Eminem - Mockingbird (The Video)

Story said:
i wish you would learn how to read, where did i say nething about weed cash bling

i didnt

learn to fucking read before you attack bizzle fizzle
my comment wasn't directed at only you.. just the majority of e-thugs that make up this community..
I did read your comment.. every word of it.. and although you didn't say anything about weed cash or bling you made it quite clear that you're "tired" of hearing em rap about his daughter or wife etc..
which leads anyone to believe that you are just another moron on this forum trying to be hardcore over the internet..
You say you're tired of hearing all of the TWO songs about his daughter.. you'd rather listen to countless amounts of rappers, who rap about NOTHING AT ALL.
Like i said the comment i made wasn't totally directed at you.. but i'm so sick of wannabe thugs coming on this forum saying shit like "oh em is soft cause he made a song about his daughter, or he sang the chorus to a nursery rhyme" or that "i'm so sick of hearing about his daughter or his wife".. if anything this is the stuff that eminem deserves the most props for, because for 1. It's real (i dont give a fuck what YOU or anyone else defines as "keepin it real".. but it doesn't get any more real then rapping about something that actually means something. and 2. Because nobody else will dare to do this shit, rather then rapping about how much cash or bling they got.

BizzleDizzle said:
my comment wasn't directed at only you.. just the majority of e-thugs that make up this community..
I did read your comment.. every word of it.. and although you didn't say anything about weed cash or bling you made it quite clear that you're "tired" of hearing em rap about his daughter or wife etc..
which leads anyone to believe that you are just another moron on this forum trying to be hardcore over the internet..
You say you're tired of hearing all of the TWO songs about his daughter.. you'd rather listen to countless amounts of rappers, who rap about NOTHING AT ALL.
Like i said the comment i made wasn't totally directed at you.. but i'm so sick of wannabe thugs coming on this forum saying shit like "oh em is soft cause he made a song about his daughter, or he sang the chorus to a nursery rhyme" or that "i'm so sick of hearing about his daughter or his wife".. if anything this is the stuff that eminem deserves the most props for, because for 1. It's real (i dont give a fuck what YOU or anyone else defines as "keepin it real".. but it doesn't get any more real then rapping about something that actually means something. and 2. Because nobody else will dare to do this shit, rather then rapping about how much cash or bling they got.

i didnt even read your post cause i dont care what you said, dont assume shit when it comes to me, all i said is that in my opinion i am tired of hearing about that stupid ass little girl, there are a MILLION things that he can rap about, dont do every song on your daughter, your wife being a whore, or your mom being a pill head.

i dont need a lecture from you.

this video made me like eminem a little more...from the heart shit always gets to me, no matter who wrote it or what color their skin is, or anything like that. props cown for the link.
aban said:
"I mean what the point of crying ?

They are still alive , not like they are dead ?

Man , i swear white peoples are pusssy.

You got 100 Mill. in the bank , two daughters that are in good health , no cancer , no nothing and you still cry like a little Bitch .....

*sighs at white people*"
:rolleyes: lame


Well-Known Member
The blind masses thinking Eminem is the first do to something like always. You act like he is the first rapper to give a glimpse of his life.
No one needs to be saying "no other rapper has the balls to do this" or whatever, it's been done.
As for the video, decent video for a failed song. I have heard so many times and im still sick of the beat.
Aristotle said:
The blind masses thinking Eminem is the first do to something like always. You act like he is the first rapper to give a glimpse of his life.
No one needs to be saying "no other rapper has the balls to do this" or whatever, it's been done.
As for the video, decent video for a failed song. I have heard so many times and im still sick of the beat.
i wouldn't call it blind masses.. we understand em is definitly not the first to do something like this, and probably wont be the last, all i'm saying is that in TODAYS hiphop world, hearing a song like this, or seeing a video like this is extremely rare... everyone has gone commercial, including em, but it is refreshing to hear something like this for a change. Now about the "having the balls" issue, i believe it's true... you wouldn't catch ANY other rapper out there today for 1. singing an emotional song 2. Having the chorus and melody from a nursery rhyme and 3. Exposing their family life in a video. You dont have to like eminem at all to appreciate what he did, even though you may be sick of the song, ya know.

Story said:
i am tired of hearing about that stupid ass little girl, there are a MILLION things that he can rap about, dont do every song on your daughter, your wife being a whore, or your mom being a pill head.
There are a million other things he could rap about? like what? would you rather him rap about the same 10 million things every other fucking rapper raps about. Should he not write songs about his life/daughter/family or personal issues because it doesn't fit to your tastes?
seriously, how ever gay rappin about weed,drugs, bitches, etc is. its still light years ahead of listenig some wigger talking about raping his mother, and his wifes a hoe, and all the other corny shit he goes on with.

this songs alright, despite its been done before, noticed i said "aight" , theres songs like this getin churned out everyday, but like always mtv is where the majority of your music listenig lies , so its all new for you's


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Frank Grimes said:

this songs alright, despite its been done before, noticed i said "aight" , theres songs like this getin churned out everyday, but like always mtv is where the majority of your music listenig lies , so its all new for you's

I'm not doubting you, but please tell me another video like this. Because I only watch MTV.
aban said:
"I mean what the point of crying ?

They are still alive , not like they are dead ?

Man , i swear white peoples are pusssy.

You got 100 Mill. in the bank , two daughters that are in good health , no cancer , no nothing and you still cry like a little Bitch .....

*sighs at white people*"
That was unecessary, it aint about being pussy dumbass.
I thought it was ok not bad. I used to like eminem in his slim shady days know i cant stand him because some shit he says know is just shit.

Typical eminem ending to the video. lol

aban said:
"I mean what the point of crying ?

They are still alive , not like they are dead ?

Man , i swear white peoples are pusssy.

You got 100 Mill. in the bank , two daughters that are in good health , no cancer , no nothing and you still cry like a little Bitch .....

*sighs at white people*"

I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races - Tupac

i liked the video, and it's his right to write songs for his daughter if he wants to. He is talkin about what he feels, and i respect him for that, the lyrics are very deep and if you are bored of them just don't listen to him.
something tells me if a normal black rapper tried to do a video like this it wouldnt be shown, but since its a white guy its ok, lol, some propaganda bullshit, record lables are fucked up, niggaz need to create a new type of music where only niggaz control it.


me, myself & us
Silleone said:
something tells me if a normal black rapper tried to do a video like this it wouldnt be shown, but since its a white guy its ok, lol, some propaganda bullshit, record lables are fucked up, niggaz need to create a new type of music where only niggaz control it.

and why that?
I swear some of yall seriously need to spit Ems cum out your mouth :rolleyes: The ones who Blow his cock ALL THE TIME (not all, but mostly white KIDS) are just as bad as the Haters that say he sucks or don’t like ANY of his songs. The song in the video is average just like the Encore album. Talking about his daughter & baby's moma is getting tiresome. If you don't agree then you probably fantasize about taking turns blowing Ems dick with Kim while the other one is sucking his toes. He's fell off, Get over it! Yes, the rappers rapping about girls & weed all the time are annoying but so is Eminem rapping about the same shit all time. It's not any better or worse. But I know you’ll never admit it he's the great white hope that speaks on lets say, mobile home issues that you can finally relate to! :thumb: Good for you, but stop acting like the people who no better vision is blinded. In actuality you're the Idiots! :thumb:

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