Game and 50 so called "beef" is a BIG publicity stunt

...And it's a successful one thus far.
It seems the majority of heads on this board at least have fallen for it hook line and sinker. Let me put this into lamens terms for you...
1. 50's album is about to drop and he knows that "it aint all that"
2. Beef sells
3. Right now Game is selling
= They have engineered this beef between each other to increase their own respective album sales. Think about it...what would an audience find more compelling than two label mates feuding with each other? the hype is already built up...everyone wants to know where Em and Dre stand, back and forth radio responses, rukas outside etc...all the while album sales for both artists are increasing a great deal.
Aftermath / Shady is a very good propoganda machine.

I'll leave you with this one question to ponder over...
If 50 was really the Scarface toting egocentric madman he wants everyone to think he is and Game was really taken seriously by the Bloods (whom incidently he made himself a member of cuz dudes in the CPT never see this guy) wouldn't shit have "REALLY" popped off now? real gangsters don't diss each other over the radio and over the internet.

It's laughable cuz all ya'll think this is genuine.
lol its laughable becuz u think you know it all, maybe it is a publicity stunt, maybe it aint, who the FUCK are u to try to call it?
Yeah sure it is. Didn't 50 even say that Dre was so stuck on game that he waited 6 months for dre to come and help produce his album? and do you see any dr dre on 50 cent's new album? No. this beef isn't fake. I've been hearin that 50 only carries game as a favor to dr dre since game first dropped how we do.


Well-Known Member
cm_millionaire said:
...And it's a successful one thus far.
It seems the majority of heads on this board at least have fallen for it hook line and sinker. Let me put this into lamens terms for you...
1. 50's album is about to drop and he knows that "it aint all that"
2. Beef sells
3. Right now Game is selling
= They have engineered this beef between each other to increase their own respective album sales. Think about it...what would an audience find more compelling than two label mates feuding with each other? the hype is already built up...everyone wants to know where Em and Dre stand, back and forth radio responses, rukas outside etc...all the while album sales for both artists are increasing a great deal.
Aftermath / Shady is a very good propoganda machine.

I'll leave you with this one question to ponder over...
If 50 was really the Scarface toting egocentric madman he wants everyone to think he is and Game was really taken seriously by the Bloods (whom incidently he made himself a member of cuz dudes in the CPT never see this guy) wouldn't shit have "REALLY" popped off now? real gangsters don't diss each other over the radio and over the internet.

It's laughable cuz all ya'll think this is genuine.
Damm thank for filling us in man :thumb: got any other hot info for us :confused:




*calls M&M*

*let it ring 9 times*

*hangs up*

*calls again but this time lets it ring 11 times*

*M&M Answers the phone*

Micheal Moore here...

Yo whuddup big Mike i got another docu for you to shoot..

M&M : Oh really?

yeah it involves rich evil white men are you interested?

Sure am!! he says...

Its a deal than Mike talk to ya later aight?

M&M: Oh do you mind if I involve Bush in this docu because I really feel like picking on him again.

Yes that's kool oh and make sure it gets more attention than Mel's The passion aight? Oh and Mike you can shoot in flint michigan again...if ya want to...

M&M: yeah Homie I'll do that matter of fact im already shooting it...Peace


lmao omfg @ the spelling errors
one mc on dj said:




*calls M&M*

*let it ring 9 times*

*hangs up*

*calls again but this time lets it ring 11 times*

*M&M Answers the phone*

Micheal Moore here...

Yo whuddup big Mike i got another docu for you to shoot..

M&M : Oh really?

yeah it involves rich evil white men are you interested?

Sure am!! he says...

Its a deal than Mike talk to ya later aight?

M&M: Oh do you mind if I involve Bush in this docu because I really feel like picking on him again.

Yes that's kool oh and make sure it gets more attention than Mel's The passion aight? Oh and Mike you can shoot in flint michigan again...if ya want to...

M&M: yeah Homie I'll do that matter of fact im already shooting it...Peace


lmao omfg @ the spelling errors
lmao you'd make a good director/producer/scriptwriter.
but what would it mean if someone was acutualy shot
it depends on the real reason that person got shot which none of us really know anything about but what the media says. just look at the timing of all this, right when 50's album comes out lol. peace
man i hate it when people try to act like they know something that nobody else knows...but then it turns out to be some kid stating his opinion acting like they know more then everybody else
do some of yall actually think that rappers wouldn't start a fake beef for millions of dollars? of course they would. 50 even says in every song he is just in it for the money. peace
That Michael Moore "screenwrite" was a peice of trash. Why are people even laughing at that?

Anyway, 50 Cent and Game could be a publicity stunt, but I doubt they both feel obligated to server propaganda strong enough to orchestrate a fake beef.
Thats exactly why i posted that micheal moore shit..pplz constantly saying its publicity they keep making up new conspiracy theories...Look I think it started out as something little and the labels take advantage of it...


New Member
Staff member
in my opinion i think 50 Cent was always going to drop Game , but , since his cd was dropping soon , he decided to bring himself more attention about his feelings for Game by making it public

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