

Well-Known Member
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Why am I not any longer a WoW mod?? I've always been around :confused:

WoW wasn't properly modded because i was on my own there. I can't mod it 24/7 and on this new forum i couldn't post the first few days due to some weird bug.

Unfair :mad:
Duke said:
Why am I not any longer a WoW mod?? I've always been around :confused:

WoW wasn't properly modded because i was on my own there. I can't mod it 24/7 and on this new forum i couldn't post the first few days due to some weird bug.

Unfair :mad:
I'll help you out if you want ;) :p Duke's a good mod I demand he be reinstated :thumb:
beReal said:
amara is modding WoW because Rukas said so
Clearly but what credientials does she have to make her a mod? She has been here for less than three months. In my opinion to remove Duke for her is a joke. I bear no ill will toward the girl but it's a bit fishy that a relatively new member is suddenly promoted to Modding without even having 500 posts.


Well-Known Member
ok..im not sure why rukas did it..but i think that he knows her a bit better (talking over msn or whatever) and thinks she'll do a good job.
beReal said:
ok..im not sure why rukas did it..but i think that he knows her a bit better (talking over msn or whatever) and thinks she'll do a good job.
Still no reason to give her the modding job. As I've said I've nothing against her but in my opinion she has to prove herself here first and to replace Duke (who has been modding WoW pretty much alone since August) with her is just wrong.


Well-Known Member
look, im thinking kinda similar about this situation...BUT on the other hand i respect rukas, hes a smart guy. he'll do the right thing.


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Zero Cool said:
Clearly but what credientials does she have to make her a mod? She has been here for less than three months. In my opinion to remove Duke for her is a joke. I bear no ill will toward the girl but it's a bit fishy that a relatively new member is suddenly promoted to Modding without even having 500 posts.

She's cool. She's a good poster. And WoW needs more mods. it'd be a welcome help :thumb:

i'm sure it will get sorted out :)
OK lets try and clear a few things up. First of all I have been placed as a mod of WoW along with Amara. There's no bad blood with Duke and anyone else. This was solely Rukas decision, Rukas insisted I become a mod of WoW and also Amara.
Quit the hating on Amara she is something WoW has needed for along time. I think she is easily the most objective out of us ALL. And she will do a great job, so quit with the whole 'she hasn't been round long enough'. She's a mod and I fully agree with her placement.
To Duke, for the time being there will only be 2 mods to every forum, thugs mansion will have saltynuts and Dave D only. though this is subject to change.etc etc. it will be like this for the forseeable future. However, alot of things are going down at the moment and you have to respect Rukas' decision on this, I know few people will feel alittle pissed of but thats how its going to be for a while. I have no problem whatsoever with Duke being a mod and I will not hesitate to ask for his re-instatement.
If its any consolation, then Chronic, SicC are also no longer admins with power to ban. SicC will be a super mod and i'm not sure about Chronic. Just ride with things how they are for now. Ill ask for a re-instatement of Duke in the near future if he still wants to be a mod, but for now its Rukas' decision. and he is insiting things be like this.
Zero Cool said:
Still no reason to give her the modding job. As I've said I've nothing against her but in my opinion she has to prove herself here first and to replace Duke (who has been modding WoW pretty much alone since August) with her is just wrong.
Trust me Amara has proved her credentials. Untill you debate with her, you are clutching at straws. It was Rukas' decision and he didnt 'remove' Duke to place her as a mod, shit they both could have been a mod. and if Duke would like to remain as a mod then I have no problem with asking for his re-instatement later on. and the decision to select Amara was Rukas, and I think he made a good decision.
ken said:
OK lets try and clear a few things up. First of all I have been placed as a mod of WoW along with Amara. There's no bad blood with Duke and anyone else. This was solely Rukas decision, Rukas insisted I become a mod of WoW and also Amara.
Quit the hating on Amara she is something WoW has needed for along time. I think she is easily the most objective out of us ALL. And she will do a great job, so quit with the whole 'she hasn't been round long enough'. She's a mod and I fully agree with her placement.
To Duke, for the time being there will only be 2 mods to every forum, thugs mansion will have saltynuts and Dave D only. though this is subject to change.etc etc. it will be like this for the forseeable future. However, alot of things are going down at the moment and you have to respect Rukas' decision on this, I know few people will feel alittle pissed of but thats how its going to be for a while. I have no problem whatsoever with Duke being a mod and I will not hesitate to ask for his re-instatement.
If its any consolation, then Chronic, SicC are also no longer admins with power to ban. SicC will be a super mod and i'm not sure about Chronic. Just ride with things how they are for now. Ill ask for a re-instatement of Duke in the near future if he still wants to be a mod, but for now its Rukas' decision. and he is insiting things be like this.
I'm not hating on her Ken I'm simply wondering as to why someone who's been here for less than three months can suddenly be proclaimed a mod? While she is a good poster, WoW is filled with many who could be considered superior (Morris, Illuminattile etc.) and yet people such as them are ignored. It seems to me that the people who spammed the hijacked board are being rewarded for their actions and the rest are being left out in the cold for a while. While the people who participated in the bringing down of the hijacked board should be applauded does this feat alone qualify them for postions of responsibility such as modding? I seriously doubt it. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this but it's seeming increasingly unfair as things develop.
Zero Cool said:
Forgive me if I'm wrong about this but it's seeming increasingly unfair as things develop.
I agree.

I don't like the direction this board is heading to and some decisions here I don't understand.

Why is everything done so secretly? Why not let people vote for their mods? We did it before, worked like a charm.

Why are SicC & Chronic removed as admins? SicC as ban-admin #1 seemed to work fine.

Just my $0.02
Reward is not the word for the people who helped bring down the hijacked board, but recognition! Chronic and SicC and stephen are no longer admins, i think they have more 'right' to ask questions than anyone else. Modding is not a position of responsibility, but trust and maturity. AMara has been here less than three months, but Rukas felt she was deserving because of her objectivity. Something that we ALL lack from time to time. And WoW needs that.
People who were the original mods will slowly be re-instated, but ultimately it is RUkas' decision and I cant really speak for him


Knock, Knock...
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DutchMakaveli said:
I agree.

I don't like the direction this board is heading to and some decisions here I don't understand.

Why is everything done so secretly? Why not let people vote for their mods? We did it before, worked like a charm.

Why are SicC & Chronic removed as admins? SicC as ban-admin #1 seemed to work fine.

Just my $0.02

I don't think things can be explained to us. I think there's a lot of stuff we don't understand and maybe some things we don't know about. The hacking was an inside job, maybe they don't know who to trust.
There's a legal issue with anyone being an admin apart from Jon and Rukas. There are also a few other issues going on which Rukas himself will explain soon. It could put the board in jeapordy if told too soon.
Just relax and continue on with things as normal, everything is slowly being resolved and the whole mods issue will be sorted soon. Many of the people who are being selected as mods over in the secrets of war forum dont even want to be mods. but rukas has insisted that they be so for alittle while. thats his decision. Any og mods will be put back into place, just not yet.
Also the issue that og mods will feel alittle agrieved with their mod positions being taken has also been voiced in the secretz of war fourm. they will not be shut out!!!
ken said:
Reward is not the word for the people who helped bring down the hijacked board, but recognition! Chronic and SicC and stephen are no longer admins, i think they have more 'right' to ask questions than anyone else. Modding is not a position of responsibility, but trust and maturity. AMara has been here less than three months, but Rukas felt she was deserving because of her objectivity. Something that we ALL lack from time to time. And WoW needs that.
People who were the original mods will slowly be re-instated, but ultimately it is RUkas' decision and I cant really speak for him
I have viewed many of her points and while she's a good poster there are many who present their cases better and with who I am prone to agree far more often. That said I've absolutely nothing against the girl however in my opinion this reward or recognition thing is going just a little too far. You all helped spam a board, great you should be applauded but let's be honest it's not exactly an amazing feat. Many who are now being elevated to positions of responsibilty are wholly unqualified for it. I agree with DutchMakaveli the way things were worked just fine (i.e. us voting for our mods) I really don't like the direction the board is currently taking.
Zero Cool said:
I have viewed many of her points and while she's a good poster there are many who present their cases better and with who I am prone to agree far more often. That said I've absolutely nothing against the girl however in my opinion this reward or recognition thing is going just a little too far. You all helped spam a board, great you should be applauded but let's be honest it's not exactly an amazing feat. Many who are now being elevated to positions of responsibilty are wholly unqualified for it. I agree with DutchMakaveli the way things were worked just fine (i.e. us voting for our mods) I really don't like the direction the board is currently taking.
Look its got nothing to do with making points in her posts. Someone needs to do it and RUKAS felt she was up to it and capable.
No ones being elevated to a position of responsibilty. The 'street soldiers' are temporary mods with a few exceptions. OG mods are NOT going to be shut out in the long run (except for WoW). Rukas said he was thinking of making me a mod there for a little while now (thats his decision) and he made Amara one to. Duke wants a re-instatment, i have no problem with that, so there's no problems there. They're all temporary measures with some exceptions. Example, out of the 'street soldiers' no one wants to even mod streethop. Ive already put thug $tyle and EDouble down for that forum cos they were doing it before.

I also think there might be somekind of password issue going on. since the hackers had access to databases etc.

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