
Alright guys, I feel I need to say something. The "credentials" you have laid out are 1) Having been here a long time, 2) Having made a lot of posts. Well in response to that, you are right, I have only been here since October 2004, but does that make me any less interested and concerned for the goings on of the board? No. The hours that I have spent on here has been considerable and solid and my interest in WoW and DFL is obvious. I have not made a huge number of posts. But, really, I hardly think that is something which proves I am unworthy to be mod. Afterall, shouldn't you concern yourself with the quality of posts, not the number? I could easily have worked up a bigger tally had I not carefully and selectively thought out the posts I make. I suggest those of you still think I am unworthy, at least take the time to get to know me and try to figure out for yourselves why it is I have been selected. Until then, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from making your ill-founded complaints.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
We are only making Soldiers mods now on for secutiry reasons. For the same reason only myself and Jon will be admins.

As for Amara, I know and trust her well enough on here and in real life to know she can handle the job.

Other mods will be reinstated when i feel the need. But this is a fresh start for the board, new posts, new posters, new rules, new mods.

When we do select more mods again, those that were mods previously and did a good job and continue to be good in their selected forum will be looked to first.

For now it is how it is.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Zero Cool said:
I have viewed many of her points and while she's a good poster there are many who present their cases better and with who I am prone to agree far more often. That said I've absolutely nothing against the girl however in my opinion this reward or recognition thing is going just a little too far. You all helped spam a board, great you should be applauded but let's be honest it's not exactly an amazing feat. Many who are now being elevated to positions of responsibilty are wholly unqualified for it. I agree with DutchMakaveli the way things were worked just fine (i.e. us voting for our mods) I really don't like the direction the board is currently taking.

What the hell are you talking about? Firstly, what does you agreeing with someone or not have to do with them being a mod?

Secondly, Soldier status is not for people who spammed or else there would be a 100 members, currently there are only 15. Soldier Status is for those that went above and beyond spamming and supported the board whether through spamming or other means. It shows us that people actually care about the board to go out of their way to help, without being asked and without expecting any rewards. These people stayed online when we needed them and stuck around till the job was done. If that is not mod material, I dont know what is.

Their opinions do not matter, all mods do is close and move threads. You dont need to know quantom physics to work out that a porn thread doesnt belong in a physics forum. But having said that, ken has been asigned to WoW because that is the forum he posts in most and does a good job there. saltynuts has been made a mod of Thugz Mansion because that is the forum he belongs in most. We arent just sticking people in at random, they are voted for in the Secrets of War forum.

As for you saying, "Many who are now being elevated to positions of responsibilty are wholly unqualified for it," thats almost laughable because who are these many? I have put in place 2 mods, that is it. You call that many? You act like all Soldiers will get mod status, and fail to realise that a lot of Soldiers were already mods.

I think you dont know what direction the forum is heading because you dont seem to understand and just jump to conclusions, that is your fault. We will put in place mods who we feel will do a good job because they have the time to spare and are loyal. Firstly we will place in 1 or 2 mods in each forum to keep things calm right now, and they will be Soldiers. Then we will vote for more mods, but right now, we need people in place to keep things running smoothly.

If you dont understand fine, but dont spread your ignorance, ask me whats going on, dont jump to conclusions you know nothing about.
Come on. Ken and Amara will be very fair mods. Just keep comin to 2pac board and showin loyalty. The street soldiers have the security covered. Post away and have a good time reppin' it. It's like a 2nd family here.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Rukas said:
We are only making Soldiers mods now on for secutiry reasons. For the same reason only myself and Jon will be admins.

As for Amara, I know and trust her well enough on here and in real life to know she can handle the job.

Other mods will be reinstated when i feel the need. But this is a fresh start for the board, new posts, new posters, new rules, new mods.

When we do select more mods again, those that were mods previously and did a good job and continue to be good in their selected forum will be looked to first.

For now it is how it is.
It's your board and your decision, okay, but somehow it does feel unfair like this. I've been modding WoW with MX for quite some time, MX disappeared. I was one my own for months, i did what i could. And now because there are board problems and some folks helped sort out that shit, they're getting the positions. And it's like "oh, that duke guy, well, whatever".

You could have at the very least let me know about your decision.... :rolleyes:
Rukas said:
What the hell are you talking about? Firstly, what does you agreeing with someone or not have to do with them being a mod?

Secondly, Soldier status is not for people who spammed or else there would be a 100 members, currently there are only 15. Soldier Status is for those that went above and beyond spamming and supported the board whether through spamming or other means. It shows us that people actually care about the board to go out of their way to help, without being asked and without expecting any rewards. These people stayed online when we needed them and stuck around till the job was done. If that is not mod material, I dont know what is.

Their opinions do not matter, all mods do is close and move threads. You dont need to know quantom physics to work out that a porn thread doesnt belong in a physics forum. But having said that, ken has been asigned to WoW because that is the forum he posts in most and does a good job there. saltynuts has been made a mod of Thugz Mansion because that is the forum he belongs in most. We arent just sticking people in at random, they are voted for in the Secrets of War forum.

As for you saying, "Many who are now being elevated to positions of responsibilty are wholly unqualified for it," thats almost laughable because who are these many? I have put in place 2 mods, that is it. You call that many? You act like all Soldiers will get mod status, and fail to realise that a lot of Soldiers were already mods.

I think you dont know what direction the forum is heading because you dont seem to understand and just jump to conclusions, that is your fault. We will put in place mods who we feel will do a good job because they have the time to spare and are loyal. Firstly we will place in 1 or 2 mods in each forum to keep things calm right now, and they will be Soldiers. Then we will vote for more mods, but right now, we need people in place to keep things running smoothly.

If you dont understand fine, but dont spread your ignorance, ask me whats going on, dont jump to conclusions you know nothing about.

I wasn't jumping to conclusions I was just giving my opinions on what I believed was an unfair action. Ken said she was a great poster and I was simply replying as to why I don't neccessarily think that is the case. It's your board and you've every right to do what you want with it, I don't dispute that. However it was coming across as some mods like Duke were being replaced for people whose record were incomparable to his but for the fact that they had "contributed" to the board (or achieved Street Soldier status as you call it). Remember many people could not access the board when it was hijacked and didn't have a chance to "stay around till the job was done". That said your post has cleared up a lot of things and I thank you for taking the time to reply.
Duke said:
It's your board and your decision, okay, but somehow it does feel unfair like this. I've been modding WoW with MX for quite some time, MX disappeared. I was one my own for months, i did what i could. And now because there are board problems and some folks helped sort out that shit, they're getting the positions. And it's like "oh, that duke guy, well, whatever".

You could have at the very least let me know about your decision.... :rolleyes:
there was never a problem with you doing or not doing your job as mod. I think your being petty, lets just say that new people are going to be given a run as mods. You've had your 5 minutes let the next people have their 5 minutes now. Its as simple as that!!
Zero Cool said:
I wasn't jumping to conclusions I was just giving my opinions on what I believed was an unfair action. Ken said she was a great poster and I was simply replying as to why I don't neccessarily think that is the case. It's your board and you've every right to do what you want with it, I don't dispute that. However it was coming across as some mods like Duke were being replaced for people whose record were incomparable to his but for the fact that they had "contributed" to the board (or achieved Street Soldier status as you call it). Remember many people could not access the board when it was hijacked and didn't have a chance to "stay around till the job was done". That said your post has cleared up a lot of things and I thank you for taking the time to reply.
not that she was a 'great poster', i said that from her posts you can tell that she seems a mature and responsible person. Hence she can be trusted with a mod spot.
What do you mean by 'incomparabe records', Rukas has stated that he wants new mods for the new board. He wants to give others people a run as mods. In all forums not just WoW.
ken said:
not that she was a 'great poster', i said that from her posts you can tell that she seems a mature and responsible person. Hence she can be trusted with a mod spot.
What do you mean by 'incomparabe records', Rukas has stated that he wants new mods for the new board. He wants to give others people a run as mods. In all forums not just WoW.
Sure but why are people like Duke being removed to facilitate it? He has a long record of modding the WoW forum with impartiality and fairness, is he to be dropped to make way for "new people" even though he's done an excellent job? Even though I may not neccessarily agree with the choices I have no problem with you or Amara being made mods but if people like Duke are to be dispensed to help create a "new board" I'm very dissapointed. If, as you indicate, this indeed is the prevailing attitude then the board will go even further downhill than it already has, mark my words.
Chill man, its not the end of the world. Before Duke there were other mods! There was also MX red, mods before Duke are no longer there and MX red isnt there, has the board gone downhill because of this? I dont think the mods will be the cause of a board going downhill. If mods do get out of hand then they will be dealt with. There's not much modding needed in WoW anyway, so its not even a big as issue as you seem to be making it out.
In thugz masnsion a new appointment will be saltynuts, tell me, how is that going to affect thugz mansion significantly enough to be the demise of the board? YOu have a very imaginative mind!
I can't help but feel you seem to be disgruntled at Dukes mod privelge being remvoed more than Duke. Do you want to be a mod?
ken said:
Chill man, its not the end of the world. Before Duke there were other mods! There was also MX red, mods before Duke are no longer there and MX red isnt there, has the board gone downhill because of this? I dont think the mods will be the cause of a board going downhill. If mods do get out of hand then they will be dealt with. There's not much modding needed in WoW anyway, so its not even a big as issue as you seem to be making it out.
In thugz masnsion a new appointment will be saltynuts, tell me, how is that going to affect thugz mansion significantly enough to be the demise of the board? YOu have a very imaginative mind!
I can't help but feel you seem to be disgruntled at Dukes mod privelge being remvoed more than Duke. Do you want to be a mod?
It ain't just Duke but he's the topic of this and I feel that he's done a good job and always been a sound moderater. Not at all listen ken I'm real happy for you being made a mod and I hope you enjoy it, I just don't like seeing people such as Duke dispensed without even so much as them being personally informed about it.
Ofcourse Duke did a good job! But mods are always being chopped and changed. I would be more than willing to give up my spot after a run. Someone like Illuminattile could have it. I wouldn't mind that. YOu can quote me on this in future!
Simple solution...if shit gets really out of hand, the "new mod" can be removed in favor of the old one.

Remember, as a mod all you're doing is just closing threads and keeping people in line. Nothing more. Don't lust for the power :p



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ken, you seem to think being a mod is something you should thank God for every day. Being a mod is more like doing a favour for the board admins. They can't check everything and if you can help keep things in check in the forums where you hang out, then thats good. Then both parties are profiting from it.

Look, i'm not losing 2 seconds of sleep over losing my mod position. But after months of "faithful service", much of that time on my own no less, i'm more or less shoved aside for people who helped spam the board. Okay, that's one thing. It's not my board, i'm not calling the shots. But damn it, an admin couldn't spare 2 minutes for a PM explaining the decision to me?

IMO, that's not only a tad unfair, it's just practically disrespectful man.

Like Zero is implying, it's not necessarily about me, it's about the principle.
I was offered the position. I never demanded it or nor did I make threads asking for re-instatements. Rukas was going to make me a mod before the board was hijacked, we discussed it then. The mod position in WoW has got nothing to do with the spamming as Amara wasn't involved in that. Rukas has also told you that the mod positions for now are becasue of secuirty issues. Remember the hackers stole a database of passwords. There were loads of other mods who have lost their positions, they aren't mkaing threads here. Till a few days ago the mod mechanism on the board wasn't even working, you have been continually told that you will be re-instated yet you fail to acknowledge that fact. Insted you want to cry about principals of not being notified. Well you asked in this thread and you were told of being re-instated soon. The admins have been very busy with other things. If being a mod is something which you don't thank God everyday for, then just be alittle patient. why you being bitter about it? Even after being told that you will be re-instated. Where's the principal in that.

I dont thank God everyday about it, but the way you are going on about it after being told of re-instatments I feel as if I have something that I should thank God for. Zero has accepted that you will be re-instated and has moved onto other matters of Amara being made a mod eventhough she's not been here that long.
WTF? its only a mod position whats so unfair? I cant think of anything worse then closing, moving, closing, moving repetive shit over and over again, especially in the life forum, do you really want to be doing a "job" like that? How dull.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
ken said:
I was offered the position. I never demanded it or nor did I make threads asking for re-instatements. Rukas was going to make me a mod before the board was hijacked, we discussed it then. The mod position in WoW has got nothing to do with the spamming as Amara wasn't involved in that. Rukas has also told you that the mod positions for now are becasue of secuirty issues. Remember the hackers stole a database of passwords. There were loads of other mods who have lost their positions, they aren't mkaing threads here. Till a few days ago the mod mechanism on the board wasn't even working, you have been continually told that you will be re-instated yet you fail to acknowledge that fact. Insted you want to cry about principals of not being notified. Well you asked in this thread and you were told of being re-instated soon. The admins have been very busy with other things. If being a mod is something which you don't thank God everyday for, then just be alittle patient. why you being bitter about it? Even after being told that you will be re-instated. Where's the principal in that.

I dont thank God everyday about it, but the way you are going on about it after being told of re-instatments I feel as if I have something that I should thank God for. Zero has accepted that you will be re-instated and has moved onto other matters of Amara being made a mod eventhough she's not been here that long.

Why are you taking this so personal? I've never attacked you or disputed your position as a mod. Stop defending yourself. This thread was never aimed at you. I made this thread wanting to know what was going on from an admin. Then suddenly people start replying and the threads 3 pages deep. I never intended that.

And you must be seeing things i'm not. I've been continually told i'd be reinstated? Ruk only said "mods will be reinstated when i feel the need for it. "

I've never personally been told i'll be reinstated. Now, i don't mind that, i wont lose any sleep over it, but you saying so is plainly untrue. The reason i'm being "bitter" over this is because you keep replying as well, with things that aren't even true.

I now see why things went down as they went. Okay, i'll wait it out then. All good.

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