I Figured it out why i hate the new rappers these days

I figured it out at least for MYSELF.

for one, the beat always overcomes there voice
for two, they dont have sentences just single words and then small 1 sec beat and then single word and then 1 sec beat. This absolutely proves how untalented rappers are.

Why cant rappers come up with longer sentences and get rid of that shit like UUHHH, OOOOHHH, and the KRUNK bullshit.

Rappers need to start reading dictionaries and start speaking about something with a value.

PS: when i said rappers i mean 50cent and eminem and all the newer generation assholes.

Holy fuck.
How can you call Eminem out when you're talking about rappers who can't fuck with the beat?

Eminem can flow his ass off to just about any beat & few will deny this - even his haters will acknowledge the dude can flow it's just his lyrical content that leaves much to be desired.

Anyways, I think you might have the beginning of an opinion but try to get it a little more focused as what you are saying has so many holes it's not funny.
You talkin shit about Eminem, he aint new Gen dude has been spittin since the 80's .. I agree 50 aint shit really, but i still like some of his stuff.

Also Eminem did read dictionaries when he was learning to spit to improve his vocabulary.
Yes, I like rappers from the 90`s much more, but I dont hate every rapper from the new generation. There are just few rappers I disklike, one of them is the corny asshole Eminem.


Well-Known Member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
How can you call Eminem out when you're talking about rappers who can't fuck with the beat?

Eminem can flow his ass off to just about any beat & few will deny this - even his haters will acknowledge the dude can flow it's just his lyrical content that leaves much to be desired.

Anyways, I think you might have the beginning of an opinion but try to get it a little more focused as what you are saying has so many holes it's not funny.

We all know Eminem can spit sraight fire lyrics when he wants to. Actually being a shitty lyricist and putting yourself in the role of a shitty lyricist are two different things.
prasad said:
I figured it out at least for MYSELF.

for one, the beat always overcomes there voice
for two, they dont have sentences just single words and then small 1 sec beat and then single word and then 1 sec beat. This absolutely proves how untalented rappers are.

Why cant rappers come up with longer sentences and get rid of that shit like UUHHH, OOOOHHH, and the KRUNK bullshit.

Rappers need to start reading dictionaries and start speaking about something with a value.

PS: when i said rappers i mean 50cent and eminem and all the newer generation assholes.

Holy fuck.
Im guessin you are talking about mainstream rappers...
lol @ the thread makers mistake of naming 50 and eminem smh at you mate. hahaha theyre coming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :eek:

but i still co-sign CALCUOCUCHICHEO s post. :D
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
How can you call Eminem out when you're talking about rappers who can't fuck with the beat?

Eminem can flow his ass off to just about any beat & few will deny this - even his haters will acknowledge the dude can flow it's just his lyrical content that leaves much to be desired.

Anyways, I think you might have the beginning of an opinion but try to get it a little more focused as what you are saying has so many holes it's not funny.
Answer me this what is the factor or value of every eminem song. to bitch about shit(lets not forget he bitches at everything and mostly his shitty life) and Talking about puking and fuckin pop stars. Always talking about his worthless life, but why not speak about at a whole society level or hood level like pac did. How could u call some one true lyricist when they are in controlled environment, u think he is seriously a free bird, u dont think he is product a major record label. thats all he is low life piece of shit with no value to ANY of his SONGS. If u are some dumbass white(admins and mods try to understand as i am using this word as a reference and not using at as a racist comment) kid that like to slit your wrists and listen to songs that get u no where you just proved to me that his songs are worthless. I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

If u listen to rappers just because of his flow and flow only then u are not a true hip hop fan, u are just another seed that came up in this shitty rap music generation.

If u still dont understand what i am speaking u are not born and brought up in AMERICA.
prasad said:
Answer me this what is the factor or value of every eminem song. to bitch about shit(lets not forget he bitches at everything and mostly his shitty life) and Talking about puking and fuckin pop stars. Always talking about his worthless life, but why not speak about at a whole society level or hood level like pac did. How could u call some one true lyricist when they are in controlled environment, u think he is seriously a free bird, u dont think he is product a major record label. thats all he is low life piece of shit with no value to ANY of his SONGS. If u are some dumbass white(admins and mods try to understand as i am using this word as a reference and not using at as a racist comment) kid that like to slit your wrists and listen to songs that get u no where you just proved to me that his songs are worthless. I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

If u still dont understand what i am speaking u are not born and brought up in AMERICA.
Look if you want a tupac just take this from you will never get a tupac again...trust me...Not every song has got to have value..it can be bullshit matter of fact there has got to be room for bullshit in hip-hop..Eminem and I don't wanna look like a Stan or anything but Eminem can spit the illest bullshit^..His wordplay can still be ill..Don't believe me? Go back listening to his slim shady LP...You gotta understand the man doesn't have to do shit anymore...It's all business now..If you want dictionary rappers than go listen to em...Canibus is one of em..And Canibus and Eminem are very much a like in my opinion...

Oh and crazy white boys that wanna slit their wrists don't listen to Eminem..they listen to necro...
The points you mentioned were 1. not being able to contend with the beat (be it due to flow or natural voice) & 2. sentence construction.

Then you go on to talk about the 'grunting' in rap & vocabulary & content.

The only thing Eminem can be charged with here is the dubious content in some of his songs. So out a possible 5, he came out positively with 4.

And if you think Eminem bitches constantly - which he does - then someone can easily say to you that all Tupac did was bitch - that's when he wasn't flossing or killing some people of course. You have a severe bias & it is affecting your judgement.

And speaking on his 'shitty life' is actually speaking on society because it is society that raises us all to a degree, moreso with the absence of dependable parents.

He's the product of a major record label? wtf? You make it sound like the man is manufactured, like the dude didn't grind for years trying to get into the game.

No value to any of his songs....have you listened to Lose Yourself? Sure, it isn't making Mandela references but did it blow everything in the rap game at the time out of the water? Yes.

You do realize that with your 'slit your wrists' comment you have just made yourself the property of one Marshall Mathers because the dude actually laughs at those who take him seriously when he's clowning.

Get you nowhere? Oh damn, you're right, I forgot about that time I was listening to Made Niggaz & next thing I knew I was in Puerto Rico living off the riches I had made as corporate exec. all thanks to a Tupac song.

I'd like to know how you made something of yourself by listening to Tupac's music. Hell, even Suge Knight didn't make a penny 'listening' to the man's music.

To listen to a rapper because of his flow means I am not a true Hip Hop fan? I'm sorry, I didn't realize your government name was Kris Parker. Shit, even Afrika Bambaataa said that no-one can tell anyone else who is Hip Hop & who's not.

You do realize that Eminem is a better rapper than Tupac though right?
I wanted to add something positive to this thread...I mean we are all just telling him what is wrong and shit but that aint right :rolleyes:...

Maybe you wanna change your taste replace the artists you hate with others and try to figure out what you really like..

Here are some examples:


D12 with Little Brother

Eminem with Canibus

50 with Masta Ace

Lil Kim with Jean Grae

G unit with the extended F@mm

No disrespect to any of those artists and there is no status...so 50 is not on the same level as masta ace or nething...and it doesn't mean Canibus is better than Eminem and Masta Ace...It's just a lil sumthing sumthing you could try...

Ok so now I have just filled in the artists that I like...Ppl that know me prolly noticed this...But my point is maybe you should try to search for some new shit...And uhmz that doesn't mean all those artists are new...some have been in the underground scene for a long ass time jean grae is a good example...

Im always trying to figure out what I really like... :thumb:
The more artists I hear the more *new* music I hear the more I learn about myself...<<<OOOOOOOOOH im so proud of myself..
Nah Hurts, the dude wants Tupac & claims he doesn't want anything to do with this new generation.

I mean, if he feels like that he go back & listen to Caz, Sugarhill & the rest of them & appreciate their A-B-C wordplay.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nah Hurts, the dude wants Tupac & claims he doesn't want anything to do with this new generation.

I mean, if he feels like that he go back & listen to Caz, Sugarhill & the rest of them & appreciate their A-B-C wordplay.
Well that is what I thought at first too...So I decided to throw in some well known underground names to see if he knows em if so..It's a whole different situation..newayz he could try check out Edan..and the latest blueprint album...Only If you are right if he only wants the older generation...which would be very stupid cuz that way he is missing out on a lot of good music...
Rapper clowning, taking serious shit as a joke like slitting your wrists, that just proves how he is clowning all right.

u rating that horrible rapper 4/5. u speaking like he is your home dog.

about The bitching let me ask u this how many bubblegummers buy his albums and how many fans truely does he reach out for and how many true fans actually buy his album. Do u ever see a black guy or lady driving down the street listening to eminem. NO. How many black fans does he have.

Eminem being better than 2pac. U made me laugh for second. He made his riches did he ever donate, did he ever do any social work, did he ever do anything society. I got the answer for you. NO
He aint smart, and listen to how he speaks during interviews do u think he sounds educated. and lose your self that song just gotta a cool hook and if u really loose your self in the music u come up with shitty music like he does. WASTE AND POINTLESS.

get out of your box and think about how things are actually going around the world with rap.

I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

I used it as addon to achieve my goal and i never said it helped me completely.

calcuo u are probably not even born and brought up in the US. these songs have a lot diff meaning here in the US. I truely am from detroit MI and another thing that i would like to add 5000 posts in last 5 month, get your ass up out of the monitor go find your self something to do worthful in life. I just bought a new car, a chrysler 300c awd(w/a hemi), i aint stupid enough to post what i do for a living, i can tell u this it aint illegal. I am 19 years old and the cars on my name. Let me know how far you got or gonna get. I grabbed my opurtunity as it came and i made it hopefully u can get your ass of that couch and do something. I dont want any other members to take this personally it only goes out to calcuo

Outlaw for life.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nah Hurts, the dude wants Tupac & claims he doesn't want anything to do with this new generation.

I mean, if he feels like that he go back & listen to Caz, Sugarhill & the rest of them & appreciate their A-B-C wordplay.
I posted my before post a little offensive towards.

I will not edit as it came of the anger state i was in and i will not change what i once put down.

Calcuo some your claims are tottaly false and not acceptable for lot rap listeners. I dont want make this a beef between u and me but what once came out will stay out.

I do want to deal with new generation but if the generation is bullshit then i dont want to deal with it.
prasad said:
Rapper clowning, taking serious shit as a joke like slitting your wrists, that just proves how he is clowning all right.
In one of Eminem's semi-serious songs - called Stan, you might've heard of it - he clearly states that he says 'that shit just clowning dog' & then asks Stan, or any fool who would believe, 'how fucked up is you?' The message is that to believe he is being serious is ludicrous.

And if you're going to try to discredit him for rapping about things which he is joking about I ask you, do you think Big Daddy Kane really thought rappers were eating 'dog food'?

prasad said:
u rating that horrible rapper 4/5. u speaking like he is your home dog.
How can you say this to me when I rated him against YOUR criteria.

prasad said:
about The bitching let me ask u this how many bubblegummers buy his albums and how many fans truely does he reach out for and how many true fans actually buy his album. Do u ever see a black guy or lady driving down the street listening to eminem. NO. How many black fans does he have.
Well I'm pretty sure the 'bubblegummers' enjoy his music & derive some pleasure from it. 'True fans'? Eminem has a hardcore fan base believe it or not. Hip Hop fans you mean? Check what Bambaataa said & stfu. And if a black person doesn't bump Eminem that means the guy must be wack? That goes past silly, that's just fucking ignorant & brodering on racist. Btw, dudes such as Method Man have said they bumped his shit but then again, I suppose he's white & doesn't have any love for real Hip Hop in your opinion.

prasad said:
Eminem being better than 2pac. U made me laugh for second. He made his riches did he ever donate, did he ever do any social work, did he ever do anything society. I got the answer for you. NO
He aint smart, and listen to how he speaks during interviews do u think he sounds educated. and lose your self that song just gotta a cool hook and if u really loose your self in the music u come up with shitty music like he does. WASTE AND POINTLESS.
Donating money makes you a better rapper? LOL!! (Btw, the dude has given quite a bit of money back to Detroit & recently donated money to prison programs in NY) Doing social work makes you a better rapper? LOL!! Hmm, did he ever do anything for society? He showed some people that if you have skill & determination you can make it out of really bad situations. You can acheive your dreams. Maybe he's an inspiration for all those who dropped out of high school & were told they would never amount to shit. I think Eminem has, during the course of his career, being accessible to many people.

He ain't smart? Again, rapping smarts & Mensa smarts are very different & besides that, tell me what qualifications Tupac had? Did Tupac really sound msart? He contradicted himself all the time & blurted out a lot of shit that wasn't well thought out.

With regards to Lose Yourself, the rhyming scheme & flow are extremely complex, the message is there - not just to lose yourself in the moment, obviously you ain't been listening - & it had a cool beat. Actually a really solid song & you consider it 'shitty music'. Why? An actual logical reason please.

prasad said:
get out of your box and think about how things are actually going around the world with rap.
So now it's worldwide rap & not just Eminem? Are you sure your name ain't Ray because you're trying to flip the script like him.

I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

parsad said:
I used it as addon to achieve my goal and i never said it helped me completely.
An 'add-on'? LOL!! What, did you put 'listens to Tupac music & hates on Eminem' on your CV & it got you a job?

prasad said:
calcuo u are probably not even born and brought up in the US. these songs have a lot diff meaning here in the US. I truely am from detroit MI and another thing that i would like to add 5000 posts in last 5 month, get your ass up out of the monitor go find your self something to do worthful in life. I just bought a new car, a chrysler 300c awd(w/a hemi), i aint stupid enough to post what i do for a living, i can tell u this it aint illegal. I am 19 years old and the cars on my name. Let me know how far you got or gonna get. I grabbed my opurtunity as it came and i made it hopefully u can get your ass of that couch and do something. I dont want any other members to take this personally it only goes out to calcuo
You 'grabbed your oppurtunity'? Just like Eminem told you to do! Pity it wasn't the 'opportunity' to attend class as you might've become literate....& learned to count <<< actually fuck that, you only need to read off my post count & you were still ill-equipped to do even this mundane task

You know, you make money illegally - that's good for you. I have been accepted to university to take an elite degree in law, so who's really the winner?

Plus, I understand rap music a shitload more than you!

prasad said:
Outlaw for life.
Whilst before you were just penetrating men anally, with this comment your status as a fag has been stickily sealed...

Oh & btw, you have just been owned.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
In one of Eminem's semi-serious songs - called Stan, you might've heard of it - he clearly states that he says 'that shit just clwoning dog' & then asks Stan, or any fool who would believe, 'how fucked up is you?' The message is that to believe he is being serious is ludicrous.

And if you're going to try to discredit him for rapping about things which he is joking about I ask you, do you think Big Daddy Kane really thought rappers were eating 'dog food'?

How can you say this to me when I rated him against YOUR criteria.

Well I'm pretty sure the 'bubblegummers' enjoy his music & derive some pleasure from it. 'True fans'? Eminem has a hardcore fan base believe it or not. Hip Hop fans you mean? Check what Bambaataa said & stfu. And if a black person doesn't bump Eminem that means the guy must be wack? That goes past silly, that's just fucking ignorant & brodering on racist. Btw, dudes such as Method Man have said they bumped his shit but then again, I suppose he's white & doesn't have any love for real Hip Hop in your opinion.

Donating money makes you a better rapper? LOL!! (Btw, the dude has given quite a bit of money back to Detroit & recently donated money to prison programs in NY) Doing social work makes you a better rapper? LOL!! Hmm, did he ever do anything for society? He showed some people that if you have skill & determination you can make it out of really bad situations. You can acheive your dreams. Maybe he's an inspiration for all those who dropped out of high school & were told they would never amount to shit. I think Eminem has, during the course of his career, being accessible to many people.

He ain't smart? Again, rapping smarts & Mensa smarts are very different & besides that, tell me what qualifications Tupac had? Did Tupac really sound msart? He contradicted himself all the time & blurted out a lot of shit that wasn't well thought out.

With regards to Lose Yourself, the rhyming scheme & flow are extremely complex, the message is there - not just to lose yourself in the moment, obviously you ain't been listening - & it had a cool beat. Actually a really solid song & you consider it 'shitty music'. Why? An actual logical reason please.

So now it's worldwide rap & not just Eminem? Are you sure your name ain't Ray because you're trying to flip the script like him.

I made something of my self by listen to pac's music and his music carries a value, and pacs music is what i consider as helper not what i used to achieve my goal.

An 'add-on'? LOL!! What, did you put 'listens to Tupac music & hates on Eminem' on your CV & it got you a job?

You 'grabbed your oppurtunity'? Just like Eminem told you to do! Pity it wasn't the 'opportunity' to attend class as you might've become literate....

You know, you make money illegally - that's good for you. I have been accepted to university to take an elite degree in law, so who's really the winner?

Plus, I understand rap music a shitload more than you!

Whilst before you were just penetrating men anally, with this comment your status as a fag has been stickily sealed...

Oh & btw, you have just been owned.
jeez u guys are llike a dime in a dozen. Well good luck and what are u fuckin stupid, do u know how to read english. What got u the idea of me making money illegally moron.

We can keep going at this as far as you want but i got better things to do than argue with an idiot who forgot the roots of hiphop and who should be placed in what situation.

and by using the word owned just proves that u no way getting accepted to some dumbass elite college and not every one hits it big just by going to college.

Tough luck asshole, my facts are right and they are lot of people that are reading this and know they can back me up. So quit thinking eminem is better than 2pac, and about the society work please i never said it makes you a better rapper, it makes u BETTER MAN. In this case you WILL NEVER BE.

I am not gonna say u got owned. All i am gonna say come back to me after year tell me how far u got with in 1 year with your life and i will tell how far i got with mine and we can compare. Trust me calcuo talking shit over the internet doesnt prove anything that i realized years ago and i think u need to start doing the same.

This ends here. If u gonna post a reply, do it but dont expect an answer this only make u look a moron in front of every one.

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