I Figured it out why i hate the new rappers these days

Actually when he said Eminem is a better rapper he meant it as an emcee...Pac was what ppl call a poet..Thats what they call him don't think I say this...although he had songs with real poetry in it...Eminem is an allround rapper..the man can flow..the man can write..the man can freestyle.the man can battle...he can use dictionary words if he wants to and he has proven that he is capable of doing that...So that is why people say Eminem is overall a better rapper than Pac...
Nah, I think I'll school you some more.

You see, you have failed to answer any of my points in any of my posts!

And why do you keep changing the script?

I mentioned that Eminem is a better rapper than Tupac & you take that as meaning a better man? How did you come to that conclusion? And if we were discussing who was the better rapper & you argue Tupac's corner by claiming that Eminem enver did any social work, am I wrong to think you are implying social work has an effect on the quality of a rapper?

You appear to have some sort of dyslexia where you see one thing but your brain processes another.

And as for you doing shit illegally, well someone of your intelligence can't be making that good money any other way - not that I'm frowning upon it.

And you tell me 'talking shit' over the internet is this & that, then why did you start it?

Finally, I will be looked upon as a moron, why? Because I refuted all your points - even when they were so irrelevant that a rebuttal wasn't even necessary - & dropped in Hip Hop references along the way?

Then again, up against you, a medically certified retard could look good.

And this isn't just some stupid beef, I implore that people actually read the posts.
prasad said:
jeez u guys are llike a dime in a dozen. Well good luck and what are u fuckin stupid, do u know how to read english. What got u the idea of me making money illegally moron.

We can keep going at this as far as you want but i got better things to do than argue with an idiot who forgot the roots of hiphop and who should be placed in what situation.

and by using the word owned just proves that u no way getting accepted to some dumbass elite college and not every one hits it big just by going to college.

Tough luck asshole, my facts are right and they are lot of people that are reading this and know they can back me up. So quit thinking eminem is better than 2pac, and about the society work please i never said it makes you a better rapper, it makes u BETTER MAN. In this case you WILL NEVER BE.

I am not gonna say u got owned. All i am gonna say come back to me after year tell me how far u got with in 1 year with your life and i will tell how far i got with mine and we can compare. Trust me calcuo talking shit over the internet doesnt prove anything that i realized years ago and i think u need to start doing the same.

This ends here. If u gonna post a reply, do it but dont expect an answer this only make u look a moron in front of every one.
your "facts are right"? They aren't "facts" dumbass, they're personally opinion. If you honestly believe that anyone is going to take YOUR PERSONAL OPINION as FACT, then you got some brain damage or some shit going on in that screwed little brain of yours, pal.
I ain't gonna "keep it clean", If you don't like it when people tell the truth then don't read my post. Simple. I'm just telling the truth, the guy's an elitist moron.
Just to take a second for his 'you ain't even from the US' comments.

Well one of the reasons your hero Tupac is revered so much is for his apparent ability to ensure that his message transcends cultures, colours & languages - that would be, 'WorldWide' in laymen's terms. So that arguement falls.

Also, the Jungle Brothers have made comments in the past about Europe being where true Hip Hop lives because we are yet to get commercialized & we are willing to study the culture rather than take it for granted.

Now like I keep saying, Bambaataa gave it up for everybody & anybody, but is your opinion supposed to override the Jungle Brothers? I mean, seriously now...
.cloud. said:
I ain't gonna "keep it clean", If you don't like it when people tell the truth then don't read my post. Simple. I'm just telling the truth, the guy's an elitist moron.
and I am saying you could have said it differently...
prasad said:
Rapper clowning, taking serious shit as a joke like slitting your wrists, that just proves how he is clowning all right.

u rating that horrible rapper 4/5. u speaking like he is your home dog.

about The bitching let me ask u this how many bubblegummers buy his albums and how many fans truely does he reach out for and how many true fans actually buy his album. Do u ever see a black guy or lady driving down the street listening to eminem. NO. How many black fans does he have.

Eminem being better than 2pac. U made me laugh for second. He made his riches did he ever donate, did he ever do any social work, did he ever do anything society. I got the answer for you. NO
He aint smart, and listen to how he speaks during interviews do u think he sounds educated. and lose your self that song just gotta a cool hook and if u really loose your self in the music u come up with shitty music like he does. WASTE AND POINTLESS.

get out of your box and think about how things are actually going around the world with rap.

I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

I used it as addon to achieve my goal and i never said it helped me completely.

calcuo u are probably not even born and brought up in the US. these songs have a lot diff meaning here in the US. I truely am from detroit MI and another thing that i would like to add 5000 posts in last 5 month, get your ass up out of the monitor go find your self something to do worthful in life. I just bought a new car, a chrysler 300c awd(w/a hemi), i aint stupid enough to post what i do for a living, i can tell u this it aint illegal. I am 19 years old and the cars on my name. Let me know how far you got or gonna get. I grabbed my opurtunity as it came and i made it hopefully u can get your ass of that couch and do something. I dont want any other members to take this personally it only goes out to calcuo

Outlaw for life.

Kind of off topic n all, but how u like that Hemi C? I've been in the new car market since I totalled my 04 Maxima.......I was considering that car, but the gas prices are rediculous.......I'm still leaning towards an Infiniti G35 Coupe.......

As far as topic goes.......Eminem can spit, theres no doubt about that........BUT, he doesnt make as meaningful songs as Pac did........There will never be another Pac, so this dude just needs to find an artist that he can "feel" almost as much as Pac.....I dunno, try Talib Kweli, Dead Prez, Immortal Technique, or someone or group to that effect.......
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
How can you call Eminem out when you're talking about rappers who can't fuck with the beat?

Eminem can flow his ass off to just about any beat & few will deny this - even his haters will acknowledge the dude can flow it's just his lyrical content that leaves much to be desired.

Anyways, I think you might have the beginning of an opinion but try to get it a little more focused as what you are saying has so many holes it's not funny.

SkItZoSkAmZ said:
Kind of off topic n all, but how u like that Hemi C? I've been in the new car market since I totalled my 04 Maxima.......I was considering that car, but the gas prices are rediculous.......I'm still leaning towards an Infiniti G35 Coupe.......

As far as topic goes.......Eminem can spit, theres no doubt about that........BUT, he doesnt make as meaningful songs as Pac did :thumb: ........There will never be another Pac, so this dude just needs to find an artist that he can "feel" almost as much as Pac.....I dunno, try Talib Kweli, Dead Prez, Immortal Technique, or someone or group to that effect.......
Thanks you understand me a lot better.
The hemi c is good. I got a AWD dont make that mistake get ur self a RWD. There are no after market parts for the AWD.
27-28k should get u a hemi c RWD but not a whole lot of options but atleast has a power moonroof.
I enjoy the car lot quieter than a lot of mercedes and under 50k cars out there. Keep me posted on how it works out for u and be ready pay for the gas till your wallets drop.

At the end the other guy is still worthless piece of crap with a lot of time in his hands.
I just went to lunch with a guy that designed a 300 for lindsey hunter. I am getting all the things done the way i like it to be, i will post some pics. I aint getting mine done that makes the car looks ugly or so called bling bling. I am getting done so good if u roll up in to a golf course it stands out, if u are at light for a quick race it looks good, if u want take ur family or friends for a joy ride it looks good. This car has alot of class and character.
2Pax said:
Once upon a time this forum used to be about hip hop.
Once up on a time this forum used to have a lot americans. why i keep saying about americans is that the POV of americans dont flow with the europeons and as the record labels dont give a shit about what europeons rap views they end up producing bullshit. like the rap these days.

At the end the better man always enjoys his day and calcuo just proved to me that he has nothing better to do in his life. Except sit and visit 2pacboard.com all his life. Start hitting the books or you will never be a lawyer atleast thats why u told me.

He thinks i actually do illegal shit. The only thing i did illegal was getting pulled over for speeding.


Well-Known Member
prasad said:
Once up on a time this forum used to have a lot americans. why i keep saying about americans is that the POV of americans dont flow with the europeons and as the record labels dont give a shit about what europeons rap views they end up producing bullshit. like the rap these days.

At the end the better man always enjoys his day and calcuo just proved to me that he has nothing better to do in his life. Except sit and visit 2pacboard.com all his life. Start hitting the books or you will never be a lawyer atleast thats why u told me.

He thinks i actually do illegal shit. The only thing i did illegal was getting pulled over for speeding.
What you got against Europeans??
2Pax said:
What you got against Europeans??
I guess i am just being misunderstood i guess i need to rewrite what i wrote.

See this is the confusion that is being caused just try reading what i said if u would like for me to break it up in to itsy bitsy words i can do that.
illjoe said:
You talkin shit about Eminem, he aint new Gen dude has been spittin since the 80's .. I agree 50 aint shit really, but i still like some of his stuff.

Also Eminem did read dictionaries when he was learning to spit to improve his vocabulary.
I heard this 2. Man that must be boring.
I personally think that there is a world for Eminem, and a world for Pac, to me Eminem is as close to the equivelant of Pac as we are going to get, now I know you have the Commons, Talib's, Masta Ace's and so on, but they will never sell like Pac therefore they can never be the equivelant. Eminem is one of the only rappers that anyone you talk to knows of, non hip hop fans included. Eminem is also like pac in the fact they sell to all races and genders, not like Wu-Tang who are highly respected, but name a girl you know who owns and bumps Wu-Tang regularly, same with LL find me a guy that says he can still roll around and bump LL without feeling like a chump, LL is for the ladies. as much as we hate to say it, eminem transcends race the same way Pac did, I know white girls, white guys, black girls and black guys that listen to both of them.

I think the problem with your post prasad is that you feel Eminem doesn't talk about situations relevant to most hip hop heads, but to me, as much as I love Pac and will till I die, there was very little he ever rapped about that was relevant to me, it was about feeling. and whether you agree or choose to disagree with his subject matter Eminem also raps with feeling, I know "mockingbird" will never be "keep ya head up" and become an anthem, but at the same time "mockingbird" has a ton of feeling and it is relevant to Eminem as a person. I know there are tons of filler songs on the Eminem cd's and to me the only true filler song for Pac was "what's ya phone #" but again, Eminem is not Pac and he never will be. I think it is hard for people to compare Eminem and Pac, because as many people that feel Eminem is a genious and is a great rapper, there are that many or more that feel he is killing the game and watering it down. Pac never watered down the game, but at the same time we all know he was great and everything he could have and probably would have done if he had lived past 96, but no-one can be sure and who knows, maybe Pac would have dropped a wack cd and had some of his base fans saying "what was Pac thinking releasing that as a single?"

I have great respect for both as artists, but at the same time I realize they both had people telling them what to do, for Pac controversy sold and Suge wanted Pac spitting that fire on Death Row because he knew that would sell records and Suge being no dummy knew that if Pac kept the "keep ya head up" and the "I ain't mad atcha" type songs comin he would have that additional fan base coming from the women and more R&B oriented heads. at the same time for Eminem poppy shit sells for him, and I am pretty sure Dre and Jimmy Iovine push for him to do the "just lose it" and "the real slim shady" because they know that flashy first single while alienating the hip-hop heads will get the "trl" crowd to buy the cd and push 1 million units in a week. They are/were both puppets to the machine that they were riding, but in the end, they are/were both great artists that sold tons of records and made many songs that someone somewhere could feel and compare to something that happened in there life.
when i was writing down some rhymes i was asking myself the other day that why is it i do long senstances and does that make me a bad writer over it cause i see they got like 4-5 words max and i tend to do more anyways beats these days overtake rap in general words just add spice sometomes the lyrics are ugly and dont make sense but seeing the beats are nice people listen nonetheless...rappers in general even the ultra talented ones i think had to compromise their style to fit with this new ear music now....meaning loss of meaning and concrete music.

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