Illmatic vs. Me against the world

HellRazor05 said:
im sick of people comparin pac with other rappers. "illmatic" was a hot album but dont compare it to tupac. nas is a legend, but nowhere close to pac's level.
Then why are you here?
No one said you have to open every thread.


New Member
Tonio1986 said:
Very difficult to choose, cause its pacs best album vs. nas best album.
Hmmm :confused: , let me think about it. Now Im thinkin about it since an half hour! I dont know an answer. Matw got huge classics, also Illmatic, but both got a special atmosphere. For me not chooseable.

what do you think?
i dont think illmatic is nas best not do i think matw is pacs best.

But i like MATW a lot better.
MATW although artistotle is right, it did nothing for hip hop.i dont really bump illmatic or listen to it, kinda borin 4 me BUT to deny its impact is silly, ilmatic changed rap, techinically nas is more of a pioneer in hip hop than pac is.


Well-Known Member
I like matw better than illmatic! but that aint taking anything away from illmatic which i also think is a rap gem! i just think matw has better songs!
threads like this are never interesting on this board...cuz the pac dickryders will offcourse say me against the world...what did it do for nothing...LMAO @ THE PAC REPRESENTIN BULLSHIT....ILLMATIC TURNED SHIT AROUND...thats all i have to say...
I know this is a 2pac board, and I've always accepted the fact that there will be a certain amount of bias, hell Pac is my favourite artist of all time as well. But some of the dickriding (hate this word but can't think of anything else) that has gone on recently really pisses me off. To say Illmatic doesn't come close to MATW is bullshit. I'm sorry but anyone that feels this way go and listen to them both CAREFULLY. Illmatic was groundbreaking, MATW was not. Sure it was an extremely personal and introspective album, it was beautifully crafted from start to finish, but it was nothing new. Illmatic is the pinnacle of Hip Hop in my opinion, and for people to say that it lags miles behind any album - regardless what board we are on - is a disgrace. Open your fucking minds.

Rant over.

Hurts said:
threads like this are never interesting on this board...cuz the pac dickryders will offcourse say me against the world...what did it do for nothing...LMAO @ THE PAC REPRESENTIN BULLSHIT....ILLMATIC TURNED SHIT AROUND...thats all i have to say...
Just because you like MATW better does not mean you're a "Pac dickrider" then again if anyone even professes a liking for Pac they're automatically dickryders, right? Grow up Hurts. Illmatic changed nothing around, what a common misconception. It represented a turn back to that gritty NY sound but was built upon by no other mainstream artist not even Nas himself. If anything Enter the 36 Chambers changed East Coast Hip-Hop not Illmatic.

N.B. Before you start calling me a dickryder :rolleyes: I consider Illmatic to be one of the best Hip-Hop albums of all time.
Zero Cool said:
Just because you like MATW better does not mean you're a "Pac dickrider" then again if anyone even professes a liking for Pac they're automatically dickryders, right? Grow up Hurts. Illmatic changed nothing around, what a common misconception. It represented a turn back to that gritty NY sound but was built upon by no other mainstream artist not even Nas himself. If anything Enter the 36 Chambers brought the East Coast back not Illmatic.
depends on wut u think when i say turned shit around...Zero u should really shut ur fingers...I say these treads arent interesting cuz theres too many pacgroupies trashing the threads...So pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase stop judgin me im askin you nicely next time ima act like a bitch and report ur ass...oh and I kinda understand wut ur tryna say in this last post...
Hurts said:
depends on wut u think when i say turned shit around...Zero u should really shut ur fingers...I say these treads arent interesting cuz theres too many pacgroupies trashing the threads...So pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase stop judgin me im askin you nicely next time ima act like a bitch and report ur ass...
Report me for what? Asking you to contribute in a constructive and non-hateful manner? If so, go ahead.
Hurts said:
no im askin u to hop off get it?
I get your assinine jokes, as lame as they are. As I've said before I'm not a Pac groupie I simply want you to cut the bullshit and stop hating on Pac for no reason. If you do I have no problem with you.
Aristotle said:
No one even cared about Tupac til he was released from prison and signed to Death Row, most of the people who are saying this album is so great didn't even hear it til after he died. Yeah of course his homies and friends stayed down for him(and it especially wasn't everyone in the industry), so why is it so special that it Unified something that was already together. It's not like Rakim droppin and showin everyone what knowledge is, and makin every emcee in the world change everything they ever did, or Kool Herc for the DJ world. Or even NWA showin everyone what "gagnsta" was, even though it was everywhere already. So again, what did Me against the world bring that was so special.
Well it brought Dear Mama which here where I live they play every Mothersday. So it like the anthem song for Hip Hop in Mothersday. One Love.
Zero Cool said:
I get your assinine jokes, as lame as they are. As I've said before I'm not a Pac groupie I simply want you to cut the bullshit and stop hating on Pac for no reason. If you do I have no problem with you.

LMAo zero u get my lame jokes ok...lemme tell u sumthin..that wasnt a joke dumbass...I just told u to hop off...And I dont hate on pac...I hate on his dumb groupies as i call em..I could say fans..but theres also other types of fans...who dont defend him 24/7....

Zero I gotta say ur very intelligent! Maybe! You should try reading my posts more careful next time ..... Its funny we never had a real convo..or discussion...The only bullshit I get from you is HUrts this hurts im askin u zero this zero that but u dont seem to get what im tryna to tell u...So what did I do? I cuss a lil make sure u know im talking about you and wait for ur next reply to break it all down one more time cuz i can tell u will come with sum bullshit..about how bad my posts i dont finish my stupid i am...But damn...U are the one who can't tell who my posts are directed at..I think u only knew who i was talking about was when i was talking about jason..

Hurts said:
LMAo zero u get my lame jokes ok...lemme tell u sumthin..that wasnt a joke dumbass...I just told u to hop off...And I dont hate on pac...I hate on his dumb groupies as i call em..I could say fans..but theres also other types of fans...who dont defend him 24/7....

Zero I gotta say ur very intelligent! Maybe! You should try reading my posts more careful next time ..... Its funny we never had a real convo..or discussion...The only bullshit I get from you is HUrts this hurts im askin u zero this zero that but u dont seem to get what im tryna to tell u...So what did I do? I cuss a lil make sure u know im talking about you and wait for ur next reply to break it all down one more time cuz i can tell u will come with sum bullshit..about how bad my posts i dont finish my stupid i am...But damn...U are the one who can't tell who my posts are directed at..I think u only knew who i was talking about was when i was talking about jason..


If that was true I would have no problem with you. However it's not. You have a long history of disparaging Pac, for whatever reason, and somehow find pleasure and amusement out of doing it. I need only refer back to your post "Whoever still listens to Pac is lame." If that isn't hating on Pac, what is?

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