Immortal Technique is boring


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I wouldn't say he is boring now. But that's because I realize rapping about politics is his thing, so I don't choose to listen to him 24/7. I think that's peoples problems, they listen to him over and over so he becomes boring to those people. I see people saying they bump Revolutionary Vol. 1 & 2 all the time. That'll definitely make him boring to you.
He needs to develop his subject matter more all he ever talks about is the goverment the only ones I heard where doesn't is "You Never Know" & "One" Remix.
not gonna be involved in this too much.. and i'm not saying this applies to all of you but I think most people find him boring by judging his flow or something on just one song... especially Dance With The Devil.. he does not flow at all in that song. But seriously listen to the rest of his shit.. the topicS (emphasize the plural) that he talks about is not too boring and he is improving on his flow... and there are plenty of rappers that are shittier and more boring than him so go complain about them
AnarchistFunk said:
yea well, Tech isn't around to change subjects, thats what he does, Tech is a freedom fighter and hes out spreading the message, take it or leave it
good point.. my last point sounds too rushed so i'll clear things up.. i love tech period. but im just saying that most ppl judge his whole career based on that one song "Dance With The Devil." It is probably his most famous song but it's also one of his worst imo. but yea like anarchistfunk said... take it or leave it
one mc on dj said:
I wonder if you have listened to what the man said on his albums...He says the same shit over and over again...Yeah his main topic is Politics...nice...he even dedicated a whole album to it..or should I say 2...Shit I have heard enough...Now it's just boring...


LOL it;s his gimmick...Why else would he speak on politics whenever he freestyles or whenever he's on some 1's't get me wrong dude got skillz but now he is

why you always up on my fucking tip man?? I mean
Hellrazor1978 said:
why you always up on my fucking tip man?? I mean
SHUT UP...Im sick of you thinking i give you that much attention...Just because I reply to you don't mean Im ''hating'' on you...Should I just quit replying to threads where you have posted?
one mc on dj said:
SHUT UP...Im sick of you thinking i give you that much attention...Just because I reply to you don't mean Im ''hating'' on you...Should I just quit replying to threads where you have posted?
hating or not, you need to ease up off my tip a little....

there a million replies in every thread and you always up on mines....

and no, I aint gonna shut up. Telling people to shut up over the net is as useless as tits on a hog.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
The question is not whether he's good or not. He is good.

The question is "Is he overrated?" Well he is.

That's the trend these days. Over rate all underground stars and hate all the mainstream acts. Especially if they are signed to Aftermath.
Hellrazor1978 said:
hating or not, you need to ease up off my tip a little....

there a million replies in every thread and you always up on mines....

and no, I aint gonna shut up. Telling people to shut up over the net is as useless as tits on a hog.
You should shut don't seem to realise I have the right to quote and reply to anyone...Second If I correct you I do it 4 a reason..

Fuck I shared my opinion and you are turning this shit into a personal thing...

...Ah I didn't wanna use this but ur the same guy that made a thread in LIFE about pac haters LOL......That's comedy but allright...that says enough about you....haha get da fuck outta here man... :thumb: I am not looking for a new net buddy...ha


Well-Known Member
People are on his dick because he raps about politics, they're just jumping the conscious rapper bandwagon. Happened with Mos Def, happened with Talib Kweli, happened with dead prez and it will happen with just about every rapper that raps about 'conscious' shit.

People need to pull that stick out of their ass and realize that it's not the content that makes rapper's good, it's how they bring their content. Whose a better rapper? Rapper A with a great flow/delivery, amazing lyrical skills and talks only about guns or rapper B with a shitty flow/delivery, alright lyrical skills and talks about politics? If you think rapper B is better you should stop listening to rap music because you don't understand shit about it.

Why are people so damn desperate to distance themselves from popular rap or rap that talks about "money, cars, hoes and guns"? You should focus on distances yourself from wack shit. Content doesn't make you a good/bad rapper. Finding a topic interesting is purely subjective while rating a rapper is based on objective measurements. If you don't find guntalk interesting that's cool, that's your personal preference but don't start bitching about it being 'bad content'. You sound like those old white people bitching about rap music.

But if you can't remove that stick from your ass you should at least check out the better 'political' MCs/groups like Public Enemy, Paris and The Coup.
one mc on dj said:
SHUT UP...Im sick of you thinking i give you that much attention...Just because I reply to you don't mean Im ''hating'' on you...Should I just quit replying to threads where you have posted?
Hey mods and admins, have you noticed that One Mic Dj, always make beefs? Why is he so extremely tolerated, thats fucked up! He should be banned!

What a psycho geek.
Chronic said:
People are on his dick because he raps about politics, they're just jumping the conscious rapper bandwagon. Happened with Mos Def, happened with Talib Kweli, happened with dead prez and it will happen with just about every rapper that raps about 'conscious' shit.

People need to pull that stick out of their ass and realize that it's not the content that makes rapper's good, it's how they bring their content. Whose a better rapper? Rapper A with a great flow/delivery, amazing lyrical skills and talks only about guns or rapper B with a shitty flow/delivery, alright lyrical skills and talks about politics? If you think rapper B is better you should stop listening to rap music because you don't understand shit about it.

Why are people so damn desperate to distance themselves from popular rap or rap that talks about "money, cars, hoes and guns"? You should focus on distances yourself from wack shit. Content doesn't make you a good/bad rapper. Finding a topic interesting is purely subjective while rating a rapper is based on objective measurements. If you don't find guntalk interesting that's cool, that's your personal preference but don't start bitching about it being 'bad content'. You sound like those old white people bitching about rap music.

But if you can't remove that stick from your ass you should at least check out the better 'political' MCs/groups like Public Enemy, Paris and The Coup.
Your crazy.... Yea all people that listen to Immortal Technique don't listen to other political rap :rolleyes:

People listen to music not just rap for different reasons, just like people watch different types of movies for different reasons. I listen to political rap cuz that's the lifestyle I live, I don't give a fuck about money, cars, or whos got the biggest ass in the club. That shit is not relevant in my life so it's not relevant in the music I listen to.

Some people are on Tech's dick yes, but it's the same way some people are Em's dick, or Commons dick. Every rapper has dickryders, and just like take it or leave it when it comes to Tech's music, take it or leave it that there will always be dickriders.

But you can't say I'm fuckin wrong for choosing rapper B, because that's my opinion and thats my preference. Sure Eminem can molest a beat like a motherfucker, but I'll take a mediocre flow like Paris over Eminem any day of the week, cuz Paris is on the same shit I'm feeling. I don't give a fuck if the beat, the flow, his rhyming sucks, hes on the same page as me and that's all that matters.

LOL and I"m not gonna stop listening to rap music because you say MY OPINION is wrong. Public Enemy , Boogie Monsters , BDP, YZ got me into rap music when I was a kid, and guess what the fuck they speak about.... Politics and Social Struggle.

That's how it goes in every aspect, I'm gonna listen to Capleton, Turbulence, Bob Marley over fuckin Elephant Man or Sean Paul any day of the week.

Everybody listens to rap for different reasons, you can't knock somebody for the reason they listen to it. I could sit here and diss motherfuckers for listening to what I THINK is bullshit all day, but it's not gonna get me, or what I love about my favourite rappers anywhere.
Chronic said:
People are on his dick because he raps about politics, they're just jumping the conscious rapper bandwagon. Happened with Mos Def, happened with Talib Kweli, happened with dead prez and it will happen with just about every rapper that raps about 'conscious' shit.

People need to pull that stick out of their ass and realize that it's not the content that makes rapper's good, it's how they bring their content. Whose a better rapper? Rapper A with a great flow/delivery, amazing lyrical skills and talks only about guns or rapper B with a shitty flow/delivery, alright lyrical skills and talks about politics? If you think rapper B is better you should stop listening to rap music because you don't understand shit about it.

Why are people so damn desperate to distance themselves from popular rap or rap that talks about "money, cars, hoes and guns"? You should focus on distances yourself from wack shit. Content doesn't make you a good/bad rapper. Finding a topic interesting is purely subjective while rating a rapper is based on objective measurements. If you don't find guntalk interesting that's cool, that's your personal preference but don't start bitching about it being 'bad content'. You sound like those old white people bitching about rap music.

But if you can't remove that stick from your ass you should at least check out the better 'political' MCs/groups like Public Enemy, Paris and The Coup.

i agree for the most part, people like to go against the grain and think its cool to listen to people that arent on the radio, if your on the radio now a days your a sell out.

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