Getting this off my chest: "I Used to Love H.E.R." sucks.


Well-Known Member
ill-matic said:
* LL Cool J is immensely underrated.
* Immortal Technique is nothing special.

Cool J is his own worst enemy really , the man has flow, delivery and the vocab.. but he never seems to step it up, i think G.O.A.T was going to be the start of hie great come back, but the man loves his ladies too much so he gives in to R&B..

Technique is tight, it just some of his fans preach like he is the saviour of hip hop, the man is Chuck D, Scarface and Chino Xl in one package for me, what is there not to like.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
TheCat said:
Technique is tight, it just some of his fans preach like he is the saviour of hip hop, the man is Chuck D, Scarface and Chino Xl in one package for me, what is there not to like.

It's cool to like Tech and cool to hate 50. The masses just follow. And that is how most people on this board work.

I.T is OK. But he has far too many poor tracks that outweigh the great. He is also very repetitive and just repeats common knowledge conspiracy theories. I am a fan. But he's not that great.


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Staff member
I wouldn't say Streets Disciple was "so poor" though. I'm not going to say I thought it was great or even good, but it wasn't poor. As far as the song Death Anniversary, it's not that bad. I don't think it's a bad song, so I guess I don't like it as much as others? I've always been a big Nas fan, so i'm always hoping he'll drop something dope.

Also, a rapper doesn't have to be "anything special" to be a good rapper. Many people now a days seem to think that if they don't like someone ..they are overrated or something. I'm obviously not pointing fingers, i'm just addressing something I noticed. I can't begin to think how many times i've said this ..if you don't like someone, don't listen to them. It's amazing how often you will get that impression from someone where they think they have to listen to something or they can't get away from it or something. Now I know the radio is nothing but garbage music, so don't listen to it. Don't watch MTV and BET videos. It's not that hard to avoid.

lol @ Lok saying Mase needs "a dick up his ass".


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
its linx! said:
I wouldn't say Streets Disciple was "so poor" though. I'm not going to say I thought it was great or even good, but it wasn't poor. As far as the song Death Anniversary, it's not that bad. I don't think it's a bad song, so I guess I don't like it as much as others? I've always been a big Nas fan, so i'm always hoping he'll drop something dope.

Also, a rapper doesn't have to be "anything special" to be a good rapper. Many people now a days seem to think that if they don't like someone ..they are overrated or something. I'm obviously not pointing fingers, i'm just addressing something I noticed. I can't begin to think how many times i've said this ..if you don't like someone, don't listen to them. It's amazing how often you will get that impression from someone where they think they have to listen to something or they can't get away from it or something. Now I know the radio is nothing but garbage music, so don't listen to it. Don't watch MTV and BET videos. It's not that hard to avoid.

lol @ Lok saying Mase needs "a dick up his ass".
Ditto on the Nas comments. I just can't see why everyone is getting so excited over that track. It is good. But it's not amazing.

And I almost agree with your comment on only listen to rappers you like. I think hip-hop needs you to listen a few times before you feel the tracks. So many songs I've disliked, heard them a few times and discovered that they are excelllent. People tend just to give a song 1 listen and then judge it. I give a track at least 5 listens.
The first time I heard I used to love her(which was a long time ago) I didn't get the concept till common said it at the end, although I had a idea I wasnt sure, so to me its always been dope. I love the Beat I think it fits the thought perfectly plus the scratching and chorus are great and reminiscent of 88'.I used to love H.E.R. is a classic song period.

roaches said:
Getting some more things off my chest:
* Nas sucks. He is a half-baked relic with no ear for beats and who clearly has smoked too much weed. If you find his lyrics profound or engaging and can pass a drug test, you should be sterilized.

Feel free to get things off of your chests.
And Although I do agree that Nas has a bad ear for beats to say he is not profound and/or engaging is herresy. With such thought provoking songs and intellectualy aware tracks as "The World Is Yours" "Poison" and "Black Zombies" or "doo rags" shit I can go on all day "My country" theres so many songs In my opinion where Nas's "Poetry's deep" that your quote here just doesn't make sense.

"My intellect prevails from your hanging cross with nails"

"And im amped up they locked the champ up//
even my brains in handcuffs//"

"funny how these black killer companies is makin money off us
Fast food, cola, soda, Skull & Bone crosses, it's all poison"

oh and not engaging shit "undying love" thats that but im a still qoute some shit cus i got ohhla up lol

"Could you believe even my shadow's jealous
My skin is mad at my flesh, my flesh hates my own bones
My brain hates my heart, my heart makes the songs"

That's very engaging in my view and ive been off the weed for a long time now.
ROACHES: dont get caught up on what other people like...WHY DO U GIVE A FUCK???? why does it bother u that other people like this song??? WHO GIVES A FUCK....if u dont like it dont listen! end of fucking story.

quit being so judgemental and shit people like different things for different reasons. u know maybe i sed to love her came out around the same time someone was going through a difficult time in their own life and they related to it some how, and from that day on they loved it, shit i dont know but u get the picture.

now im not bashing u on having these feelings, shit i have this same viloent spurts about similar shit but just relax, do what u do and dont worry about what others like cause it really doesnt matter...(i like to tell myslef this on a regualr basis)

but shit, thanks for sharing ur feelings



Well-Known Member
Staff member
aloivas said:
Wow at people actually agreeing with this thread. I'm actually convinced roaches could make a thread saying "actually, Illmatic really sucks" and a whole bunch of people would reply, saying shit like "yeah, i respect it but i never really felt it" and "word. i never knew what people saw in that album".
Was that meant for me and/or 7Syns? Cause we are the only people that agreed with roaches atleast a little bit that I can remember. I know roaches posting this didn't make me feel any differently than I felt before about the song and i'm pretty sure the same goes for 7Syns.

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
aloivas; I don't listen to Common much, so whats the deal with someone agreeing with this thread or not? "I Used To Love H.E.R." is classic off creativity alone. Thats how I feel about it.. You want to argue about it then go right ahead, but Im not paying attention.

roaches; you don't derail my threads at all. I just can't be screwed arguing with you anymore lol.

Sure you do know a fair bit about hip-hop culture but when it's music alone it's all opinions. You may know who did what when and how, but no-one can say whats hot and whats not because our minds all distinguish it differently. In the end I get tired of arguing with you because if you treasure some dude with no mic presence and charisma.. that all he's got going for him is his rhymes and a half-assed flow then thats you. But if people disagree then let them be. Thats how I see it.


thread wise:

* Nas is put above AZ, because AZ doesn't have a straight classic like Illmatic. When you look at the consistancy of lp's, you realize AZ isn't only the better at making lp's but the better emcee in general.

* I'm over the moon that Ghostface decided to put a banger like 'Be Easy' as a single and stopped fucking with those wanna be "Cherchez LaGhost' remakes. I didn't think Pretty Toney was all that.. solid but alittle bit lackluster esp. from Ghost.

* Bun-B's "Legends" mixtape w/ MDDLFNGZ is disappointing :(

* Redman's "Rush The Security" is hot, unbiased opinion too. The songs a great single in my opinion. Who produced it though? Has a little westcoast feel..

* Mugg's produced some boring beats for GZA, matter of fact their Chess Masters LP though solid is alittle bit of a let down. Hope he regathers muster for the DECK collabo..



Well-Known Member
its linx! said:
I wouldn't say Streets Disciple was "so poor" though. I'm not going to say I thought it was great or even good, but it wasn't poor. As far as the song Death Anniversary, it's not that bad. I don't think it's a bad song, so I guess I don't like it as much as others? I've always been a big Nas fan, so i'm always hoping he'll drop something dope.

Also, a rapper doesn't have to be "anything special" to be a good rapper. Many people now a days seem to think that if they don't like someone ..they are overrated or something. I'm obviously not pointing fingers, i'm just addressing something I noticed. I can't begin to think how many times i've said this ..if you don't like someone, don't listen to them. It's amazing how often you will get that impression from someone where they think they have to listen to something or they can't get away from it or something. Now I know the radio is nothing but garbage music, so don't listen to it. Don't watch MTV and BET videos. It's not that hard to avoid.

lol @ Lok saying Mase needs "a dick up his ass".

I think what people mean by "nothing special" is exactly that. They are "nothing special" as a rapper.
aloivas said:
Wow at people actually agreeing with this thread. I'm actually convinced roaches could make a thread saying "actually, Illmatic really sucks" and a whole bunch of people would reply, saying shit like "yeah, i respect it but i never really felt it" and "word. i never knew what people saw in that album".

roaches, i don't know if you're just saying some of this shit to be different, but most of it is pretty lame.

some of this pretentious shit is getting out of hand. you're really living this "hip hop message board master" shit, aren't you?

hahahaha, and I don't agree with the "it sucks" was a clever statement song during that time which has lasted. Thats a classic song, a good storytelling song that is well written. The beat and the lyrics go together...but you'll like what you'll like I have to say though not too many people in the actaul 'hip-hop" community (writers,rappers etc) wouldnt agree with that statement at all and I think they know about hip-hop as much if not more.
Since we are all getting shit off of our chests, let me say some things.
1) Kany West shit is done now, he was cool in the beginning but is nothing special. And that discrimination bullshit about fags in rap is true. But fuck that because man is not supposed to lay with man and same for women. Its not like rappers are discrimination against fags cuz their facial features or skin colors, rappers clown because being gay is wrong and its their own fucking decision to be gay, regardless of what others say fags are not born fags. Kanye West is probably gay himself and is ready to come out of the closet so he is preparing everybody by bringing up his gay cousin and trying to play it off like its all good.
2)Paul Wall and Mike Jones suck, they sound just like the rest of the mainstream Southern rappers. Mike Jones should have joined the And 1 tour and made his living like that.
3)T.I. sucks, plain and simple
4)Immortal Technique is not the saviour of hip hop, but he is refreshing considering every time one turns on the radio he/she hears the same shit.
5)Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion, so nobody in here should knock anybody else for the other person's likes and dislikes.
6)Marijuana should not be legalized because I wouldn't make enough money to pay rent if it was legalized.
M.C.Chillz said:
Since we are all getting shit off of our chests, let me say some things.
1) Kany West shit is done now, he was cool in the beginning but is nothing special. And that discrimination bullshit about fags in rap is true. But fuck that because man is not supposed to lay with man and same for women. Its not like rappers are discrimination against fags cuz their facial features or skin colors, rappers clown because being gay is wrong and its their own fucking decision to be gay, regardless of what others say fags are not born fags. Kanye West is probably gay himself and is ready to come out of the closet so he is preparing everybody by bringing up his gay cousin and trying to play it off like its all good.
2)Paul Wall and Mike Jones suck, they sound just like the rest of the mainstream Southern rappers. Mike Jones should have joined the And 1 tour and made his living like that.
3)T.I. sucks, plain and simple
4)Immortal Technique is not the saviour of hip hop, but he is refreshing considering every time one turns on the radio he/she hears the same shit.
5)Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion, so nobody in here should knock anybody else for the other person's likes and dislikes.
6)Marijuana should not be legalized because I wouldn't make enough money to pay rent if it was legalized.
thats the whole point some would say'


Well-Known Member
M.C.Chillz said:
5)Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion, so nobody in here should knock anybody else for the other person's likes and dislikes.
Isnt this the whole point of this section of the board though. To share, discuss, refute opinions, maybe call someone wrong and then discuss it. So me knocking you for saying T.I sucks plain and simple would be ok since you can probably hold no merit with that statement besides saying the same old, this rapper is watered down, his flow sucks, sounds the same bs people who dont know what they talk about bring up the whole time.

Also saying Kanye West is done is borderline mentally retarded.
7 Syns said:
* Mugg's produced some boring beats for GZA, matter of fact their Chess Masters LP though solid is alittle bit of a let down. Hope he regathers muster for the DECK collabo..

GZA's flow is what put me to sleep on that one, although there were a few boring beats, I really enjoyed the mood created.
1. no, Common never said hiphop sucked... he said it just changed in a way he didnt necessarily was never a diss to the west or anything like that...go watch beef.
2. i agree with your top 5 producers for the most part....BUT i think DJmuggs needs to be in there somewhere! (he's #1 for me)
3. man, Nas is dope!....go listen to One Mic.



Well-Known Member
^Tight song but still a laughable comment.

Things i have to get off my chest would probably mainly be questions.
Like would Pac be as charished as he is now if he didn't die?
Could Nas and Mega have been the tightest duo if it wasn't for there fallout?
Would I like Muggs that much more if I didnt have to hear B-Real' voice so much?
Why isn't The Alchemist gettin praise he deserves?
What is holding Hip-Hop back from progressing like it should be?

Just a bunch of stupid shit really.

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