Game Says He'll Battle Bleek For $50,000

warriorinjewelz said:
well he didn't die today so he is far from a legend yet. rap beefs are getting so lame and getting faker by the day. beef is played out and they are just playing "us" the fans to make themselves more richer. peace
:thumb: Truest post in the thread.
Mr. Kleany said:
everyone repeating the same shit.

just let them battle, whatever.

50 is a legend. if he died today, mainstream would look at him as a legend.
You're joking, right?

Eminem isn't even a fucking legend yet, how can 50 be one?

One of the guidelines used in determininga legend is longevity and being active and a good seller for three years hardly constitutes "legend".

Kleany, honest dude, I have never had anything against you and I don't feel one way or another about you, haven't conversed or read enough of your posts to make a judgement about you, but this comment is one of the stupidest things ever sadi.

If 50 is a legend, then what the fuck does that make Pac?

Wow...I'm just in fucking awe at the fact anyone other than 14 year old rebellious white teens and 12 year old white females had the nerve to call 50 a legend...

It's going to be a while before I recover from
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I do agree with this.

Nevertheless, I want the battle to happen so we can get Jay back in this bitch.
More important than that, so he can take Game out. lol, and I find it ironic that I'm saying I want him ripped but I'm listening to The Documentry as I type this.

Game is ok, I'm just irritated by how extremely overrated he already is. He's got some OK tracks on The Documentary, and I've admitted his shit is starting to grow on me, I really don't have a problem with the guy other than he's getting way more attention than is what he deserves.

As you can see, I'm kinda confused myself as to what I think of homeboy.
luisjc said:
are you serious? the game would smoke everybody in the industry right now.
Oh shit! Read this and almost dropped my glass of iced tea on the keyboard from shock and laughter.

HAHA! Sig worthy post here, but for all the wrong reasons. :thumb:
so wtf.....You dont think he was dissing the game

How is it that 95% of the time you manage to misunderstand everything I type?

Dude, my post was IN DEFENSE of Jay. Have you not read the rest of my messages in this thread? I want Jay to battle and destroy Game. Read my post again, I was saying that IF I WERE IN GAME'S POSITION and people, including the rapper people think iit's referencing, think that I dissed someone I claim to have a great respect and love for and claim he inspired my career, I'd go out of my way to clear the air.
Damn Game is funny. He really thinks he can battle Jay and try to take him out. I feel that if he continues running his mouth he'll put himself in some big problems.

Dj Harris said:
Game wud definatly Slap Bleek in a battle but i think Bleek has a bigger following at the minute and would win solely on that.
So are you saying because of his backing (Jay-Z) he will win because of him?? Come on!!! You win by battle..skills..not by who has your back!
Game seriously don't have much skills

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