Do you listen to hip-hop to look cool?

How many of you little fuckers listen to hip-hop to look cool?

I mean how many of you are afraid to say what the fuck you like?

Let's take the easiest example...Eminem Encore

If you feel that album just say it don't hate on it cuz some internet hip-hop heads do...YOu DO realize those heads prolly have a total different taste and view on hip-hop than you right? Matter of fact everyone has a different view.

Newayz...Let's be honest have you ever hated on something to be cool or look cool?

How many of you hate on immortal technique cuz Chronic does? Cuz Chronic doesn't say he is the illest***

Now offcourse I am the first to deny that haha but on the other I watch my mouth/fingers...

I know there has been times that I talked mad bullshit and copied past that I know state my own opinion...

So have you ever followed the mass and just licked ass..I know for sure everyone has had that or is in that period...

So share it...I know I make weird topics but I'm just bored...


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know what to say except 'LOL'

I liked some tracks off Encore, does not liking the rest of them make me afraid??
No that is not what I mean...I mean have you ever been afraid to say shit about an album that you liked and everybody else hated but instead of saying you liked it you hated on look cool...? LOL it's a crazy question...BUt I wanna see how many ppl will actually admit that they have done that shit..those are the ones that are being real until it becomes the next board trend and ppl start admitting too much haha...newayz you get what im trying to say?
take all the good tracks from Encore and u got a good (short) album

But sumthin tells me I should read the first post to actually find out what this topics about

o well :)


Well-Known Member
one mc on dj said:
No that is not what I mean...I mean have you ever been afraid to say shit about an album that you liked and everybody else hated but instead of saying you liked it you hated on look cool...? LOL it's a crazy question...BUt I wanna see how many ppl will actually admit that they have done that shit..those are the ones that are being real until it becomes the next board trend and ppl start admitting too much haha...newayz you get what im trying to say?
I know what you mean, and my answer is no, I always speak my mind on albums regardless of everyone elses opinions.


New Member
I have never been afraid to say i like pac or some other rappers! thats a bitch who is afraid to say what he listen too and what he likes! I don't have nothing against em or 50 and i can listen to some of there shit in 3 days but not longer! I'm more for that classic shit ain't really feeling that new gangsta stuff cuz i know is all bullshit! I like rappers who keep it real! and i like rappers who can rap like nas, pac, luda, dmx etc. thoes some good rappers right there also u have to have respect for rappers like eminem, dre (not 50 because he is made by other rappers) eminem he really is a great rapper but he's something i wouldn't listen 2 when i listen to hip hop !


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Hip-hop is the coolest. I hate the music it's so aggresive, masoginista and racist.

If it wasn't cool I wouldn't listen. It's the same reason I walk, talk and dress like an african tribesman.

Seriously though, I like about 4 tracks off Encore, it is shit but Eminem is talented and a few tracks are nice. I.T is cool also. But he isn't the master lyricist people try to portray him as. A lot is shock value. And Bin Laden wasn't more political than Mosh, just people think Tech is cool.

I like what I like, and will always state that.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Bin Laden was a bit of a bullshit track really. Regardless, Tech isn't the best on any area, save for the fact he's one of the funniest writers out there at the moment. Some of the shit he spits has me rolling on the floor.

On topic: No, i've never copied others' opinions to look cool or hide my own insecurity :) I can be swayed by other opinions, though. When i'm not feeling a certain track or album and see a lot of people liking it i usually give it a couple of more tries and see if i can discover the good sides of it.

I never say im not feeling it when i do, however. When the music is tight imo, the shit's tight for me. I tend to try and convince others of the dopeness instead of copying others.
Yall do know Encore was just an example right?...I mean it is easy to hate on something everybody is hating for me following ass that was when I just got into hip hop...


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
one mc on dj said:
Yall do know Encore was just an example right?...I mean it is easy to hate on something everybody is hating on...

Yeah. But I thought I'd address it anyway.

Hence why people hate 50 Cent, it's cool to do so. Just take his music for what it is. I prefer power of the dollar to all his albums. But I liked massacre too. The beats were great.
aight that's cool...btw I don't wanna make it seem as that I got into hip hop to look cool or ne thing..Im just saying I remember I used to make stupid comments like some ppl still do...

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