a lot of overated ppl, but i say that cos i dont like em.

Point of no return
Land of the gun
In da club freestyle

^check them tracks
1. What he talks about is comparable to Chuck D and shit
2. His flow isn't whack: it just sounds like it is now
-Remember Jeru the Damaja? People always said he was retarded and couldn't
rhyme because he would go off beat to get his point across and look at his first
album now: Classic Hip Hop album
3. He makes ALBUMS not songs.
-To further elaborate on this, you've gotta look at rap groups like Three 6 Mafia
these guys make tight singles, but their albums suck ass. IT makes his albums
worth your 15 bucks


Well-Known Member
He's banned. Your discussion is over.
For the sake of answering your question though, ThUg $TyLe who's a moderator asked you two to stop insulting each other. After he asked this you continued to insult him so I deleted your post.
enough with the BS from everyone.

Immortal Tech in my opinion is awesome. Simply for these reasons :

- I like the sound of his voice, this is important to me.
- His content I find brutally honest and awesome.
- His flow is good, I have no problems with his flow.
- He is clear and easy to understand.
- His beats are listenable, need to improve overall though.

In the end it comes down to opinion, in my opinion eminem is better on all aspects of rapping except for content, and it is because of this I will always return to Technique.


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